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Pinebank Waigroup 41'97

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My neighbour has a bunch that he seems to really like. You should come for a visit. Or phone Christoph Weder (Google Spiritview ranch)
I've been using a son as a heifer bull. I have a few heifers by him that will calve in late April.
He is a good moving bull. The heifers have lots of middle but aren't real feminine looking. Not flighty but not pets. Middle of the pac for performance.
Probably breeds true to his numbers but wonder about the milk
I think Fraser's have some coming two's going to calve this spring. They used him on some straight Canadian cows and he seems to work well on them. I'm more concerned with an Angus cow that can hang around for a bit than looks-those old Landmark L56 daughters stayed ugly in the herd for a long time lol. I just looked at an online sale catalogue from the U'S-they claim the cattle are raised in tough country and such and are culled hard but from what I gather run two calving seasons. The bloodlines and EPD's don't match the story in my mind-I'm just not sure what to think about it all-it's a two day drive one way to check it out but the only way to get a handle on it is to go look. Midcalving gives you a good snapshot of how a ranch runs-a healthy layer of dust on the maternity pen and calf pullers and expired medicine bottles turn my crank.
I've got a neighbor about 60 miles away that has some 41/97 heifers that I need to go see...From what I've heard they are nice moderate framed-easy fleshing- good footed cattle....

I kind of stayed away from him because of the fad- waiting to see how they work out... Decided to stay with old proven Rito 707, N Bar, Wye, Juanada breeding.....
But I heard several folks that are high on the NZ cattle-- and they do present an inbreed outcross...
What (HAPPENED) with that bull from last spring that you we're all stiff over that was black and had great feet surely there can't be two black bulls with good feet.
Denny said:
What (HAPPENED) with that bull from last spring that you we're all stiff over that was black and had great feet surely there can't be two black bulls with good feet.

That does seem rather unlikely I must admit.

I guess stranger things have happened though. :D
After reading a few different topics on Ranchers this morning, from calving seasons and letting cows calve on their own. How will this sire work with those situtations after looking at his -2 CED epd? He has respectabel BW epd. My question would be his width for calving ease.
I was commenting on his good feet not annointing him as the greatest bull in all traits. It is a grand day indeed to find a good uddered Hereford-a good footed Angus and a good natured Minnesotan. To be honest I've never looked a a CED or MCE EPD in my life in regards to selecting a bull.
I don't remember helping any heifers calve since I started using the 41-97 son I have. The calves are definitely not frail looking and the bull calves aren't hard to identify. If you had birth weight problems in your herd they might be trouble. I think I have had about 60 over the last 2 years and my hiefers calve on pasture late April early May.
I don't like that narrow type that are considered heifer bulls.
You have to consider the EPD's issued to offshore Bulls aren't really EPD's as they don't give you a real indication of what to expect.
He started with a +2 for milk. That is pure and simple BS. Go to the aussie site and compare his EBV's with a known bull like 036.
His sales should of been good last year as I had to turn over some big accounts to him lol. Water under the bridge-is George Lidster still kicking around up there I haven't seen him in years. I used to get up through there coaching hockey quite often but haven't been for awhile. If you watch the Hawks at all-there's one of the kids I used to coach playing there.
Northern Rancher said:
I was commenting on his good feet not annointing him as the greatest bull in all traits. It is a grand day indeed to find a good uddered Hereford-a good footed Angus and a good natured Minnesotan. To be honest I've never looked a a CED or MCE EPD in my life in regards to selecting a bull.

WOE there my canadian friend....Don't forget where I am from! :wink:
You forgot prolapsed herefords, fire breathing angus, We may be a little on the ornery side here in Minnesota, but damn we are good looking :p

The next time I stop by we will continue this discussion over some of them fine pancakes your wife and daughter make! Shawn
Northern Rancher said:
Think how good you'll look in that Team Canada hockey sweater lol.

To play the part I will have to forget how to skate and fight like a girl! :wink:

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