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one reason for a hydralic chute

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Feb 11, 2005
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Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
for my area ...
This Order is issued on this 19th day of March, 2012, for the purpose of enhancing efforts to prevent the introduction of, and control the spread of Trichomoniasis. It is hereby ordered that:

1. There is established "Trichomoniasis Special Focus Area #1" composed of 1) Uinta County, in its entirety; 2) Lincoln County, excluding the area north and east of Fontenelle Creek Road; and 3) the area of Sweetwater County south of Interstate Highway 80 and west of the Green River south to the Colorado state line. (See attached map).

2. All Bulls nine (9) months of age and over originating from or entering Trichomoniasis Special Focus Area #1 shall be tested negative for Trichomoniasis one time and have no reproductive exposure following such test before being turned in with female cattle. All bulls must be tested prior to May 31, 2012.

a. An exemption may be granted by the Wyoming State Veterinarian to seedstock producers within Trichomoniasis Special Focus Area #1 from the requirements of this Board Order.

3. All Bulls in Trichomoniasis Special Focus Area #1shall be branded with the current owner's registered Wyoming brand or Seasonal Brand.

4. All Bulls tested in accordance with this Order shall be identified with a current year's Official Trichomoniasis Test Identification Tag.

5. Trichomoniasis test results shall be provided to the Wyoming Livestock Board prior to bulls being exposed to female cattle or within thirty days of test results, whichever occurs first

6. Any cattle owner in Trichomoniasis Special Focus Area #1 may take up and hold with proper care any Bull which is found commingling with their cattle and is not identified with the current years Official Trichomoniasis Test Identification Tag. They shall provide notice to the Wyoming Livestock Board and the Bull's owner, if known, within forty eight hours. Upon notice, the Wyoming Livestock Board shall investigate and take appropriate actions.
This order is in addition to the requirements already found in the Wyoming Livestock Board Chapter 15 Trichomoniasis Rules as extenuating circumstances have been found, and is implemented to protect the health and viability of the Wyoming cattle industry.

This Order is issued pursuant to Wyoming State Statute §11-18-103. The State Veterinarian is directed to carry out this Order pursuant to Wyoming State Statute § 11-19-101. This Order remains in effect until further notice.

Dated this 19th Day of March, 2012

Eric Barlow, President
Wyoming Livestock Board
we test a dozon bull about 20 years ago in a old WW chute .... we had log chains around the chute befor we got done. true the chute was old but those bull tore it apart before we got done that day
I know it's going to be a pain to do but I sure wish Colorado would implement some rules and laws like that. We need some rules with some teeth in it to help clean up some of the trash around here.
Utah started this about 10 years ago it was painful at first but i now think it is a very good law if you are caught with a positive bull in a herd of cows the fines are pretty steep and if you are on a forest permit with a positive bull could will buy the cows of your partners at full market price. I will zay this do them in the fall when you wean you calves. I have found they dont difht as much and are a lot easier to handle. O and one othèr thing get a hydraulic chute you will not regret it
cure said:
Utah started this about 10 years ago it was painful at first but i now think it is a very good law if you are caught with a positive bull in a herd of cows the fines are pretty steep and if you are on a forest permit with a positive bull could will buy the cows of your partners at full market price. I will zay this do them in the fall when you wean you calves. I have found they dont difht as much and are a lot easier to handle. O and one othèr thing get a hydraulic chute you will not regret it
Little over 10 years ago outfit in Idaho that ran on the forest with us brought a hot herd of cows out of Utah. That fall one of my youngest most expensive bulls test positive, probably the only calves I got were cows breed before going onto the forest. Never began to recover the price on that bull and also had allot more open and late cows that fall. I wrote the letters to neighbors and those we ran with on the forest like the law said.... never did get one from the others that had positive bulls that fall or next spring. V branded the tail head and sold the bull for slaughter only, makes me wonder how many hot bulls went to the sale barn and the cheap outfits bought a old hot bull.

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