GIPSA Dominates Senate Committee Hearing
The topic of the hearing before the Senate Agriculture Committee yesterday was "The State of Livestock in America" but much of the testimony centered around USDA's controversial Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard's Administration (GIPSA) proposal.
In a strong statement at the start of the hearing, ranking member Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) said that GIPSA proposal is in direct opposition to the intent of Congress under the 2008 Farm Bill.
"As a result, we are looking at a proposed rule that is undoubtedly significant in its economic impact and which threatens to undo years of livestock marketing arrangements that have benefited both livestock producers and consumers," said Roberts. "At a time when many talk about how agriculture is going to help lead the rebound for our economic recovery, it makes no sense to me why we would try to hamstring this industry, and take away marketing tools that will have far reaching implications in both the domestic and international marketplace."
Watch Roberts get fired up about GIPSA here:
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Posted by Cindy • June 29, 2011 • 10:50 am
Categories: GIPSA,Government,Video
June 29, 2011 — 3:10 pm
Bill Bullard, R-CALF USA
Senator Pat Roberts made the most dishonorable and repulsive opening statement that anyone could possibly make at a congressional hearing. Whether you support USDA's proposed GIPSA rule or not, every American should be appalled at Senator Robert's theatrics. He lied. He outright lied. Senator Roberts knows, and all his staff knows, that GIPSA Administrator Dudley Butler NEVER said that the proposed GIPSA rule is a lawyer's dream. The speech of Administrator Butler that Senator Roberts purposely prostituted was widely circulated in the media as were transcripts of that speech. Senator Roberts chose to lie for no other reason than to impugn the character of Administrator Butler. Below is the transcript of Administrator Butler's speech. No one but a disreputable pawn would use this speech in the distorted manner used by Senator Roberts. Administrator Butler said exactly the opposite of what Senator Roberts claimed he said. Administrator Butler said that existing law – the 90-year-old Packers and Stockyards Act – contained vague terms that were, therefore, "a lawyer's dream." And, Administrator Butler clearly stated that his goal for the proposed GIPSA rule was to define and set perimeters for those vague terms so everyone in the marketplace knows the rules. America has been disgraced by Senator Roberts.
2009 Speech of GIPSA Administrator J. Dudley Butler
"I truly believe that if you are going to regulate, authority has to be tempered with common sense.
You cannot try to over-regulate – you cannot try to under-regulate.
I am a big believer in balance and consistency.
If we want the industry to survive over the long haul, it has to be balanced.
We are developing rules that deal with problems in the marketplace across the board.
It's just like a piece of legislation, you can't write a perfect piece of legislation.
We need your comments so we can put out the best finished product possible.
Looking at it from the standpoint of sections 202 A and B, when you have terms like unfair, unreasonable, or undue prejudice, that's a lawyer's dream, a plaintiff lawyer's dream. We can get in front of a jury on that without getting thrown out on what we call summary judgment, because that's a jury question.
But the real thing now in trying to solve the problem quickly is not only to address the market issues, but to define some of these terms, to put parameters around them. What you can do, what the company can't do, what has got to happen in the marketplace."
June 29, 2011 — 4:11 pm
Mike Weaver
It appears that Senator Roberts comments about the proposed GIPSA rules were written by one of the large meatpackers or poultry integrators. The lie they propagated for several months about comments by J.Dudley Butler and the trial lawyer misquote, which has been proven by video of the comments, is a shameful way for the giant corporations to get their way in this situation. The lies are not working so they get an amendment in the House appropriations bill to defund the GIPSA rules. Now this! Would someone look into contributions from big agriculture to Senator Roberts please? The farmers and ranchers need to know and so do the voting public in Kansas.
Mike Weaver, President, Contract Poultry Growers Association of the Virginias
June 29, 2011 — 4:22 pm
Mike Callicrate
A video of GIPSA Administrator Dudley Butler's actual statement is here:
Senator Roberts is a shinning example of this lackey Congress that continues to place big corporate interests over the interests of the people.
