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PM this weeks entries to cert

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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
Since I have to be gone part of next week, we are asking that the Photo Contest entries be PM'd to cert for the second contest only. She will be taking care of everything for me.

Thanks, cert, for your help.

She also is going to put all the entries on a CD for us!!
I"m so confused. This weeks contest photos are still comin in?.....or is it time to get votes in and there'll be a new photo topic next week? I know I'm blonde...can't hep it, I'm easily confused.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
I"m so confused. This weeks contest photos are still comin in?.....or is it time to get votes in and there'll be a new photo topic next week? I know I'm blonde...can't hep it, I'm easily confused.


No worries about being blonde or confused. I am a lot darker than blonde and had to go back and look at the original rules...this weeks/contests (branding with horses) entries are closed. So for the next contest (nature, which you should be able to come up for an entry or two for!!!!) you need to send your entries to "cert." Those entries will be taken between yesterday (Oct. 19) and Oct. 26 at midnight (I assume MDT).

It looks like you can vote for the Branding with Horses contest until tomorrow (Fri. Oct. 21) at 7:00 pm MDT.

Hope this helped.

Lilly, I think you can still vote on this weeks contest till tomorrow night.

Send the photos to me for the next contest "Nature". If I understand right, you have till wednesday next week to get them to me. Right FH?
I'll post them soon as I get them and you have till next friday to vote. The results are posted on Saturday's.

No one hold me to that though!! Hubby says I might as well be blonde.

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