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One Generation

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Feb 11, 2005
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northern Nebraska Sandhills
This was originally published on December 3, 2015, in the GRANT COUNTY NEWS, Hyannis, Nebraska. I found it quite interesting and wish to share it with others.

PRAIRIE VOICE by Norma Lhee Hooper,
Author of "The Land of Gone Before"
One Generation

I hesitate to write any criticism of the educational system, to be published by a Hyannis paper, because I believe that the Hyannis schools are excellent, or, as excellent as their curriculum allows them to be.

I was teaching a small country school in 1953 when I received directions from the County Superintendent that all grade schools must burn all old textbooks and buy new. Teachers had a choice of two publishing companies for ordering new books and supplies.

I have never spoken of these companies; it seems too radical and unbelievable, but truth is truth. Many years later I learned that one of them was—is?—publishing teaching plans with Communist leanings.

I want to insert here, that when one studies books on Communism, it looks pretty good on paper. It has fooled countless people and quite a few nations. Put into practice, there are no restrictive guide lines to protect citizens from aggressive governing. There is no way to choose new leaders. Such governments nearly always become dictatorships to the place where we would call it being run by gangs as in Chicago organized crime.

These believers will get control of the media, of entertainment, and of literature. Nothing wholesome is safe from their influence.

This teaching will teach children away from individual goals, away from a belief in old standards and customs, away from the historic pride of a nation of freedom, and away from any religion or acknowledgement of God. Need I say more? It also breaks down the respect and disciplines of homes, making government and its organizations the succor of the people. The definition of succor is—"to run to the aide, to provide assistance, to relieve."

These "run-away" governments will buy the votes to get established into being the succor of the people. After they are established—look around the world.

Communism has always said, "Give us one generation of children, and we will change the world." Most of the champions of this system thought they were right.

In teaching school, one must join the Teacher's Union to participate in retirement plans and other advantages. It is here in the highest positions that all decisions are made.

Schools do not need more money. They actually do not need sports busses and trips to far off games, wherein sports are unbalancing education. Is it parent obsession with sports to this place of endangering health and losing the meaning and culture of the necessary and fine ways of life?

Schools do not usually need better teachers, nor do they need all-consuming computer activities. I know they need this teaching, but I said "all-consuming."

One thing the schools of America need is a complete investigation and reshaping of the Teacher's Union and the government officers. Schools need a curriculum that is right for a free nation.

Since 1953 there have been several generations. The parents of today have been educated under a faulty and deceiving system. It is a different world, and you probably cannot see it as I see it. Ask the very old, and they will say what I am saying.
"Social Studies" was a course I had that started in the 7th grade back in the 60's. My Dad got one look at my book, went to the school and pointed out a few things in the book to the principal. There was a big PTA meeting about the Communist leanings and the parents voted to drop the course, and that book. The kids had no idea what was going on.
Mike said:
"Social Studies" was a course I had that started in the 7th grade back in the 60's. My Dad got one look at my book, went to the school and pointed out a few things in the book to the principal. There was a big PTA meeting about the Communist leanings and the parents voted to drop the course, and that book. The kids had no idea what was going on.

The good old days !!!

Sesame Street came on the television when I was about 12. My little brother and cousins were watching. Grandaddy got up and turned off the television. "We aint watching communism in this house!" Same thing at my paternal grandparents home.

We have regressed. College is worse. Far worse than ever.
Amen. And Administrations pulling crap like this is a sign of the times:

2500 teachers and administrator flocking to the "White Privilege" conference, because we must acknowledge and repent.


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