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pasture fees 2012


New member
Jan 21, 2012
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Hoping to get some help. Wondering what grass pasture fees (by the acre) will run this year in SW Kansas and SE Colorado. With and without care. Knowing there has been a drought in these area, but there has been some rain and snow.
I'm SE Co, and $4.00 has worked, but got a call that it is going to $5.00 in 2012. He has quite a bit of windmill expense on just 1/2 section. I furnish labor and he furnishes 1/2 material on fence as it borders mine.
$4 an acre?? WOW, I am paying $40.00 and acre and I have to do all the thistles and fence work....
I've never heard of anyone renting pasture "here" by the acre. I do rent some summer grass to a neighbor. I think I'm a bit on the low side at $27/AUM. He keeps the fence up with my materials, supplies his own salt, and keeps tabs on the cattle and water.
Per acre costs are hard to compare since there is such wide variety in carrying capacity. Per AUM leases are easier but there are still a lot of variables. Several AUM's per acre is a lot different than several AUM's per section.
Cedarcreek said:
Per acre costs are hard to compare since there is such wide variety in carrying capacity. Per AUM leases are easier but there are still a lot of variables. Several AUM's per acre is a lot different than several AUM's per section.

"Here" in a "normal" year I would say it requires 10-15 acres to keep a pair on grass for a 5 month summer grazing season.
Here everything is by the AUM, and it is anywhere from $10(very infrequently) - $25.00/ AUM. It takes 30 - 40 acres/AUM of range. Don't know what irrigated rates are.

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