Senator Roberts should be held accountable for spreading these lies.
The GIPSA rules are the only thing standing between independent cattlemen and chicken-farmer serdom.
June 29, 2011 — 5:23 pm
DC Hartman
Dudley Butler's 2009 speech refers to the Stockyards and Packers act currently in effect, not the GIPSA ruling…Mr. Roberts needs to get his facts straight before he opens his mouth. Mr. Butler NEVER said the proposed GIPSA rule is a lawyer's dream. Mr. Roberts has no true basis for being against the GIPSA ruling.
"Looking at it from the standpoint of sections 202 A and B, when you have terms like unfair, unreasonable, or undue prejudice, that's a lawyer's dream, a plaintiff lawyer's dream. We can get in front of a jury on that without getting thrown out on what we call summary judgment, because that's a jury question." Mr. Butlers 2009 speech
Section 202. Unlawful practices enumerated.3
It shall be unlawful for any packer or swine contractor with respect to livestock, meats,
meat food products, or livestock products in unmanufactured form, or for any live poultry
dealer with respect to live poultry, to:
(a) Engage in or use any unfair, unjustly discriminatory, or deceptive practice or
device; or
(b) Make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any
particular person or locality in any respect, or subject any particular person or
locality to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect; or
June 29, 2011 — 5:34 pm
Dippold Ranch
Sen. Roberts' statement was misleading. He quoted out of context, thus changing the meaning of the speaker he was quoting.
I realize the money behind the fight against GIPSA. However, as a cattle producer, we find more and more demands from the buyers of our cattle; they are assuming less costs for these cattle, and we are assuming more costs, for very little, if any, gain. There needs to be more accountability from the meatpackers. It is hard to conduct fair business when they have a monopoly.
The proposed rules in the GIPSA will put growers on a more even playing field by protecting against unfair treatment or possible retaliation. Senator Roberts does not speak for many ranchers in our area, and certainly not for us.
June 29, 2011 — 5:50 pm
New Mexico Cowboy
I'm a cow-calf producer, have periodically retained ownership of my calves, My calves have top genetics based on their performance in the yard coupled with carcass data and there is a real need for the GIPSA Rule.
Senator Roberts' misrepresentation of Administrator Butler's comments–which were directed to the terms of PSA as presently undefined and the need to define them by rule so that PSA is NOT a plaintiff's lawyer's dream–was a real ethical and moral low. The Senator owes Mr. Butler an apology.
But then, Senator Roberts received some $39,000 during the 2008 election cycle from those opposed to the GIPSA Rule. From his comments and feigned indignation, I'd say they got their money's worth.
The GIPSA Rule has been totally misrepresented by its opponents and judging from the Senator's comments suggesting the Rule would "hamstring this industry, and take away marketing tools…" he has never read the rule, does not understand how formula cattle work, and is most misinformed about how livestock markets function.
June 29, 2011 — 5:54 pm
This is the way a Senator behaves because US cattlemen seek justice? He attacks a man who has worked honestly to formulate a fair rule that would protect our livestock industry from monopoly? Senator Dole prefers corporate monopoly? How much does Senator Dole receive from the big packers and the groups that do their bidding, such as NCBA? Mr. Dole does not have clean hands nor a just heart. Is it too much to ask for fairness, Mr. Dole? Has that become un-American? Shall we all throw stones as you have, at an honest man doing something to restore competition in American. Shall we all just say "Give the corporations whatever they want because if you don't, men like you, Senator Dole, will tear apart those holding steady for what is right"? If you take how much you have received from these special interests, and divide it by the number of words you have used to try to stop the GIPSA rule by going after Mr. Dudley, how much did you make per ugly word? Mr. Dole, shame on you. Our country needs our Congressmen to stop being water carriers for the rich and powerful, and you have hauled one large bucket for them. You are their paid servant, a humiliating job. You were supposed to serve to the American people, a job with great dignity. Instead you attack Mr. Dudley who is honorably serving this country and with courage considering the vicious attacks on him. You serve your masters by attacking Mr. Dudley who is doing right by the American people.
