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obama most recent gaffe, it's a doozy


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew, ah, janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that

According to Freud, unacceptable thoughts or beliefs are withheld from conscious awareness, and these slip help reveal what is hidden in the unconscious.
Faster horses said:
Whadda ya bet he gets a pass on this, just like everything else?

already did, check to see if the transcript matches the speech

and the top it all off, MSNBC called it racist for the Associated press to drop the "g"s in the transcripts.

they transcribed what he said and how he said it, over just copying the prepared transcript sent out by the WH.

MSNBC: Is the AP Racist for ‘Dropping the Gs’ in Transcribing Obama’s Speech?

The Associated Press (AP) covered President Obama’s speech to the Congressional Black Caucus on Saturday night, printing a transcript of what the president said. However, an MSNBC analyst now claims that the manner in which the AP covered the speech was racist.

The AP did not print the words as written for the president, instead choosing to transcribe the speech with what might be considered a bit more accuracy. For example, the teleprompter read, “Stop complaining.“ But the president said ”Stop complainin’.” And that is how the AP reported it.


the AP writer responsible for transcribing Obama’s speech. Smith’s explanation of the now-famous “dropped Gs”;

Normally, I lean toward the clean-it-up school of quote transcribing – for everyone. But in this case, the President appeared to be making such a point of dropping Gs, and doing so in a rhythmic fashion, that for me to insert them would run clearly counter to his meaning. I believe I was respecting his intent in this. Certainly disrespect was the last thing I intended.

You better not point out the President's "jive talk", or you will be called a "racist"

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