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Pistol Whipping companies with good intentions

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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NE Oregon
I am really trying to stay out of this whole R-Calf/NCBA deal. However, I can't ignore a couple of threads where companies are getting pistol whipped for donating to a dinner. Give me a break. It is a $200 donation. Most of these companies focus is to develop products for the rancher and they really don't have a lot of interest in the politics. They'd rather leave that to the cattlemen themselves. More often than not, a rep gets contacted by a customer that has bought a lot of product asking for a $200 donation for a function. Doesn't sound like a lot and Joe Customer and his neighbors have been good to the company. More often than not, these companies are focused on their products, not all the squabbling amongst these organizations. These companies have provided the same donationts a variety of organizations. They are simply trying to give back.

Now here's where we are shooting ourselves in the foot. By Pistol Whipping and assigning intent on these donations, we are going to make these companies exteremly gunshy about donating to any organization. This will ultimately dry up support these companies have given back to us and our kids. Yep, we are taking funds away from our children when we pistol whip these companies. That's why my dander is up and I'm finally posting on this subject I shy away from.

So, it's your choice, make a mountain out of a molehill and all the sudden watch any support to anyone disappear. Sounds pretty silly and petty to me,

PPRM, good points, but in this case the rep. did not follow procedure and policy from a Company standpoint. Donations are usually given to politically neutral organiztions. (4H, trade shows, breed associations etc.)

If the rep. wanted to donate in his own name, that would have been fine to show his gratitude for his customers patronage, but to use the Company's name as a advertisement for the meeting, well, that was wrong.

I wouldn't worry about Companies being gunshy with their donations. They will continue to give back in a neutral manner.

I talked with a National Sales Manager for one of the companies listed. about this. I came away with the impression he was simply trying to help a cattleman's organization and got caught in a crossfire he knew nothing about. You damb well better believe he felt pretty caught off guard and more hesitant when it comes to donations. So, stick your head in the sand if you don't think pistol whipping will have any efffect, especially a $200 donation for a dinner with said reprecussions.

Maple Leaf,

Get a grip on reality. There's a hell of a difference between These gay rights organizations and cattle organizations. I'd say these companies would tend to support any organization that sounds cattle related and discern against supporting ones that definetly aren't. These companies are focused on their product lines, they occasionally give ome money back to organizations their customers belong to,

I talked with a National Sales Manager for one of the companies listed. about this. I came away with the impression he was simply trying to help a cattleman's organization and got caught in a crossfire he knew nothing about. You damb well better believe he felt pretty caught off guard and more hesitant when it comes to donations. So, stick your head in the sand if you don't think pistol whipping will have any efffect, especially a $200 donation for a dinner with said reprecussions

Funny thing is PPRM, that $200 doesn't sound like much, but that might just keep a farm family up North here afloat or fed for another month, but nope, it went to the group that will do everything in their power to keep the border closed.

I guess now he knows about the "crossfire" and will maybe think twice how is donation is spent against him and his international sales next time. Ask him how the Canadian sales have been doing since the border closure?

Maybe other US producers should start wondering the same thing. How is RCALF undermining our international sales of beef and other US manufactured products?

But hey PPRM, it's not a real big deal to get involved with, right? Just a few livleihodds here and there!
This comes from the Pfizer Benefits for employees page. Any thoughts on this?

"Medical and dental coverage under the Pfizer Pflex Plan extends to a qualified adult, which includes a spouse, same- or opposite-sex domestic partner or other qualified family member who meets eligibility requirements."
Sounds very "progressive". :? :? In Canada they are soon going to pass legislation where the pamphlet will have to include "same sex spouse". The states won't be to far behind. :cry:
The gay rights and and cattle orgs have one thing in common....... there is a lot of back dooring going on.
Like I said, I try to stay out of the whole R-calf/whoever else deal. People become soooo polarized that they are more than willing to shoot themselves in the foot to align on one side or the other. A lot of the responses show that.

Murgen, if you reviewed a lot of my posts over the last year on this board and others, you'd know I am generally very supportive of the Canadian producer. I think we as US citizens have a lot more to be worried aboutwith Beef sourced from other countries. My position is that a lot of the energy spent fighting amongst ourseles does no good for anyone, except some lawyers on retainer. Same money spent to find real extent of BSE and promote beef would do everyone tons more good. However, it seems human nature will always gravitate to elevateing personal position by taking shots to knock down others. If the Canadians really want a leg up, go to the testing levels Japan is requiring within their own country and sell certified free beef. The market is soooooo wide open that they are taking less finished beef from Australia to fill the void. Surely Canada has the ability to do bettter than this,


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