June 29, 2011 — 5:56 pm
J. E. Martens
I am a life long rancher from Wyoming, If I am to stay in the cattle busness, the Meat Packers must NOT continue to have a stone cold monopoly on my beef ! These arangements that Senator Roberts speak of is just that. Monopolys, and nothing more, open and above board, transparent sales (Like the NYSE) are the law, make them enforce them !! Fellow the money, it is NOT on the plains of the cattle country, it is in the land of the PACKERS . Level playing field is all we ask ! James Martens, Black Hills of Wyoming
June 29, 2011 — 6:01 pm
Dan De Wees
I think Senator Roberts is not looking out for the Cattle producers. He is for the Beef Packers who control over 85% of the market. Where will they get there cattle when we are OUT of business.
June 29, 2011 — 6:05 pm
senator Roberts is most definately bought and paid for by the American meat institute. It is time to get rid of these life time politicians: senator Roberts(ks), senator Hatch(ut), senator Crapo (id), senator Reed(nev), rep. Simpson(Id) . Just alot of republicans and democrats that have been there too long !
June 29, 2011 — 6:10 pm
Carlon Stapper
Senator Roberts comments completely misrepresent what Administrator Butler said. Putting these proposed GIPSA rules into place will help restore competition to the market place, something the Packers and Stockyards Act is supposed to do.
June 29, 2011 — 6:41 pm
Conrad Zutavern
Senator Roberts made an untruthful and and unnecessary attack against GIPSA administrator Butler. Twisting the truth in order to make a political point goes noticed out here in Nebraska and Kansas and it doesn't fly anymore. Remember how Breitbart and Fox News fabricated USDA's undersecretary Shirley Sherrod last year? Well, in the end, when the truth eventually came out, the accusers had egg all over their face. Now Senator Roberts is going to get egg all over his face.
June 29, 2011 — 6:42 pm
Denise Langley
Senator Roberts should be ashamed of himself and his constituents should vote him out of office. He lied about the Gipsa ruling. This bill-Gipsa is to clear up the vague and non specific language that was in the Packers and Stockyards Act. The GIPSa will clearify and remove generalizations so the rule cannot be misconstrued. Senator Roberst attack on Dudley Butler was based on totally incorrect, facts. I hope the people representing us in Washington are much more intelligent and honest than Senator Roberts!
June 29, 2011 — 7:05 pm
K. Schroer
Sen. Roberts, you are an abomination to the American rancher/cattleman!
How embarrassing for Kansas to have you representing their state. Maybe you should get your facts straight about GIPSA before spewing your rhetoric.
satan and the meatpackers certainly have you in their back pockets!! And to think we taxpayers have to foot the bill for your overly bloated retirement pension and all the while you are stabbing us in the back! Be careful not to choke on the next bite of American raised and produced beefsteak you stick in your mouth.
June 29, 2011 — 7:06 pm
red cow
WHOA! I went back and read Butler's comments and he stated the opposite of what Senator Roberts said that he said. Butler stated that the existing law was a lawyer's dream.
Clearly, Senator Roberts does not support producers! If you cannot support an open free market than you are supporting corrupt manipulated market for the meatpackers.
Senator Roberts and Ag-wired needs to print a retraction and get their facts straight. Burning the American flag is free speech but that does not make it right!
June 29, 2011 — 7:08 pm
Karen Bowlin
Roberts is clearly out of touch with ag marketing. Too many generations away from the farm I expect. If you don't know anything about the topic, it is usually wise to keep your mouth shut so you don't reveal your ignorance to everyone. This objective of this rule is to give farmers and ranchers a fair marketing opportunity. Sen. Roberts mouth is a timely illustration of what we've been trying to protect ourselves against: allied meatpackers using legislators as spokesmen and tools for their industry advantage.
