Well-known member

Peach and her buckskin

My favorite daughter

Sorting out some calves that don't go with the bunch

Tails out of school

Does this ass make me look fat? :roll: No answer required or desired. :wink:

And this is the way I want it done.

Riding with her free hand in the air

Sunflower closing the gate

Picture from Peach's perspective

Too many cameras

Bred heifers

On left over summer pasture

Checking things out

A no-no, picture taking against the sun

Knife made by the Kosmo Kid in his brother's shop

Fancy bug that makes a fancy noise, held over from earlier in the summer

Kosmo Kid fixing fence

Trailing 41 heifers home about six miles

Fording Bear Creek

Sunflower and Goose helped half fast actin' Tanactin and me

With the project

Some of the girls

View from above of a horn and a glove

A pretty good mule