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Obama the Anti Christ

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Pinning labels on someone for one thing or one trait is narrow minded and insular. That's George Bush's way. That's your way. I would go so far as to call it "unAmerican". This country was built on tolerance, not hatred.

If the shoe fits, wear it. This country was built on tolerance? Did you ever take any American History in school? This country was built on stealing from and slaughtering the natives, enslaving Africans, then treating first the Irish, then the Italalians, then the Chinese then the Eastern Europeans like trash.

As we see on this board, one doesn't have to make disparging remarks remarks to be a racist. A racist can always come up with something negative other than color or race.

If you're trying to make the case that Wright and his followers aren't racist, your strawman is failing miserably. Try again.

Interesting. Do you consider abortion clinic bombers terrorists? Sarah Palin wouldn't call them that in an intereview. How about you? Are people who bomb women's health clincs where abortions may be performed terrorists?

I would consider anybody who bombed anyplace regardless of the reason a terrorist. William Ayers is a terrorist, and worse, he is unrepentant about it. For a politician to have a relationship with somebody of that ilk is repulsive. For somebody to excuse that politician shows a complete lack of standards.

I won't argue about criminal acts. So what? Obama didn't buy his house from Rezko.

Are you trying to say that Rezko wasn't involved in the deal? Why don't you explain to us your understanding of Rezko's involvement in that deal so we can have a good chuckle at your naitivity.

Bush isn't running again, but John McCain offers us another four years of Bush's failed policies. I think we've had enough of those. Time for CHANGE!

No, McCain does not. However, even if that were true, it would be preferable to the leap into Socialism that Chairman Obama promises. We do need change, but we need positive change. You liberals are running from a coyote, but you don't realize that you're running to a grizzly bear. Open your eyes, you're voting for a buzzword.
Martin Jr. said:
They do not belong to a terrorist organization nor are the leader of one. They have all operated independently, and probably all have a mental problem.

That's not true. There are several groups (organizations), The Army of God and American Coalition of Life Activists come to mind, that encourage and support bombers. The ACLA maintained a website with names, addresses, phone numbers, etc., of abortion providers. That made it easy for a bomber to locate a target. A court order finally shut the website down, but I don't doubt they still maintain the list and it is available to anyone who asks for it.
I have heard of the Army of God many years ago, but really doubt if it really existed except in the minds of a few people.
The other organization you mentioned put out some "Wanted" posters on the internet, but there is no known connection between these organizations and people who bombed clinics.
aplusmnt said:
CattleArmy said:
Aplus may I suggest you watch Grey's Anatomy and take some of that thinking time off your hands??

Two women are involved ------- one is questioning her sexuality. There now think about that get all worked up and throw some quotes at us all.

You sure hold Grey's Anatomy up as a benchmark in life huh? Seems to be your answer to lots of problems. Just may be that is the root of your problems :wink:

I just suggest you watch some television to see how people in the world live. See that it's on tv and people aren't outraged. See that the days of judgement are on the way out and that if everyone cleaned up their own backyards before they started on others how refreshing it would be.
CattleArmy said:
I just suggest you watch some television to see how people in the world live.

Ok I followed your advice this weekend and watched some TV to see how people in the real world live! And it scared the crap out of me!

Turns out a big ape terrorized NYC and climbed the empire state building, some swamp monster down south killed a bunch of people. There was this hockey player named Jason that went on a killing spree with a big machete.

Also found out we have an evil guy named Darth Vader who tried to kill his son Luke. Also turns out that sheep herders are also called cowboys and you better not let them get you alone on a sheep round up.

Also discovered that a guy named Fred use to be able to peddle his car with his bare feet.

You are correct so much happening in the real world that I had no idea about.

Ps. You do realize what you see on TV is no real don't you? :?
Way to ruin my reality aplus!

I ment watch current television.

Man you are showing your age. :wink:
CattleArmy said:
Way to ruin my reality aplus!

I ment watch current television.

Man you are showing your age. :wink:

Ok got you! I am mapping out this weeks TV watching to see how the real world lives. Got a new show called Heroes set to record seems there are these new super Heroes doing spectacular things I did not know about. Then going to record some show called LOST, seems like Gilligan's Island remix but the previews showed some weird things I should be able to learn about. Then there was a show called Ghost Whisper that should enlighten me to the ways of the world I am missing.

Also some Show called True Blood, I guess Vampires are real and have came out of the closet and living amongst normal folks now :shock:

I have so much to learn about the real world I better stop and get some popcorn and start learning! :wink:
Setting up Aplus' viewing this week.