June 29, 2011 — 7:24 pm
Mark Wilson
Senator Roberts,
Whether it is out of ignorance or malice you attributed Mr. Dudley's "lawyers dream" comment incorrectly to comments about about the current GIPSA Rule proposal. That comment was made about the definition of words in the original Packers and Stockyards act. You owe an appology to Mr. Dudley. You apparently hold many in the cattle industry who support the proposed GIPSA Rule in contempt as well.
June 29, 2011 — 7:26 pm
Teresa Wiemerslage
I am extremely disappointed in Senator Robert's comments. The Senate and Obama Administration needs to act now to implement and enforce the GIPSA rule. Farmers and ranchers need a fair marketplace now more than ever. We have waited long enough.
I am disappointed in Senator Roberts deceitful attack on Administrator Butler and the GIPSA rule. His comments are not true. As a fourth generation farmer, I expect that our Senators and Representatives speak the truth, even when they don't agree with us.
It has been one year since the GIPSA rule was proposed. It is long past time to implement these reforms to protect family farmers and ranchers. The GIPSA rule will prevent packers from engaging in unfair and deceptive practices to harm livestock producers. We have been at their mercy long enough. The GIPSA rule is a positive step forward toward fairer markets.
June 29, 2011 — 7:31 pm
Donald Martin
I am a Cattleman. I am not surprised by Mr. Roberts statements, he is a typical politician. The only way to tell if he is lying is to see if his mouth is moving. He knows, as does almost everyone in the cattle business that the packers are killing the small producers with collusion, avarice and the help of Mr Roberts and his kind. I am proud of President Obama and Sec. Vilsac's efforts. I would like my children to be able to keep our ranch but if Mr Roberts wins this fight the packers will eventually own it and many many others. I would like to see what Teddy Roosevelt would have to say about Mr Roberts and the packers.
June 29, 2011 — 8:24 pm
Nathan Pike
I just heard your speech to the Senate regarding GIPSA Rules. I find it to be the most dishonest speech I have ever heard. NCBA and KLA & Texas Cattle Feeders must have written it for you, as it is well known they are Packer Lackeys and they use the Producer Beef Check-off money to fight the real producer, as this has been proven.
Senator, why don't you come clean and post to the public, how much money the Packers have contributed to you over the last few years. The GIPSA Rule does nothing close to what you stated, but it will level the playing field for the main stream producer. It does not take away anyone's rights to contract their livestock to any packer or International Packer, as you suggest. I find this to be the most dishonable speech I have heard from a Kansas Senator. I have been in the livestock business for 61 years, and do not like what is happening to our industry.
June 29, 2011 — 8:31 pm
Pam Potthoff
Senator Pat Robert's attack on the proposed GIPSA rule changes are a direct attack on small and medium feeders who are too small to warrant "sweetheart deals" with the big packers.
The base price paid through formula contracts (43.1 percent of the market in 2010) is determined by the cash market (37.4 percent of th market). This cash market shrunk from over 52 percent five years. When packers bid low or refuse to bid at all in the cash market, everyone in the beef prodution line gets hurt except the pakers. The new GIPSA rules would help prevent packer manipulation of the cash market.
Senator Roberts: That would only be fair to all in prouction agriculture. People don't file lawsuit when they are being treated fairly.
June 29, 2011 — 8:33 pm
D.T.Cappucci, Jr., DVM, PhD, MPH, LTC, AUS, ret.
The comments of United Senator Pat Roberts about proposed GIPSA rule making and Administrator Dudley Butler of the USDA Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyard's Administration are a dastardly, unprofessional verbal attack against another honorable American citizen in federal governmental service! It is disappointing that Senator Roberts sarcastically suggests for USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to consider putting Administrator Butler under the Witness Protection Program due to the circumstances of the ongoing controversy! Shame on Senator Roberts for making his opposition to the proposed GIPSA rule making on livestock marketing into a caustic, direct personal assault on USDA Administrator Butler.
