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Palin Speech

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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I just watched Sarah give her speech. I was going to vote for a third party and register a "protest vote". Now I'm voting for McCain/Palin and hoping that McCain keels over in the first month.
That speech confirmed my support, she is the type of person we need. I myself almost considered somebody like Bob Barr.

Her campaign song should be "Firecracker" by Josh Turner

Got to give The Mayor credit for an awesome intro.

On a side note, before the speech I finished Episode 3 of John Adams...RENT IT!
Sarah Palin!!!!!! Yipe-yi-yo-ki-yeaaaaa!!!!!!!! She is smart, funny, can shoot from the hip and had my vote. Could ya'll imagine her and Hillary on a stage debating anything that she wouldn't mop the floor with ol' Hill?
She slammed Obama so many times i lost count. Truly a great pick by John McCain. That gal has Teeth!
She is soooo awesome and inspiring!!!! After all of the downright dirty things said about her in the press these last few days, she informed them that they were going to Washington to serve the people, not to seek the medias approval....paraphrased..... LOVE IT!

She's not just going to be the next VP of the US, she is going to be elected President when McCains term is over. Screw Obama....and all the other socialists as well! Palin is the chosen one!
Sandhusker said:
I just watched Sarah give her speech. I was going to vote for a third party and register a "protest vote". Now I'm voting for McCain/Palin and hoping that McCain keels over in the first month.


I don't like McCain but I'm now going to vote for the ... Palin/McCain ticket
woranch said:
Sandhusker said:
I just watched Sarah give her speech. I was going to vote for a third party and register a "protest vote". Now I'm voting for McCain/Palin and hoping that McCain keels over in the first month.


I don't like McCain but I'm now going to vote for the ... Palin/McCain ticket

Same here.
best comment I heard after words.. paraphrased..

Chris Matthews.. she is not the answer to Hillary,.. I didn't think of Hillary not once during the speech... Sarah was the rebuttal to Obama.. she just torpedoed Obama

while Matthews comment is not exactly quoted correctly.. his point was that the media has defined her role wrong (again) in matching her against Hillary... it appears her role is to rip Obama's throat out. (how will he give a fancy speech with out a voice box?)

Palin showed she was ready to take on Obama.. (and she is only the VP)..

I really liked the "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull.. Lipstick"... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Palin had my vote already..
Sounds like she gave a good speech, just got home. Going to go watch it if my kids did not mess up the DVR for Hannah Montana :)
Had a meeting with all brand inspectors in our county. First thing I asked after showing up: Can you check my books first cuz I want to go back home and watch Sarah Palin give her speech....all but one of the guys looked at me and said "Who" ? :???: :???: :( the other guy said Sarah Palin, McCain's choice for VP. sw was supposed to record her, I am very much looking forward to listening to her!!!
Just watched the Palin speech. And I was pretty impressed. I know it sounds like a Conservative pumping up a candidate. But I believe this is the first speech I ever listened to from start to finish, even rewinding it and playing a few parts over again.

I listened to most of Obama's speech and felt it was a good speech and figured it would give him a bounce.

But Palin not only said what I wanted to hear, you can tell she is smooth in her delivery. I doubt there will be much stuttering in her voice as Obama does when he is off the teleprompter.

But I guess there is a difference when you believe and live what you say, not just give a speech.

I guarantee you that Democrats all over the place are shaking in their boots. Heck I doubt the heart beat away comments will do much good, probably a bunch will vote for her hoping that McCain is unable to serve.

I bet the Democratic, move on, Huffington post people will be burning the midnight oil to slander this VP choice! They are scared and see 16 years of Presidency slipping out the door!
She is exactly what we need in Washington. McCain did his job now it's up to us to get them in office And in addition, we need to find more Palins and get them in the senate and congress. We need to clean house . The political machines and lobbist are running this country
because we have abdicated our jobs. LET'S PUT ON OUR LIPSTICK AND GRAB A HOCKEY STICK :!: :!: :!:
All I can say is ...I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SandHusker, this VP selection has caused me to reassess my opinion of McCain...plus 22 years of military service doesn't lead one toward liberalism. Something to think about...some of McCain's legislation was written with liberals...and we know liberals will corrupt good legislation. This VP selection is a nightmare for liberals, BUT it doesn't sit well with the country club Republicans...FOR SURE!!!!! This is the kind of change Middle America is looking for...PALIN IS ONE OF US!!!!!!!!!!

efb, you are exactly right...our work has just started. Great comments!!!!! :D

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