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Obama XL pipeline ploy costing jobs

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Faster horses

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Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats are turning their backs on 20,000 jobs by refusing to permit a much-needed oil pipeline to be built from Canada to Texas, Rep. Fred Upton tells Newsmax.

And if Congress doesn't hurry up and approve the Keystone XL line, 1 million barrels of oil will go to help China's economy instead of the United States, the Republican chairman of the House Energy Committee told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.

Story continues below.

Upton was speaking on the day the House voted to give Obama 60 days to make up his mind on the pipeline. That provision was tied in to a bill that extends the payroll tax holiday while providing for an eventual reduction of unemployment benefits from 99 weeks to 59.

Upton said Americans who know about the pipeline favor it by a ratio of 4 to 1. "This is a private pipeline, they'll comply with all the new standards, and, by the way, we just passed a bill earlier this week with strong bipartisan support for even better standards for pipelines," he said. "We will be able to offset foreign oil from coming here by using the Canadian oil.

"The Canadians are going to develop this oil resource up in Alberta. They're either going to send it here or they are going to send it to China. I'd rather have them send it here where we actually can refine it with our jobs."

Even unions are in favor of the plan and the only opposition comes from the green lobby, which wants to promote alternative sources of energy, he said.

"Those who are against fossil fuels are against it, wanting to raise the price of fossil fuels as well. But we need more oil than what we produce here.

"Canada is one of our largest trading partners. They are a major supplier of oil to this country and they have been able to develop oil from oil sands in Alberta and it is an area where they're going to be producing perhaps as many as 4 million barrels a day before the end of the decade.

"They'd like to send us 1 million barrels that we can actually refine at U.S. refineries here, so for a lot of us, it's a win-win. It would reduce our reliance on oil outside of North America and provide really a steady flow of oil that our consumers are going to be able to use for a long time."

Upton, who represents a district in southwestern Michigan, said the 1,700 mile pipeline proposal has been on the desks of both Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for three years.

Fears that the pipeline could leak and pollute the Ogallala Aquifer, a vast, shallow water table that yields nearly one-third of the nation's irrigation, as well as tap water for much of Nebraska and parts of seven other states, have been allayed by having it rerouted.

"Let's build it," Upton said. "It's a $7 billion project that Americans will be doing and as we look at unemployment, my state is 10.5 percent, and when we look across the country, it's 8.5 to 9 percent and has been for a long time.

"This is 20,000 jobs that we can help create in this country."

Upton said Tuesday's news that the Iranians were threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz, the vital oil supply route between it and the Arabian peninsula, for war games, was an even bigger reason why the pipeline is needed.

"If that happens, what happens? The price of oil worldwide dramatically goes up. We have to be prepared for something like that and what this will do with the construction of the Keystone pipeline, we'll be able to reduce our imports by as much as 1 million barrels a day and have them replenished in essence by our friends the Canadians."

Upton was emphatic in defending the payroll tax cut as well, saying that without it an American family earning $50,000 a year would see $1,000 less in their paychecks next year.

But he said Republicans are making sure that the tax cuts are fully funded so the Social Security trust fund will not be affected.

"It's going to be paid for by a pay freeze on all government employees, including members of Congress, and a whole number of different things so that it does not add to the deficit," he said. "It's a very important provision that's part of this bill.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Rep Upton: Obama Pipeline Ploy Costing Jobs
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
A local radio station news article...As you can see- they like many up here lay much of the holdup blame (as thats what the company officials have directly told locals) on the Nebraska NIMBY's that in the final fazes of the approval process came in whining and crying "Not In My BackYard" !

With Key Protections in Place, Governor Announces Keystone XL Pipeline Approval under MFSA
Friday, December 16th 2011

Project Will Trigger $1 Billion of Construction in Montana

(HELENA) - Governor Brian Schweitzer announced today that TransCanada, the owner of the Keystone XL pipeline, has fulfilled all its obligations under Montana's Major Facility Siting Act (MFSA), and that within the next several weeks, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality will issue the company its MFSA certificate (permit). The $7 billion project includes over $1 billion in construction in Montana, and will help create 1,200 high-paying construction jobs.

