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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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west chilcotin bc
Moved some water at MM and finally got most of the dams in. Finish tomorrow. Grass is sure slow. Moved yearling heifers and check what young pairs I could find.
Thank God for winches and Willow bushes.
We gathered the yearlings off the hill behind the house on Saturday. there was 70 yearlings up there. There was also 5 dry cows that we kicked up there when we branded. We got 64 yearlings and 3 cows with their calves that day. We know that 2 yearlings got out into the BLM. One of the cows went walk about and hasn't been seen since the day we kicked them up the hill. She is branded so we will get her back. The calf she was about to have? So we knew there was 4 yearlings and one pair still on the hill. Rode it with more cowboys. They got 3 yearlings. Two of them had to be roped and drug to the corral. The one yearling left out is a wild witch. The cow still out isn't wild, she is just real sneaky and good at hiding.
Thinks look pretty spiffy up your way amigo. I amazed how fast you go from full on winter to spring and green. Thank your lucky stars you didn't have Webfoot come cowboy for ya. He can't gather one little old hill after two gathers and he's lost half the bunch. 😂😂😂
Kidding Webby. Just kiddin
It is OK. I never lost any of them. Well the few that crawled through the fence on to the BLM. But those guys have to gather that allotment by July 15 so that is up to them. I saw the ones on the hill behind the house told the "cowboys"right where they were at. There is a reason B fired them as employees and just hires them as day riders. Him and I are both questioning him hiring them as day riders. But that is a different very long story.
Likely could roll them to the bottom of the hill with my quad…… what really could go wrong? LOL
Go wrong? Well umm. Lots of this ground you might roll the quad to the bottom of the hill long before the cows got there.
I have a plan. The hay will be cut in about 3 weeks. There is 3 gates off the lower hay meadow to the hill. There is about 10-12 acres with good grass connected to the meadow which doesn't get cut for hay. My plan is to open the gates once the hay is done and wait for the cows to come down to enjoy the better grass.

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