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A poppin' good set of black heifer calves just left the ring.

Eighty-eight head weighed 595 pounds average.....

And they brought a whopping $1100 per head. 105 head of their younger lighter sisters weighed 532 pounds
and brought $1000 per head. The cattle were very impressive, and so was the amount for which they sold.
Quality pays.

The very competent cattleman who raised the heifers, along with his cute grandson.

The great sale barn crew that makes it happen.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch......

Another day has drawn to a close.
We sold 100 black steers today, weighing 624 pounds each at $154 per cwt ($961 per head),
8 red steers weighing 657 pounds at $148 per cwt ($973 per head)
7 red steers weighing 534 pounds at $163.50 per cwt ($872 per head)
6 red heifers weighing 629 pounds at $147.50 per cwt ($928 per head)
1 red heifer weighing 495 pounds at $145 per cwt ($717.75)
It was a good day.