"In addition to the $100 million access on-ramp for Montana-produced oil that the company previously agreed to, I approved this permit with the requirement to post a $100 million bond to cover potential problems that might occur with the pipeline in Montana. The requirement for this bond is made possible by Montana's statutory MFSA authority," said Governor Schweitzer.

"We thank Governor Schweitzer for his support and leadership in granting our Montana's Major Facility Siting Act certificate. This certificate would allow TransCanada to proceed with construction of Keystone XL if federal approval is received," said Alex Pourbaix, president, Energy and Oil Pipelines, TransCanada. "Governor Schweitzer has long recognized the importance of Keystone XL – specifically, the energy security and economic benefits the pipeline would provide to Montana and to the entire United States. He was one of the main drivers in ensuring American crude oil from the Bakken formation in Montana will be transported on Keystone to American refineries. This will be good news for Montana producers and will create jobs for the people of the State."

According to estimates, property taxes on the pipeline could bring as much as $60 million dollars annually to schools, counties, and the state.
The 36-inch pipeline would extend through the eastern Montana counties of Phillips, Valley, McCone, Dawson, Prairie and Fallon. The Keystone XL pipeline will be approximately 1,691 miles long, 281 miles of which are located within Montana.

Governor Schweitzer added, "The Keystone pipeline is a major project for this state and the nation, providing nearly 5% of American oil needs with 'conflict-free' oil from our friendly neighbors to the north. This is an important step in freeing our nation from its dependence on oil from the petro-dictators of the world."

Now that Montana has done its part in ensuring this important project can move forward, it is essential that the state of Nebraska and its representatives in Washington DC get things moving. Montana, with one of the more rigorous pipeline approval processes in the nation, has acted more quickly than Nebraska or the federal government.

The Governor further noted, "The bonding we've secured as part of approval under MFSA will help ensure that Montanans will be protected from unforeseen problems. This is a very well designed and engineered pipeline, and we have worked with TransCanada to ensure that important protections are in place. This bonding is an extra layer of protection that puts responsibility squarely where it belongs."

The $100 million bond under MFSA is actually a third layer of protection for Montana. Not only is TransCanada required to maintain robust insurance to cover mishaps, but federal law allows regulators to seize assets of the company to pay for problems, if necessary.
Schweitzer should get on the horn and talk to his President and get
him to stop delaying the project, since it's so important to Montana
and the rest of the country. Nebraska had their reasons which
should be respected, but their concerns have been addressed.
Now it's none other than Obama that's holding things up.......til
after the election. Don't you find that strange, OT?
Are you saying the Rep.'s want to override states rights??? Surely not! :)
TSR said:
Are you saying the Rep.'s want to override states rights??? Surely not! :)

Nope, not at all. Nebraska has been on board for some time:

According to Reuters, Governor Heineman summed it up in modest fashion. "Our work is done," he said.

If only the federal government were able to move as expeditiously as the folks in Nebraska. I'd really like to see this column have a happy ending (being this close to Christmas) but sadly, it does not. The State Department has postponed issuance of the Keystone-XL permit to TransCanada until after the 2012 presidential election.

Perhaps those bureaucrats who are comfortable doing nothing might explain their inaction to the men and women whose unemployment checks have already run out.

OT is an MF'ing fool. :roll:

He needs to go sit his fat azz in a sleazy bar somewhere and tell his lies to someone who will believe them. :mad:
Faster horses said:
Schweitzer should get on the horn and talk to his President and get
him to stop delaying the project, since it's so important to Montana
and the rest of the country. Nebraska had their reasons which
should be respected, but their concerns have been addressed.
Now it's none other than Obama that's holding things up.......til
after the election. Don't you find that strange, OT?

Oh and please don't forget WHY he is holding up 20,000 jobs. He doesn't want to upset the greenies that promised to walk the streets during his 2012 campaign. He will make the decision right after he doesn't have to worry about what two fractions of his base the Greenies and the Unions think about what he does. :wink: :roll: :mad:
Faster horses said:
Schweitzer should get on the horn and talk to his President and get
him to stop delaying the project, since it's so important to Montana
and the rest of the country. Nebraska had their reasons which
should be respected, but their concerns have been addressed.
Now it's none other than Obama that's holding things up.......til
after the election. Don't you find that strange, OT?

