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pole gate pic

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
pic of a pole gate I rebuilt this fall

chute and alley, the far side of the alley is on pipe to the post so it can be narrowed down when working calves or yearlings.
I realy like pole corrals.Years ago we had all poles except a plank chute but they have all gone away!We just don't have an available supply.
What type polls do youi have and how long do they last?
usually cut some lodge pole, some douglas fir.
the grazzing association use my corrals to cut out and we did have time to go get poles so I bought those green treated they should last for years.
have put up green and dry poles that have last 25 or so years. Some dry poles won't last 3.
heck the old head catch when I was relly little was poles . with a long pole that moved them open and closed.

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