Monday night: Dancing with the stars. One Tree Hill later.

Tuesday night not much.

Wednesday night: Private Practice (be prepared to be offended it's a medical show with hot subjects on it)

Thursday night: Grey's Anatomy and then ER

Friday night: Go to you local football game (if your season isn't over) Give you some hometown spirit and they are just fun!

I also recommend: Top Chef and just check out Bravo station has some good shows (some dumb ones too.)
CattleArmy said:
Setting up Aplus' viewing this week.

Monday night: Dancing with the stars. One Tree Hill later.

Tuesday night not much.

Wednesday night: Private Practice (be prepared to be offended it's a medical show with hot subjects on it)

Thursday night: Grey's Anatomy and then ER

Friday night: Go to you local football game (if your season isn't over) Give you some hometown spirit and they are just fun!

I also recommend: Top Chef and just check out Bravo station has some good shows (some dumb ones too.)

Monday night is for RAW
Tuesday for NCIS
Got to be some CSI reruns, Crusoe, Life on Mars, Two and a Half men.

But then Gunsmoke and Bonanza on TVland and old westerns on Starzs Life don't get any better. :lol: :lol:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Monday night is for RAW
Tuesday for NCIS
Got to be some CSI reruns, Crusoe, Life on Mars, Two and a Half men.

But then Gunsmoke and Bonanza on TVland and old westerns on Starzs Life don't get any better. :lol: :lol:

You are welcome at my house anytime, BMR.....Thursday night is for TNA Impact! I have recently become addicted to NCIS, and here several months ago I got into the Sopranos.

While at work this past weekend, the cable was going in and out, so I popped in some CLASSIC viewing. Clash of the Champions from August 18, 1993! Hard to beat the old NWA/WCW stuff! Sting when he was blonde and buzzed, the Hollywood Blondes, Ravishing Rick Rude, Dustin "the Natural" Rhoades, Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat, and the Nature Boy, in his prime, stylin' and profilin', and "Flair for the Gold", featuring Fifi!

try this...www.jamesarness.com

CattleArmy said:
aplusmnt said:
CattleArmy said:
Aplus may I suggest you watch Grey's Anatomy and take some of that thinking time off your hands??

Two women are involved ------- one is questioning her sexuality. There now think about that get all worked up and throw some quotes at us all.

You sure hold Grey's Anatomy up as a benchmark in life huh? Seems to be your answer to lots of problems. Just may be that is the root of your problems :wink:

I just suggest you watch some television to see how people in the world live. See that it's on tv and people aren't outraged. See that the days of judgement are on the way out and that if everyone cleaned up their own backyards before they started on others how refreshing it would be.

Do you mean to tell us that wrestling is REAL!! Or that Greys Anatomy is REAL? Are you sure that they are not using scripts? WOW i wonder why they pay writers for then seeing as how they are real. You would think that those people on Grey's would seek some help from someone seeeing they have all those problems week after week after week, must be very discouraging to know that every week you have to have some episode of human struggles to be placed on national tv, no wonder they get paid so much for ACTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
hopalong said:
CattleArmy said:
aplusmnt said:
You sure hold Grey's Anatomy up as a benchmark in life huh? Seems to be your answer to lots of problems. Just may be that is the root of your problems :wink:

I just suggest you watch some television to see how people in the world live. See that it's on tv and people aren't outraged. See that the days of judgement are on the way out and that if everyone cleaned up their own backyards before they started on others how refreshing it would be.

Do you mean to tell us that wrestling is REAL!! Or that Greys Anatomy is REAL? Are you sure that they are not using scripts? WOW i wonder why they pay writers for then seeing as how they are real. You would think that those people on Grey's would seek some help from someone seeeing they have all those problems week after week after week, must be very discouraging to know that every week you have to have some episode of human struggles to be placed on national tv, no wonder they get paid so much for ACTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

I'm not the one who watches wrestling. :roll:
Aplus: Not sure if you are really looking for a serious answer to your original post but you should know by now that the antichrist will arise up from the European Union, the tv shows you need to watch are Perry Stone of MannaFest, Jack Van Impe, and Hal Lindsey Report. Even John Hagee has said where the antichrist is coming from.

Obama will follow the illuminati plan to bring about a fascist economy. ( * Fascism was the economic system of Nazi Germany, National Socialist Italy, and Imperial Japan. Today, only Japan retains this system. In Fascism, private individuals retain control over the Means of Production, thereby ensuring that the key element which makes Capitalism work so well is kept in place. However, the Government intervenes to control how many competitors can be making the same item, and how much they can charge. Therefore, the potential for the most profit lies within the Fascist economy! The experiment with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan proved that Fascism does work. We have seen that the proper coordination between Government and Capitalism does work.)

