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Obama calls for $33 billion cut in farm programs

Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
from Cowboy Byte

President Barack Obama’s plan for deficit reduction would cut $33 billion from farm programs, taking a highly disproportionate amount of federal spending reductions from one of its smallest line items and perhaps stymieing Congress’ efforts to write a workable 2012 farm bill.The agriculture proposals outlined included:

•Eliminating the direct payment.
•Reducing federal government assistance to crop insurance companies and farmers Using crop insurance – reductions that would come on top of $12 billion in cuts to that important program since 2008.
•Reducing conservation spending by $2 billion over 10 years.
•Extending until 2016 the SURE disaster assistance program, which has no money allocated to it after this fiscal year.

I'd bet money that zer0 has no idea how much of the farm program
money goes to FOOD STAMPS.
Well atleast he finally did something right. I never understood the farmer/rancher help programs to begin with. I always found it amusing how these "Rugged Individualists" who couldnt stand the thought of their tax dollars going to people on welfare, were the first ones in line to get a drouth check, feed subsidies or what have you. We have a neighbor who is always rasing cane about welfare bums. Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. I know of several ranches in this area who have recieved several hundred thousand dollars in the last 10 years. One of them has recieved close to 1.5 million. Yeah the farm and ranch subsidies need to go in my opinion.
tumbleweed_texn said:
Well atleast he finally did something right. I never understood the farmer/rancher help programs to begin with. I always found it amusing how these "Rugged Individualists" who couldnt stand the thought of their tax dollars going to people on welfare, were the first ones in line to get a drouth check, feed subsidies or what have you. We have a neighbor who is always rasing cane about welfare bums. Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. I know of several ranches in this area who have recieved several hundred thousand dollars in the last 10 years. One of them has recieved close to 1.5 million. Yeah the farm and ranch subsidies need to go in my opinion.

Good one !! :cry2:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Well atleast he finally did something right. I never understood the farmer/rancher help programs to begin with. I always found it amusing how these "Rugged Individualists" who couldnt stand the thought of their tax dollars going to people on welfare, were the first ones in line to get a drouth check, feed subsidies or what have you. We have a neighbor who is always rasing cane about welfare bums. Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. I know of several ranches in this area who have recieved several hundred thousand dollars in the last 10 years. One of them has recieved close to 1.5 million. Yeah the farm and ranch subsidies need to go in my opinion.

what "ranch" programs are there?? I thought they were all "farm " payments??
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO Dont yall get it......its about dividing this country....factory farm vs family farm

Really someone tell me what is a factory farm?

The dairy i worked at was one of the largest but it was family owned, they also had reg. red angus and commercial cows. The other dairies around here are all owned by families........

I am not being a smartass just want someone to show me a factory farm.
Faster horses said:
I posted that question too, LC, but deleted it.

Why did you delete it FH?

I just am not aware of many "ranch" programs-

there was one this spring if you lost cows due to extreme weather, but I doubt that would get you millions of $$$$$, if it did you are such a poor operator you are going to go broke anyway. I don't know of anyone that put in for that dead cow disaster anyway.
Lonecowboy said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Well atleast he finally did something right. I never understood the farmer/rancher help programs to begin with. I always found it amusing how these "Rugged Individualists" who couldnt stand the thought of their tax dollars going to people on welfare, were the first ones in line to get a drouth check, feed subsidies or what have you. We have a neighbor who is always rasing cane about welfare bums. Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. I know of several ranches in this area who have recieved several hundred thousand dollars in the last 10 years. One of them has recieved close to 1.5 million. Yeah the farm and ranch subsidies need to go in my opinion.

what "ranch" programs are there?? I thought they were all "farm " payments??

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQUIP), USDA Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), several other disaster and insurance payments have been used heavily over the years by some ranchers..
Lots of water systems, feedlots, corrals and buildings have been built with EQUIP funding- and I know ranchs that have paid off their mortgage with what they've received from federal backed pasture insurance payments..
Oldtimer said:
Lonecowboy said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Well atleast he finally did something right. I never understood the farmer/rancher help programs to begin with. I always found it amusing how these "Rugged Individualists" who couldnt stand the thought of their tax dollars going to people on welfare, were the first ones in line to get a drouth check, feed subsidies or what have you. We have a neighbor who is always rasing cane about welfare bums. Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. I know of several ranches in this area who have recieved several hundred thousand dollars in the last 10 years. One of them has recieved close to 1.5 million. Yeah the farm and ranch subsidies need to go in my opinion.

what "ranch" programs are there?? I thought they were all "farm " payments??

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQUIP), USDA Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), several other disaster and insurance payments have been used heavily over the years by some ranchers..
Lots of water systems, feedlots, corrals and buildings have been built with EQUIP funding- and I know ranchs that have paid off their mortgage with what they've received from federal backed pasture insurance payments..

