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October 15th 2010

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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west chilcotin bc
Roundup is progressing, about 75% gathered. Going to try to get my crash landing pilot lined up in the next day or two. Took some pics of the home bunch today, they are third calvers or older.
This old Char x cow does a good job every year.

Goosed some geese.

Heifer calf that will most likely get a chance at employment here.

Steer from a third calver.

A few others.

Another replacement type.

Homespun yearling bull did ok this summer.

Half brother, this year's model.

Target and her steer.

Average heifer.

Woke up this morning, the wolves had made a visit and killed three good lambs, one of them was 50 yards from the house and Debbie, who hears a cow bawling 3 miles out on the range, never heard a thing. The dogs never made a peep either. The trapper is on his way once we figure out this pack's pattern.
Take note gcreek, check the fuel in the plane. :!: You might even want to take the extra step while dipping the tanks to check for water in the check valve under the tank. Might just as well check the oil too. Then enjoy the ride. :wink:

You need a skiff of snow to help with the gather. When you get a handle on the wolves we could transplant a pack or two from here to keep you entertained. Sorry for the loss, I hope they choke on the wool. :evil:
Calves look good.Are you done haying? Our rains quit and I think some meadows are getting dry enough here.Be done chopping corn tomorrow here then another 25 acres at a friends.I'm sure getting sick of corn chopping. Were leaveing 15 acres to graze for a test if it works good next year they will have alot more.To bad about the wolves eating your profit makers.
PureCountry said:
Nice pics old boy, those calves sure look bloomy. They oughta weigh up real good, where you taking them when you wean?

We sold three loads two weeks ago for delivery on Oct. 23 on a private deal. As we are a little short of hay this year we decided not to buy $130 hay for $650 calves. We will take the small profit while it is there.

Denny, the last meadow we would have hayed was flooded with the 4 inches of rain we recieved a couple of weeks back. We didn't finish, we just quit so we could gather cows and get some other fall work done.

A skiff of snow last night and -15C here this morning.
Fall has found it's way to your pretty country hasnt it! The calves are lookin' soggy. Take an extension cord up flying with ya....... If ya have to bail out grab a hold of it and it will surely tangle up on something before ya hit the ground. :D Sorry about your lambs. Hope ya find them and wipe em' out. I gotta couple of bull calves I think you might like if you'll come pick them up. :wink:
leanin' H said:
Fall has found it's way to your pretty country hasnt it! The calves are lookin' soggy. Take an extension cord up flying with ya....... If ya have to bail out grab a hold of it and it will surely tangle up on something before ya hit the ground. :D Sorry about your lambs. Hope ya find them and wipe em' out. I gotta couple of bull calves I think you might like if you'll come pick them up. :wink:

Most bull deals I've been in included delivery. :wink:

Those desert rats would likely freeze to death here anyway. :p
Things are looking good!! Sorry about the lambs. Mike had his first wolf experience yesterday in Idaho elk hunting.
Your cattle look great :D . There wouldn't be a "likely", Miss 86 would definitely gain employment here :wink: . I hope you get a light dusting of snow to help you find the others.
elk season opened yesterday, felt safer asking hunters as they came out if they saw any cows.
got some hunters chasing those geese back to Canada down in the meadow right now. :D
calves and cows look in good shape gcreekrch
gcreekrch said:
Nicky said:
Things are looking good!! Sorry about the lambs. Mike had his first wolf experience yesterday in Idaho elk hunting.

How many did he get? :D

None, the judge in Mt. shut down wolf hunting in both states :mad: But he and Cotton (his dog) were hunkered down by a log glassing for elk, the wind was in their faces and all of sudden Cotton got up and Mike looked behind them and a wolf was 10 feet away :shock: . Said all he could see was Cotton right on the wolfs butt!! Was afraid he wouldn't be able to get him off him but he chased him about 30 yards and came back. Said it got his adrenaline going!
Nicky said:
gcreekrch said:
Nicky said:
Things are looking good!! Sorry about the lambs. Mike had his first wolf experience yesterday in Idaho elk hunting.

How many did he get? :D

None, the judge in Mt. shut down wolf hunting in both states :mad: But he and Cotton (his dog) were hunkered down by a log glassing for elk, the wind was in their faces and all of sudden Cotton got up and Mike looked behind them and a wolf was 10 feet away :shock: . Said all he could see was Cotton right on the wolfs butt!! Was afraid he wouldn't be able to get him off him but he chased him about 30 yards and came back. Said it got his adrenaline going!

I am afraid there would have been more than adrenaline flowing in my body.

have a cold one

lazy ace
Nicky said:
Things are looking good!! Sorry about the lambs. Mike had his first wolf experience yesterday in Idaho elk hunting.

I hope it's that wolves last encounter. :wink:
Great looking cattle, Gcreek. Those calves are soggy rascals, and I mean that to be very compimentary. (Jingo2 doesn't think "soggy" is an appropriate word for describing cattle, but I use it to depict deep, thick, bloomy, and good-doing.) :wink: Thanks for the pictures.
Thank You Soapweed, that is one of the nicest compliments we have ever recieved. :tiphat:

I guess we may be doing something right. :)

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