Nope-- not after it was made a political issue... Just look at Congress right now...Actions and decisions are not being made by what is best for the country- but instead on what can make the most political hay for themselves and/or their cult....

What I think is neat is that the Montana officials are so much further ahead of the Nebraska bureaucrats-- that we moved on this years ago when it was first proposed- and worked out the problems long ago, so that we were able to approve it - instead of waiting til the last second to oppose it and make it more of a political issue... (Lucky to have an on the ball type Governor like Schweitzer, aren't we FH? ) :wink:
SD should actually get the biggest atta-boy as they approved it months ago...

I posted this mainly to back up what I said before that some doubted-- the locals believe and have been told by the Company Execs- that they had everything handled - and they had been assured it was on fasttrack to be approved... Only opposition was mainly national/international greeny groups- but when the locals stepped in and opposed it in Nebraska it changed the whole game- which led to the hold being put on...

And just like with National Monuments and Parks designations-- Obama has said local approval is a must on these projects- and their wishes takes precedence...
Heres another news article from the same station- KLTZ- about the yearly Christmas fund drive and shopping spree for needy kids...

XL Pipeline acts like they want to be good neighbors....
Might serve Nebraskan's right if they just went totally around the state... :wink:

Block Of Bucks Thanks You!
Monday, December 12th 2011
The residents & businesses of Glasgow & Valley County once again have come through with tremendous donations as well as time in volunteering for the annual Block of Bucks. Because of their generosity there are many children who have been able to purchase much needed clothing.

With a record $23,506.93 in donations, there was $99.00 for each of the 237 children registered for this year's Block of Bucks shopping spree. Tchildren came from 105 families; last year $22,704.97 was collected so the grand total was up $801.96 this year.

We wish to thank each & every person & business who made this another successful shopping day.

Since the list is a mile long, we will do our best to thank the following & hope we don't miss anyone:

The Montana National Guard, Det 1, 484th MP CS Company, they have been our partners for years doing the donation collection before shopping day.

Thanks to MANY businesses for their generous donations for this project. Thank you to the many individuals who so generously donated money & time for this worth cause. Thanks to Pamida, D&G Sports & Western, Killions, & the Surplus Shoppe for providing a place for families to shop as well as giving generous discounts for the family shoppers.

We are thankful to have the Odd Fellows Hall to use for families & volunteers to meet & organize for the shopping.

A giant thank you to KLTZ/KLAN, The Glasgow Courier & GEG for the wonderful media coverage we received. The hour-by-hour report from KLTZ/KLAN on collection day & the articles & pictures from the Courier & GEG gave the program an extra shot in the arm in getting the news out.

The First Community Bank provided a place for Soroptimist members to count money on collection day as well as making copies needed throughout the month.

We would like to thank the Office of Public Assistance, who registered the children that benefited from this shopping spree.

A huge thank you to Pamida for the $2000 grant & for the great gift bags for the volunteers.

A thank you to Trans Canada Keystone Pipeline for their grant of $1000.

We appreciate all the services & donations from everyone involved in this county-wide project. The generosity given for this project has once again been overwhelming!

Thank you again, Soroptimist International of Glasgow.
Does anyone know when/if the pipeline is completed, what is the projected influence on gasoline prices in the US???
We know Nebraska is willing (and it sure didn't take long to jump
over that hurdle) and while Obama is stalling, what about this:

" if Congress doesn't hurry up and approve the Keystone XL line, 1 million barrels of oil will go to help China's economy instead of the United States", the Republican chairman of the House Energy Committee told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.

The ball is in Obama's court. HE is the holdup...........all he cares
about it getting re-elected. Doesn't matter how or what he has done
to the country in the meantime. What a dismal failure he is.
And yet according to the latest polls I've seen his approval rating is in the mid-40's (low for a presidential candidate) but Congress' approval hoovers around 8%-the lowest its been in history. We should remember that the major focus so far in the election process has been the Rep. Primary. Obama has yet to know who is opponnent will be.
Mike said:
Nebraska made Buckwheat change his mind? Surely you are joking? :roll:

Thats essentially what Senator Richard Lugar said this week too...

