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One of my favorites

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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This is my 3yo neice on my gelding last spring. It is one of my favorite pictures.

No, it's not just you two. I can't get the picture either.

What would be the chances of three different people from three different parts of the country being incompetent in the same way? :wink: Can't see it being possible! :)
Huh? Neither of the pictures I posted came up. I looked at them right after I posted and they were viewable. I'll try again.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
MUCH better, Radar!!! Danged cute kid, there!! Looks like she is holding on for dear life!! :wink:
Good looking horse & cow girl,must be cold she is bundled up pretty good .....................good luck
Thanks ranchwife. Not quite sure what I did wrong the first time.

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