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OU About To Make A Move?


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
Associated Press

CLAREMORE, Okla. -- University of Oklahoma officials are scheduled to discuss its Big 12 affiliation on Monday.

The school's board of regents has posted the agenda for Monday's meeting. It's a single paragraph that says the board will consider switching conference affiliation, and any legal ramifications of such a move.

The agenda says the regents may discuss the topic behind closed doors and "take any appropriate action."

University president David Boren said earlier this month that Oklahoma had been in contact with multiple conferences and expected a decision within a three-week timeframe that would run out next week.
I think everybody ought to leave the conference and let Texas be an independent - and then nobody schedule them.
Sandhusker said:
I think everybody ought to leave the conference and let Texas be an independent - and then nobody schedule them.

You want Texas to get screwed? Here's one at Texas that wants it also:

it looks like the "forgotten 5" are being asked to join the big east. while not as dominant as the Big 12 once was in football, it would be the top dog in basketball... could be an interesting move...I think we jump ship, and hang texas.
jigs said:
it looks like the "forgotten 5" are being asked to join the big east. while not as dominant as the Big 12 once was in football, it would be the top dog in basketball... could be an interesting move...I think we jump ship, and hang texas.

Jeeze, Jiggsy...it wasn't very long ago that you couldn't say enough bad about Nebraska leaving the Bevo 12. All the cursing and swearing at Dr. Tom, and the whining and gnashing of teeth you went through, while singing Bevo's praises. What a flip flopper YOU turned out to be! :wink: :lol: :lol:

What could have possibly happened to make you change your mind? Did you finally wake up and smell the coffee, and realize that Texas don't do reach-arounds?
loomixguy said:
jigs said:
it looks like the "forgotten 5" are being asked to join the big east. while not as dominant as the Big 12 once was in football, it would be the top dog in basketball... could be an interesting move...I think we jump ship, and hang texas.

Jeeze, Jiggsy...it wasn't very long ago that you couldn't say enough bad about Nebraska leaving the Bevo 12. All the cursing and swearing at Dr. Tom, and the whining and gnashing of teeth you went through, while singing Bevo's praises. What a flip flopper YOU turned out to be! :wink: :lol: :lol:

What could have possibly happened to make you change your mind? Did you finally wake up and smell the coffee, and realize that Texas don't do reach-arounds?

I think it is Texas and NU all wanting to be the big dog. and NU could never beat the south teams, so they left. now Texas has this stupid network, wich ESPN is the true evil driving force, and that is creating a lot of unstability for a&m and OU...

no one will sit down and say "yes, we are 100% committed, and will sign a $100 million buyout for defection" so that is where I base my leave the league thoughts on.
I want the Big 12 to stay and be dominant.I want Beebee gone, I want Jerry world to blow up. and I want NU face a Big 12 team in a bowl each year, and lose.
People in Hell want ice water, too....... :wink:

Forget Nebraska, Flip Flopper. We're gone. Done. You blaming Nebraska is like Methuselah still blaming Bush for everything that has happened since he left office. The old whiner probably even blames Bush for his hemorrhoids! YOUR school ALWAYS voted with Bevo. You made your bed, so now you have to lay in it, until something better comes along.

I frankly thought you were more astute than your post indicates. Nebraska hasn't caused your troubles......Bevo and ESPN have. Believe THAT, Playah.
Seems Texas is already scrambling. The Pres. of UT has been in Norman the last couple of days on his knees begging "Don't leave us out". I'm hoping OU and OSU go to Pac12-14 or whatever and leave Texas in the cold with their two bit "longhorn network" that nobody down here seems to be able to find. :shock:

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