Do these D.C. folks think that after the NIMBY's stood up and opposed the pipeline- that the pipeline money backers are going to start building a pipeline without any approval...What if it isn't only Sandhills folks that are greeny weeny NIMBY's- and those on the new routes oppose it, too :???:

Be like buying a pig in a poke...

Now that its been opposed and halted/rerouted by the NIMBY's they better do it right- or the Courts will have a hay day with it...

Administration officials Friday pointed to this week's State Department warning that if the review is compressed into the next 60 days, they'll have little choice but to reject the pipeline permit.

But the measure nonetheless forces action before the 2012 elections on a project that creates a political quandary for the White House by splitting key parts of President Obama's base. Environmentalists despise it while a number of major unions back the project.

And advocates of the project are pushing back against the White House and State Department claims about the effect of the 60-day permit timeline.

Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), the author of the pipeline language, called State's claims "blatantly misleading."

"The ostensible reason that the State Department delayed the permit – to reroute the pipeline around the Nebraska Sand Hills region – is not subject to the 60 day limit," his office said in a statement earlier this week.

His office said the permit issued under the plan "would allow ample time with no set schedule for the pipeline section in Nebraska to be rerouted according to Nebraska's state law," while construction could commence elsewhere.
If I understand, the pipeline COULD be completed minus the Nebraska section. I'm sure it would be approved under those circumstances. :wink:
TSR said:
If I understand, the pipeline COULD be completed minus the Nebraska section. I'm sure it would be approved under those circumstances. :wink:

Yep-- just leave a big gap and hope the NIMBY's will allow it- somewhere- maybe? :roll: :lol:

But even the Pipeline folks can see this Nebraska issue is a major holdup that will take a year to get the studies done and a final approval process completed... IF some more Nebraska greeny NIMBY's don't come forward on opposing those routes too :???:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said he had no idea why the pipeline is considered controversial.

"The labor unions like it. Many Democrats want it," he added. "It strengthens our national security by decreasing the amount of oil we get from unfriendly countries. And it wouldn't cost the tax payers a dime."

But the delay followed complaints by environmentalists and Nebraska officials that the pipeline route could threaten that state's Sandhills region and vital Ogallala aquifer.

Alternate routes are being considered, and Nebraska officials as well as the pipeline company, TransCanada, acknowledge that the process of approving a final route will last into the second half of 2012
Oldtimer said:
A local radio station news article...As you can see- they like many up here lay much of the holdup blame (as thats what the company officials have directly told locals) on the Nebraska NIMBY's that in the final fazes of the approval process came in whining and crying "Not In My BackYard" !

With Key Protections in Place, Governor Announces Keystone XL Pipeline Approval under MFSA
Friday, December 16th 2011

Project Will Trigger $1 Billion of Construction in Montana

(HELENA) - Governor Brian Schweitzer announced today that TransCanada, the owner of the Keystone XL pipeline, has fulfilled all its obligations under Montana's Major Facility Siting Act (MFSA), and that within the next several weeks, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality will issue the company its MFSA certificate (permit). The $7 billion project includes over $1 billion in construction in Montana, and will help create 1,200 high-paying construction jobs.

"In addition to the $100 million access on-ramp for Montana-produced oil that the company previously agreed to, I approved this permit with the requirement to post a $100 million bond to cover potential problems that might occur with the pipeline in Montana. The requirement for this bond is made possible by Montana's statutory MFSA authority," said Governor Schweitzer.

"We thank Governor Schweitzer for his support and leadership in granting our Montana's Major Facility Siting Act certificate. This certificate would allow TransCanada to proceed with construction of Keystone XL if federal approval is received," said Alex Pourbaix, president, Energy and Oil Pipelines, TransCanada. "Governor Schweitzer has long recognized the importance of Keystone XL – specifically, the energy security and economic benefits the pipeline would provide to Montana and to the entire United States. He was one of the main drivers in ensuring American crude oil from the Bakken formation in Montana will be transported on Keystone to American refineries. This will be good news for Montana producers and will create jobs for the people of the State."

