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October 27, 2011


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
northern Nebraska Sandhills

A poppin' good set of black heifer calves just left the ring.

Eighty-eight head weighed 595 pounds average.....

And they brought a whopping $1100 per head. 105 head of their younger lighter sisters weighed 532 pounds
and brought $1000 per head. The cattle were very impressive, and so was the amount for which they sold.
Quality pays. :-)

The very competent cattleman who raised the heifers, along with his cute grandson. :-)

The great sale barn crew that makes it happen.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch......

Another day has drawn to a close.

We sold 100 black steers today, weighing 624 pounds each at $154 per cwt ($961 per head),
8 red steers weighing 657 pounds at $148 per cwt ($973 per head)
7 red steers weighing 534 pounds at $163.50 per cwt ($872 per head)
6 red heifers weighing 629 pounds at $147.50 per cwt ($928 per head)
1 red heifer weighing 495 pounds at $145 per cwt ($717.75)

It was a good day. :-)
Congrats on your sale. I am struggling with keeping my hiefers this year or sell them and buy some young cows back. Hard to pass up 900-1000 bucks a head.
Looks to me like you should have had all red cattle yesterday. Sounds like you did a good job of marketing again. Lisa said if was an extremely hot sale.
Took my 3 year old Granddaughter to the local sale yesterday- and after a 1/2 hour the auctioneers chant had her asleep in the chair... I told them she was just practicing to be a "buyer"... :wink:
I think they were all sleeping yesterday as the prices were no where near what they are paying down Soaps way- saw very few bunches that came close to $900...

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