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Pinched Nerve

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3 M L & C

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2010
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Has anyone on here had a pinched nerve? My wife woke up the other morning and couldn't move at all. Went in they said was pinched and get a back dr to straighten it out. My wife dosnt complain about pain she had kid #2 with no epidural and didn't hardly make a peep and this has her in tears so it has to be bad. They did some bloodwork and said wasn't menengitis and they don't want to do an MRI as she may be pregnant. Can a pinched nerve hurt this bad?
Yes. Had one in my neck last year. Had to have surgery put 2 plates and 6 screws in my neck. Took a long time to recover.
I would find the best chiropractor in the area. This has solved my problem many times. Mel
They drew blood and found out not pregnant so she has some amazing pain pills now. So she can at least get some rest. Before she couldn't even get comfortable to sleep. I haven't usually had to much luck with these hydocodine or whatever there called but they work good for her. They wear off right before she can take another and the pains comes back bad. Going to get an MRI after lunch and get a better gameplan I guess. I hope she dosnt need surgery cause I don't do to good playing mr mom :wink: These three little yahoos can sure make a mess.
I suffered a pinched nerve years ago while using my head and neck to balance a piece of sheetrock. It was like getting hit in the neck with a baseball bat. Doctor said I had degenerative arthritis and gave me some pain pills. Problem went away in a few days with no surgery.

Several years later, the problem came back with different symptoms so they gave me an MRI. They said the surgery was very complicated and risky so I never had it done. Been OK ever since except for getting old which is all I wanted anyway.

My wife has been fighting this same problem again for last 3 weeks or so. Found a specialist that diagnose her with chiari malformation and was set to do this major surgery on next Tuesday. My wife has been reading a lot and just didn't have a good feeling about it. So conviced him to get another mri of the whole spine. Now she has been diagnosed with spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Basicly has a leak of spinal fluid that is allowing the brain to sag down and not have enough fluid giving massive headaches to the point of vomiting. Potentially can be fixed with an epidural blood patch which would take 10 minuets. Hopefully this works. My wife is always questioning dr's how they always want to just give pain pills and move on. Hard for me to argue with her after this. ??????????
:oops: Note to self, always look at the date of a post. Did a double take about the part where she might be pregnant, remembering the post about a baby boy last month. :shock: :oops:

Best of luck with the potential cure! I think doctors are sort of overwhelmed anymore, and you've got to be your own advocate. Thank goodness they didn't do the unnecessary surgery!
Oh my. I do hope she gets better. She's been my favorite since --forever. :heart: Please tell her I'm thinking of her and sending prayers.
Keep me up on how she's doing.
I had one in my neck last winter. Without a doubt the most debilitating thing I've ever endured. Took me 30 minutes to take a hoodie and bibs off. Took some pills and used a heat pad and the next day I was able to go again.
Well it's been 6 days since the second blood patch. The first one didn't work so they did it again in a different spot a week later. She says now it's 80% better than what it was. She does real good when she gets a good nights sleep. So hopefully this will be behind us. It's crazy we fought this for 6 weeks of her basically with a worse than migraine headache whenever not laying down and it took 10 minutes to fix with the blood patch. I'm sure glad to get my wife back for sure. Either I have gotten better at cooking or the kids just got tired or complaining. :wink:

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