According to estimates, property taxes on the pipeline could bring as much as $60 million dollars annually to schools, counties, and the state.
The 36-inch pipeline would extend through the eastern Montana counties of Phillips, Valley, McCone, Dawson, Prairie and Fallon. The Keystone XL pipeline will be approximately 1,691 miles long, 281 miles of which are located within Montana.

Governor Schweitzer added, "The Keystone pipeline is a major project for this state and the nation, providing nearly 5% of American oil needs with 'conflict-free' oil from our friendly neighbors to the north. This is an important step in freeing our nation from its dependence on oil from the petro-dictators of the world."

Now that Montana has done its part in ensuring this important project can move forward, it is essential that the state of Nebraska and its representatives in Washington DC get things moving. Montana, with one of the more rigorous pipeline approval processes in the nation, has acted more quickly than Nebraska or the federal government.

The Governor further noted, "The bonding we've secured as part of approval under MFSA will help ensure that Montanans will be protected from unforeseen problems. This is a very well designed and engineered pipeline, and we have worked with TransCanada to ensure that important protections are in place. This bonding is an extra layer of protection that puts responsibility squarely where it belongs."

The $100 million bond under MFSA is actually a third layer of protection for Montana. Not only is TransCanada required to maintain robust insurance to cover mishaps, but federal law allows regulators to seize assets of the company to pay for problems, if necessary.

and with that permit a FOREIGN CORPORATION will be given the power of eminent domain over Montanan's farms and ranches- I hope the citizens initiative is sucessful and HB198 gets shoved right back down the throats of Brian Schwietzer and the legislators (both cults) that made this happen, as they sure didn't represent us!
Lonecowboy said:
Oldtimer said:
A local radio station news article...As you can see- they like many up here lay much of the holdup blame (as thats what the company officials have directly told locals) on the Nebraska NIMBY's that in the final fazes of the approval process came in whining and crying "Not In My BackYard" !

With Key Protections in Place, Governor Announces Keystone XL Pipeline Approval under MFSA
Friday, December 16th 2011

Project Will Trigger $1 Billion of Construction in Montana

(HELENA) - Governor Brian Schweitzer announced today that TransCanada, the owner of the Keystone XL pipeline, has fulfilled all its obligations under Montana's Major Facility Siting Act (MFSA), and that within the next several weeks, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality will issue the company its MFSA certificate (permit). The $7 billion project includes over $1 billion in construction in Montana, and will help create 1,200 high-paying construction jobs.

"In addition to the $100 million access on-ramp for Montana-produced oil that the company previously agreed to, I approved this permit with the requirement to post a $100 million bond to cover potential problems that might occur with the pipeline in Montana. The requirement for this bond is made possible by Montana's statutory MFSA authority," said Governor Schweitzer.

"We thank Governor Schweitzer for his support and leadership in granting our Montana's Major Facility Siting Act certificate. This certificate would allow TransCanada to proceed with construction of Keystone XL if federal approval is received," said Alex Pourbaix, president, Energy and Oil Pipelines, TransCanada. "Governor Schweitzer has long recognized the importance of Keystone XL – specifically, the energy security and economic benefits the pipeline would provide to Montana and to the entire United States. He was one of the main drivers in ensuring American crude oil from the Bakken formation in Montana will be transported on Keystone to American refineries. This will be good news for Montana producers and will create jobs for the people of the State."

According to estimates, property taxes on the pipeline could bring as much as $60 million dollars annually to schools, counties, and the state.
The 36-inch pipeline would extend through the eastern Montana counties of Phillips, Valley, McCone, Dawson, Prairie and Fallon. The Keystone XL pipeline will be approximately 1,691 miles long, 281 miles of which are located within Montana.

Governor Schweitzer added, "The Keystone pipeline is a major project for this state and the nation, providing nearly 5% of American oil needs with 'conflict-free' oil from our friendly neighbors to the north. This is an important step in freeing our nation from its dependence on oil from the petro-dictators of the world."

Now that Montana has done its part in ensuring this important project can move forward, it is essential that the state of Nebraska and its representatives in Washington DC get things moving. Montana, with one of the more rigorous pipeline approval processes in the nation, has acted more quickly than Nebraska or the federal government.

