thank you again for your comments.
spoke to a farmer friend of mine in Ireland who says Canadian Angus there have a bad name. calving difficulties cited as one reason. must investigate that again, as i dont quite fully understand what the problem is.
we find these to be great calvers ie., mothers very maternal, some bordering on fanatical for those days around the date of calving, great calves that are lighter than what used to be here (ie., 80# av. rather than upwards of 120#) and born mostly unassisted, aggressive and quick with getting up to nurse again mostly unassisted. very rarely see horns. robust at grazing, compared to again yrs ago cattle that would stand and beller rather than go out and scrounge. bulls are purebred, (papered), great range animals ie., sheath is high and away from sustaining damage on any underbrush on the range.. in big contrast to the ones here decades ago ie., as was the custom being a mixture of hereford, simmenthals and charolais. way we say it is the cows are black angus cross, even black simmenthal would work.