If you're not serious about a real answer, my apologies but perhaps it will help someone else out there. To be honest, I've not figured out yet how the masonic part fits in, but I'm still searching that out.

The illuminati/global elite have a very high regard for numerology. They plan things accordingly as they believe they are exalted higher.

But here's the Biblical proof for you that Obama is not:(from cuttingedge.org) (and I must say this site says when the global elite want foreign policy changes they put in a republican president and when they want domestic policy changes they put in a democrat and its something to ponder on). This is copyrighted material and is put here for informational, discussion purposes only under the fair use act:

However, can he even be Antichrist? The Bible is very explicit as to the requirements for Antichrist.

1) Antichrist's original emphasis will be Jewish - Antichrist must deceive the Jewish people into accepting his claims to be the Jewish Messiah.

Therefore, he must be able to prove his lineage back to King David. Listen to the prophecy:

"Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." (Isaiah 9:7)

God foretold that the true Jewish Messiah would be able to produce a genealogy which runs clearly back to King David. For this reason, Matthew 1 exists in our Bibles, for it proves Jesus' genealogy back to King David. Jews will insist that this newly-arisen Masonic Christ produce a lineage which proves his genealogy back to King David. How is a Masonic Christ, arising out of a 'Revived Roman Empire' (Europe and Great Britain) going to produce his lineage back to King David? That is where the lie inherent in the 'Da Vinci Code' becomes so very important. Antichrist cannot arise until significant numbers of people throughout the world believe the 'Merovingian Bloodline Lie', now so powerfully presented by Hollywood.

I do grant you that Senator Obama has a bloodline which dates back to the British monarch, King Edward I (NEWS2307). Therefore, he could plug into the Merovingian Bloodline deception, because once Antichrist convinces people that his lineage dates back to Jesus through the Merovingian Kings, then he is "home free" instantly to King David!

However, there are more problematic reasons that Obama is probably not the Biblical Antichrist.

2) Antichrist must come out of the "Revived Roman Empire" -- Great Britain and Europe. (Daniel 9:26b) Listen to this strange wording:

"... And the people of the other prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be war, and desolations are decreed." (Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Evangelical Bible scholars have been united in their opinion that the "other prince" is a reference to the ruling prince of the kingdom which put the true Messiah to death in the first part of Daniel 9:26. That kingdom, of course, was the Old Roman Empire. Thus, Antichrist is foretold to be the "other prince" of this passage, thus requiring that the Old Roman Empire be revived at the End of the Age. And, of course, right on schedule, Western Europe arose from the ashes of history, comprised of almost exactly the same territory as the original empire possessed -- even Great Britain!

Does Barack Obama come from Western Europe! No, he does not, and it is a real stretch to state that, since America came from England, it could be considered part of the Revived Roman Empire. Ancient Rome controlled Great Britain, but never stepped foot on North America. No, Obama does not come from any country which was originally part of the Old Roman Empire.

3) Antichrist will not be married -- Daniel 11:37

"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." (Dan 11:37)

Antichrist will not desire women; Evangelical Bible scholars have long held that this prophecy means that the coming "Man of Perdition" will not be married, and may be gay. Obviously, since Barack Obama is married with two children, he is disqualified from being the Biblical Antichrist.

4) Antichrist will not regard any god, but will worship the 'god of forces' - Daniel 11:38

"But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour." (Daniel 11:38)

Which god does Senator Obama honor? He has professed to be a Christian, and he has said that he prays to Jesus daily. This means that with his lips, he honors Jesus Christ. The Senator also committed a slip of the tongue when he made reference to "my Muslim faith". Thus, it is evident that he honors Allah, the god of Islam. As the famous Islamic saying goes, "Allah is god, and Mohammed is his prophet".

Therefore, Obama cannot be Antichrist.

5) Antichrist must carry the title, "Prince"! Let us return back to Daniel 9:26, as we quoted above, to pick up one critically important prophetic fact.

"... And the people of the other prince who will come ..."

Antichrist must carry the title, "Prince" prior to his arising on the world scene! Only the monarchies of Great Britain and Europe (the Revived Roman Empire) carry the titles "Prince", "King" and "Queen". This fact takes us back to the Revived Roman Empire, does it not? Since Barack Obama does not carry the title, "Prince", he is disqualified to be Antichrist.

For these reasons, Senator Barack Obama cannot be THE Biblical Antichrist.