The Governor further noted, "The bonding we've secured as part of approval under MFSA will help ensure that Montanans will be protected from unforeseen problems. This is a very well designed and engineered pipeline, and we have worked with TransCanada to ensure that important protections are in place. This bonding is an extra layer of protection that puts responsibility squarely where it belongs."

The $100 million bond under MFSA is actually a third layer of protection for Montana. Not only is TransCanada required to maintain robust insurance to cover mishaps, but federal law allows regulators to seize assets of the company to pay for problems, if necessary.

and with that permit a FOREIGN CORPORATION will be given the power of eminent domain over Montanan's farms and ranches- I hope the citizens initiative is sucessful and HB198 gets shoved right back down the throats of Brian Schwietzer and the legislators (both cults) that made this happen, as they sure didn't represent us!

I thought the initiative fell way short of the number of signatures on the petition- so won't be on the ballot....



Locally I've heard of no private land owners the XL Pipeline hasn't been able to come to agreement with...They've been around for the last couple of years working on agreements- and offering quite lucrative fees for the right to go across anyones land... Some landowners that are renting larger areas for them to put up their portable mancamps are getting almost wealthy from leasing out a chunk of prairie for a year or two...
Old Sphincter, he way you have been orally urinating and moaning about the NIMBY's and the pipeline makes me wonder if you have any skin in the game. Do you stand to directly lose financially if the pipeline is rejected? Is XL directly paying you so they can put the pipeline across your property? Not your neighbors, YOURS? Or are you just blowing uninformed smoke like usual? Your inability to grasp what actually transpired in Nebraska is bewildering, as all you do is cast blame at Nebraska when it has been proven over and over all along that Gov. Heineman was for the pipeline, but he wasn't thrilled about the route they wanted, but that issue has been resolved...it's old news, but you won't let go of it.

Your actions lead me to believe that you are creating a diversion with your antics, and hoping against hope that folks won't realize that the blame, for reals and trues, belongs to your Messiah, good ol' Obamanure. His politicizing and total ineffectiveness regarding the pipeline is what has created the problem. Now he's making it an election issue, and I'm sure you and the cultists like you have that tingling feeling running down your leg....but that dog won't hunt.

If you are just one tenth the "man" and "champion for justice" that you imagine yourself to be, delusional as it is, you should be calling for him to sign the bill and get the ball rolling ASAFP. But it must be more fun to blame Nebraska for your sock puppet's failure as President. :roll:

Rest assured, they could begin work on the pipeline headed to Nebraska from both the north and south, while figuring the new route across the state. But finding another way to skin a cat is something completely foreign to you and your fellow cultists, unless there's a dollar in it for you personally.......
He will just attach his azz to any story to try and make him and his nose ornament obama look good. He hasn't looked yet but he and his nose ornament are failing big time.
loomixguy said:
Old Sphincter, he way you have been orally urinating and moaning about the NIMBY's and the pipeline makes me wonder if you have any skin in the game. Do you stand to directly lose financially if the pipeline is rejected? Is XL directly paying you so they can put the pipeline across your property? Not your neighbors, YOURS? Or are you just blowing uninformed smoke like usual? Your inability to grasp what actually transpired in Nebraska is bewildering, as all you do is cast blame at Nebraska when it has been proven over and over all along that Gov. Heineman was for the pipeline, but he wasn't thrilled about the route they wanted, but that issue has been resolved...it's old news, but you won't let go of it.

Sorry to disappoint you - but NO skin in the game...Unhappily I have to say the pipeline is going a few miles west of anything I own up north- and east of my south place...Only benefit I get is to see the neighbors and community prosper- not only from the fees being paid, but the additional money (much of the needed supplies are being bought thru local dealers) and local jobs coming into the area and the property taxes the pipeline will generate...

The only reason I harp at the Nebraska NIMBY's is because some of these Nebraskans were the same holier than thous constantly blaming our energy problems on the Liberals/Dems/Greenies for not allowing drilling in other areas of the country- or offshore from their beachfront homes- or commercial fishing areas...

And LO & BEHOLD- now it is the Nebraska NIMBY "Liberals" doing the same thing in holding up an energy project... :wink: :lol:

If we had a true Hypocrit exposer on this site they would have seen the Hypocrisy of that long ago...

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