June 29, 2011 — 8:33 pm
I am a repubulican and a cattle rancher and I believe that the video by Senator Roberts seems to be titled incorrectly. The title should be Roberts works to defend the large meat packers. He certainly is not defending the small producers of the United States when he villifies J. Dudley Butler and takes his comments on the proposed rule totally out of context. Senator Roberts should be ashamed of himself, but I am sure the large meat packers lobby gave him a good slap on the back and perhaps a little extra money for his next campaign.
As I see it, the new rule is simply trying make clear some of the very vague terms in the 90 year old Packers and Stockyards Act. Why are the packers and their allies like the NCBA fighting so hard to kill this proposed rule? I really don't believe it is to protect small farmers and ranchers.
The articles surrounding this video were from the NCBA, Meat Packer's Associations and the like saying what a good idea it was to kill the funding for the proposed rule. I didn't see the comments from the National Farm Bureau Federation, R-Calf and the 150+ other agricultural organizations who have gone on record supporting the new GIPSA rule.
June 29, 2011 — 8:37 pm
william turner
I am a poultry grower & livestock .
He has no idea whats going on.
June 29, 2011 — 8:43 pm
Reid Phifer
Senator Roberts, you would think coming from Kansas there should be at some point in your life at least a small amount of intelligence acquired concerning agriculture. I personally, and feel assured anyone else that really listened to your speech regarding the new GIPSA regulations, had no problem understanding you sounded more like a standup comic, than a Senator someone actually voted into office. Your tone of an authoritarian ruler with the comments of a court jester was very amusing. I would be very interested in knowing where you collect your under the table money that buys your ability to stand in front of your political buddies and spew such utterly ridiculous rhetoric. Senator Roberts, it's really very simple, if you've had no experience with a subject, it is ludicrous to believe yourself an authority. Experience perpetuates knowledge, speaking without knowledge from experience propels ignorance.
June 29, 2011 — 9:45 pm
Jim Fisher
As current cattle producer, I cannot believe how far from the facts Senator Roberts is in his opening statement. "Marketing arrangements that have benefited both livestock producers and consumers" America loses an average of 12,000 cattle ranchers every year, the amount of American cattle on feed is the smallest number it has been in 20 years. Where has it befitted the consumer not in the pocket books? Yes today there are 27 different labels of beef to choose but most consumers are confused by organic, grassfed, gluten-free, and so on. An open, balanced, competitive market will not hamstring packing companies. The GISPA rule will only support the rural communities of America.
June 29, 2011 — 9:49 pm
James Stotts
Senator Pat Roberts took a Packer pill right before his pack of packer lies. We know part of his rant was a outright lie, can only suppose all of it was a lie.
June 29, 2011 — 9:55 pm
Mike Heaton
Senator Pat Roberts remarks were diplorable. Senator Roberts purposely took J. Dudley Butler's remarks out of context. We the true independent cattlemen have waited nine decades for this rule. Our desire is to have the GIPSA rule enacted and the law enforced. As for all of the negative retoric from the NCBA, remember this is the same NCBA who has been found to be misusing hundreds of thousands of beef checkoff dollars. The NCBA lacks credibility and integrity and represent a mere 3% of the real cattle producers.
June 29, 2011 — 10:05 pm
Pamela Wunderlich
For a start, the video headline is an out and out lie. Roberts is not working to protect livestock producers, but is obviously working for big agribusiness in the form of the meatpackers. He has twisted GIPSA Administrator Dudley Butler's words. Mr. Butler said that existing law – the 90-year-old Packers and Stockyards Act(not the proposed Gipsa Rule) – contained vague terms that were, therefore, "a lawyer's dream." And, Administrator Butler clearly stated that his goal for the proposed GIPSA rule was to define and set perimeters for those vague terms so everyone in the marketplace knows the rules. Administrator Butler also said "If we want the industry to survive over the long haul, it has to be balanced.
We are developing rules that deal with problems in the marketplace across the board."
