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Pfizer Animal Health

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I'll take K.D over Michael Jackson any day of the week-I'm glad our miniprotest woke up Pfizer -how about a round of Viagra for Oldtimer and Haymaker just to show were good sports.
Northern Rancher said:
I'll take K.D over Michael Jackson any day of the week-I'm glad our miniprotest woke up Pfizer -how about a round of Viagra for Oldtimer and Haymaker just to show were good sports.

keep the viagra,send me a couple bottles of your best, hand delivered by one of those canadian hussies with a touch of french :wink: ...........good luck
Hay Maker - you need one of those bottles of "Alberta Springs" if you can get your hands on it. Trust me on that!

As for the ladies - lots of them around me have a touch of the French in them - wife included. Beware! As wonderful as they can be, they have a dark side - you DO NOT want to experience! :D

As the world gets smaller and smaller we will all need to express our views - - - hopefully in a non confrontational way - - - and if we listen to the other guys we will be suprised that we can all learn and modify our own as we learn.
Evena mule can change his attitude if he is presented with a good reason. Will total free trade be painless? No but it will come in the end with or with out our help.
Please express your views and try to do so in such a manner as to build allies not foes...... Remember you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.
Faster horses said:
I would ask you NOT to use Terri Clark and KD Lang in the same sentence!!


I guess they are different...one hates men, the other thinks she is one

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