Ah yes oltimer would know these programs- :wink: :roll:

let's see EQUIP, if I understand it right, would be hard to make any money on- it just pays for infrastructure upgrades, no cash for your pocket that I can see.
Now lets look at that a moment, if you plan on leaving your ranch for the next generation, and congress plans on taxing the heck outa the next generation for all the votes it is buying with borrowed money this generation, at least they will have a well watered and fenced ranch to try and generate the needed extra income with.

now what is LIP oldtimer?

and is there any kind of pasture insurance that you can buy that isn't federally backed? if there is is it any more expensive?
You can make a little bit of money off of EQIP, but not enough to worry about. It used to be a reimbursement program but now their economists come up with what it should cost. They have the same cost per foot of permanent fence weather it's 1 strand of high tensile or a woven wire fence. You can make a few bucks if you do the labor yourself and watch your costs while meeting the specs. I'll admit that I've done EQIP projects myself. A bunch of fence, water pipelines and a small heavy use area for working cattle. I think it's some of the better money spent because it's infrastructure not a direct payment for a product every year. It also must meet the requirement of being tools for management that will address the priorities of NRCS, improving soil, water and air. However, if we can't afford it, it's all gotta go.
tumbleweed_texn said:
Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. quote]

While you have argument about subsidies. There is no program that pays you not to raise plant anything. They just don't exist. That old saying about paying not to plant anything comes from programs of twenty or more years ago when they had farmers idle say 10% of their land to cut production, with the intention to raise prices of commodites. A college buddy of mine works for FSA at the state level and he always gets a kick of the silly remark of farmers getting paid to do nothing.
Larrry said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. quote]

While you have argument about subsidies. There is no program that pays you not to raise plant anything. They just don't exist. That old saying about paying not to plant anything comes from programs of twenty or more years ago when they had farmers idle say 10% of their land to cut production, with the intention to raise prices of commodites. A college buddy of mine works for FSA at the state level and he always gets a kick of the silly remark of farmers getting paid to do nothing.

hurleyjd said:
Larrry said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. quote]

While you have argument about subsidies. There is no program that pays you not to raise plant anything. They just don't exist. That old saying about paying not to plant anything comes from programs of twenty or more years ago when they had farmers idle say 10% of their land to cut production, with the intention to raise prices of commodites. A college buddy of mine works for FSA at the state level and he always gets a kick of the silly remark of farmers getting paid to do nothing.


I think it would be more accurate to say "farmers getting paid to produce nothing"

it is hard to label CRP "production agriculture"
hurleyjd said:
Larrry said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. quote]

While you have argument about subsidies. There is no program that pays you not to raise plant anything. They just don't exist. That old saying about paying not to plant anything comes from programs of twenty or more years ago when they had farmers idle say 10% of their land to cut production, with the intention to raise prices of commodites. A college buddy of mine works for FSA at the state level and he always gets a kick of the silly remark of farmers getting paid to do nothing.


I was wondering about if that was what you are thinking. While you are right abnout taking it out of production for crops it does not sit idle. The big conservation and hunting groups promoted this program to "save the environment" and to produce wildlife for hunting purposes. The wildife groups and wildlife service is constantly trying to increase their size by adding wildlife programs and a big push to purchase land for that purpose.
The people who are involved in that program have to do numerous things and jump through loops for the program.
And no I do not have CRP land. Thank goodness, I don't want it and the CRP land that comes out of the program will not support cattle without a big feedbucket.
The program I thought started out with the right intentions by taking sorry land that wasn't fit to farm out of production. But like government programs it failed. It took almost any land that the landowner wanted out of production.

The problem you have is that the government wants to completely control agriculture.
Larrry said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Each year he will go out and plow up a little 40 acre spot of ground and then gets his check for not planting anything. quote]

While you have argument about subsidies. There is no program that pays you not to raise plant anything. They just don't exist. That old saying about paying not to plant anything comes from programs of twenty or more years ago when they had farmers idle say 10% of their land to cut production, with the intention to raise prices of commodites. A college buddy of mine works for FSA at the state level and he always gets a kick of the silly remark of farmers getting paid to do nothing.

Prevented planting insurance
Years ago, in this area there was a lot mote farming than now. Farmers and ranchers had so many wheat acres and barley acres. The govt didnt want an abundance and if you worked your land and let it set idle you got subsidized for that. Most of that land has gone to pasture, but someof the older ranchers got grandfathered in to the now outdated program.

There are govt programs to help ranchers fight leafyspurge

a program to bring a herder in from a foriegn country and the govt pays his wages.

There are wool subsidies. The govt wants to keep some sheep ranchers in business in case we ever get in to another worl war.


Ranchers got help for grasshopper damage two years ago.
Plus got help spraying for grasshoppers

the govt has bought too much feed and grain t subsidize farmers and came in and sold it to ranchers at below cost just to get rid of it.

There is a website that you can go to that tells whatfarmers and ranchers from gour area have got from the govt. I cant remember it, but some on here will know what Im talking about
There are wool subsidies. The govt wants to keep some sheep ranchers in business in case we ever get in to another worl war.

I think you are wrong on this one tumbleweed. It was
a terrif on wool, paid to sheep ranchers. And this one was
paid by foreign countries that brought wool in, not by the
US government. If there ever was something that was done right,
this was it and the government did away with it.

I know that Carter did away with some of.the programs, but I believe there are still some. I have a good friend who.talks about a govt wool check. Specifically what he means, I dont know and dont ask. I do know in this county that the larger sheep producers have recieved more govt help in the las 10 yrs than anybody. The deal about the govt paying a foriegn herder is current too. A cousin who raises goats up here just checked on that two weeks ago.

When I get back from the dr this evening I will try to find that site. Its a govt site. If I recall correctly, Hopalong was the one who posted the link on here a while back. Hoppywas that you?

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