I am an independent cattle producer and know there is nothing fair or balanced about allowing the big 4 meatpackers to manipulate the cattle market by breaking the 1921 Packer and Stockyards Act and any Antitrust provisions, as they have done and want to continue to do. It is very important that our livestock industry not be verticalized or "chickenized" by the large meatpackers and their dirty tactics. Family farmers and ranchers need GIPSA to hold Packers accountable by providing transparency and a level playing field for all real cattle producers in America. Don't become fooled by all the brainwashing going on out there and know there are some palms being greased. Let us have the proposed GIPSA rule- it has already been commented on by the public with mostly favorable remarks.
June 29, 2011 — 10:14 pm
Rick Fox
Pat Roberts is a liar and full of himself( and BS). With the money that has flowed his way by the meat corporations, He delivers for them in this speech. he reads the entire speech, he didn't write it, his cronies that give him money did. He has always voted for the corporations and never once voted for the actual 'on the ground' cattle producer. He never read the entire comment that Mr Butler delivered. Mr Butler's comment had the exact opposite meaning of what this dimwit Roberts delivered.
Cattle producer numbers keep dwindling with the same policies and same career politicians in place. Roberts is fully bought and paid for and I would encourage all other Senators that read or listen to his 'corporate' speech to approach him and ask for the entire speech that J. Dudley Butler gave.
The GIPSA rule needs to be implemented for the safety of the American food supply. Corporations only goal is to make money. It does not matter to them what country they buy their raw supply (livestock) from or who they sell it to.
Keep America strong and keep the cattle producers of this great country supplying beef to the American consumers. Once the cattle industry is gone because of the market abuse of the giant meat packers, it will be gone for good.
Thank you, and to hell with this Pat Roberts idiot!
Rick Fox
Hermosa, SD
June 29, 2011 — 10:32 pm
Lance Ekberg
Senator Roberts should be ashamed of himself for twisting the facts about GIPSA and Administrator Butler. Sen. Roberts accuses Mr. Butler for coming with an agenda, but Sen. Roberts should take his own advice regarding his own agenda. Sen. Roberts favors policy that is in the best interests of the corporate meatpackers and other corporate agribusiness. GIPSA was hard fought for grassroots ranchers and other individual animal producers. At last we have a chance to level the playing field with fair and open markets, but politicians like Senator Roberts stand in the way of reform. Shame on you Senator Roberts!
June 29, 2011 — 10:52 pm
Allen Lund
One thing is obvious. Senator Roberts is not working to defend livestock producers. He is working to defend the interests of the corporate packing and retail industries. The poultry industry is a prime example of why we need the proposed rules to GIPSA to be implemented. The independent poultry producers have been turned into virtual peasants to the packer and retail sectors. Either conform to thier rules or you will be thrown out on your ear, and we will be protected against any legal recourse because it would be almost impossible for you to show damage to the entire industry. The hog industry is not very far behind and chickenizing the beef industry will be the final objective.
Get real Senator Roberts. The GIPSA rule was enacted 90 years ago, and to say the least needs a little tweeking.
June 29, 2011 — 11:07 pm
Carol L Hendrickson
I am writing to comment on the testimony of Senator Pat Roberts before the Senate Ag Committee. He obviously is coming at this from the side of the meat packing industry and not the independent producers. If there is not some protection in the market place, as the GIPSA rule is intended to put in place, you are going to see more and more producers go out of business and soon it will not matter if we have Country of Origin Labeling for our beef, because there won't be any domestically produced beef. More and more of our other ag products are being imported, and we have no control over how the products are produced or what chemicals are used on them or anything. The same will be true of the beef. We have the BEST and CLEANEST beef in the world, and you are doing your best to kill the industry. Nobody is trying to take away the marketing contracts that are working for some producers. They are just being asked to make them public just as sales in the local auction yards are, so there can be price discovery and fairness in the market place. We don't want subsidies or such, just a fair shake in the market place. Don't buy the BULL that is being thrown around, and follow the money! The packers have a lot of it and they are wielding a lot of pressure on Congress to do their bidding.