However, he can be and undoubtedly is, "an antichrist".

"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists..." (1 John 2:18)

In fact, if Obama ascends to the Oval Office, he will be the President at the very time the North American Union NAFTA) is finalized. By the lofty nature of his office, a President Obama will be the de facto head or ruler of NAFTA. Thus, the 10-nation reorganization foretold in prophecy and planned by the Illuminati will have come into reality. (Read NEWS1002, "NAFTA: The Shocking 'Rest of the Story' ")

This means that he will be part of the welcoming committee when Antichrist does arise. Listen to the prophecy of Daniel 7:7-8, where Daniel sees four Gentile Kingdoms that gave way to a reorganization of 10 Horns (symbolizing 10 kings).

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast [the Roman empire]--terrible, powerful and dreadful, and exceedingly strong. And it had great iron teeth; it devoured and crushed and trampled what was left with its feet. And it was different from all the beasts that came before it, and it had ten horns [symbolizing ten kings]." (Daniel 7:7; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

In other words, God is prophesying here that the entire world will be reorganized into 10 super nations, each one with a ruler. Interestingly, the Illuminati Plan foresaw a global reorganization into precisely 10 super nations! As we reveal in NEWS1002, above, NAFTA is Nation #1 in the Illuminati 10-Nation reorganization.

Therefore, a President Obama will be one of the 10 Rulers of this Illuminati Kingdom! And, that means he is AN antichrist, sharing the same characteristics as THE Biblical Antichrist. Listen again to the prophecy:

"I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn..." Dan 7:8

The "little horn" which came up from among the 10 horns is most definitely Antichrist. The wording of this passage clearly indicates that Antichrist is of the same spiritual bent as the 10 kings who preceded him! This means that a President Obama will be of the same occult spiritual inclination as Antichrist. Therefore, people will consider Obama a likely candidate to be the Biblical Antichrist, but this simply cannot be.

What Obama will be is a replica of the Biblical Antichrist. But, not the real "Man of Sin".

These events are propelling the world into the final days of the End of the Age, and it does look like the 44th American President will be on hand to welcome the Biblical Antichrist.
MoGal said:
Aplus: Not sure if you are really looking for a serious answer to your original post but you should know by now that the antichrist will arise up from the European Union, the tv shows you need to watch are Perry Stone of MannaFest, Jack Van Impe, and Hal Lindsey Report. Even John Hagee has said where the antichrist is coming from.

Sorry no offense but I do not listen to those type of Preachers! Especially on theories such as were the Antichrist is coming from and all that Revelation mumbo Jumbo they quote.

Glad to see you are keeping on top of it though!
aplusmnt said:
MoGal said:
Aplus: Not sure if you are really looking for a serious answer to your original post but you should know by now that the antichrist will arise up from the European Union, the tv shows you need to watch are Perry Stone of MannaFest, Jack Van Impe, and Hal Lindsey Report. Even John Hagee has said where the antichrist is coming from.

Sorry no offense but I do not listen to those type of Preachers!

Glad to see you are keeping on top of it though!

He only listens to the voices in his head. :wink:
aplusmnt said:
MoGal said:
Aplus: Not sure if you are really looking for a serious answer to your original post but you should know by now that the antichrist will arise up from the European Union, the tv shows you need to watch are Perry Stone of MannaFest, Jack Van Impe, and Hal Lindsey Report. Even John Hagee has said where the antichrist is coming from.

Sorry no offense but I do not listen to those type of Preachers! Especially on theories such as were the Antichrist is coming from and all that Revelation mumbo Jumbo they quote.

Glad to see you are keeping on top of it though!

Asp..good for you....as for the end times...they will come when they come. No speeding it up..no slowing it down. None of these preachers with their "man made" churches know either.
aplusmnt said:
I have came to the realization that Obama is not an ordinary man, but instead of the Messiah he must be the Anti Christ! If this man is not defeated by a unbelievable margin then it will be the election that signals the fall of the United States!

In no other day would a man with so much Anti American connections have made it past the first primary.

Something is wrong with this election I feel like I have went to bizzaro world where Superman is evil and everything is backwards.

It blows my mind that this man has gotten so much contributions and that so many of them came in small amounts that do not have to be reported, something is up with that. Either he is truly the Anti Christ or I am going to start believing conspiracy theories from this day forward, some one is the puppet master behind this election.
I can not believe the day would ever come that I would eagerly welcome Hillary with open arms and be proud to vote for her over someone else.

Travel that path a ways there aplusmnt. It'll be takin ya home.

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