June 30, 2011 — 12:50 am
Gayland Regier
After listening to Sen. Robert's comments before the Ag. committee and personally rereading Mr. Dudley's earlier remarks, I find Sen.Robert's talk shockingly deceitful and contemptuous. And to have done such so knowingly and willfully must clearly illustrates how deeply indebted he is to Big Agbiz who through courtship and years of generous political contributions now totally own his political life and soul [--of course all at the expense of lost market opportunities for independent farmers such as myself]. Can anything he said then be worthy of belief? Will the Ag committee let him and Big Agbiz get away with such blatant lying and misrepresentation of facts? Time will certainly tell. Sincerely, A farmer and Republican, Gayland Regier
June 30, 2011 — 1:04 am
Byron Barkhurst
Senator Roberts, if i may, where exactly are you getting your information about the producers and the consumers? I am frankly sick and tired of hearing about how GIPSA is going to hurt the producers and consumers. Anyone in my mind, with any desire to be honest with themselves can see right through the personal attacks, excuses you are making in your statement. I ask anyone, why there is no talk of GIPSA hurting the packers? I submit to you, that the exact reason is because they are who is feeding you this incorrect information about the industry, and that it is they who clearly have the most to lose from fair market practices in the beef industry. It is they Senator Roberts who spend millions of dollars secretly and shamelessly lobbying to convince those in authority such as your self, that rules like GIPSA will hurt the AmericanFarmer
June 30, 2011 — 1:17 am
Byron Barkhurst
or Rancher? It is they Senator Roberts, who wish to continue with the way things are, not caring what they are doing to the American Ranching and Farming family. Who, Senator Roberts, has the back bone and integrity, in the House or the Senate, to stand for what is honest, for what is right? We need someone, anyone, that has the strength and character, to stand for the producers, to be a voice, to be a leader. I ask you Senator Roberts, who will see this as a defining moment in their political career, and Choose to listen to the producers and not the packers?
June 30, 2011 — 2:50 am
John O'Donnell
I am a livestock producer. What Senator Pat Roberts has said in this testimony is simply not true. Livestock producers are under stress and are going out of business at an accelerating rate because the US government refuses to enforce the GIPSA rule. America's livestock producers are being destroyed because of unlawful manipulation of the markets by the large meatpackers, causing depressed prices for the livestock these producers raise.
GIPSA Administrator J. Dudley Butler is doing the right thing for livestock producers by seeking to clarify and enforce the GIPSA rule.
I believe that Senator Pat Roberts is testifying directly for the meatpackers, who would like nothing more than to increase their purchase of foreign livestock, while US producers go out of business.
June 30, 2011 — 3:36 am
William Partridge
I am a beef producer in Kansas. I support USDA's proposed GIPSA rule. Senator Pat Roberts represents many large beef packers in Dodge City, Garden City and Liberal Kansas, and it shows. I think he has forgot about the beef producers. I didn't agree with the 2008 farm bill on this matter and I don't agree with his reasoning. Just because what his intent was 3 years ago doesn't mean that it is right then or right now.
Senator Pat Roberts made the most dishonorable and repulsive opening statement that anyone could possibly make at a congressional hearing. Whether you support USDA's proposed GIPSA rule or not, every American should be appalled at Senator Robert's theatrics. He lied. He outright lied. Senator Roberts knows, and all his staff knows, that GIPSA Administrator Dudley Butler NEVER said that the proposed GIPSA rule is a lawyer's dream. The speech of Administrator Butler that Senator Roberts purposely prostituted was widely circulated in the media as were transcripts of that speech. Senator Roberts chose to lie for no other reason than to impugn the character of Administrator Butler. Below is the transcript of Administrator Butler's speech. No one but a disreputable pawn would use this speech in the distorted manner used by Senator Roberts. Administrator Butler said exactly the opposite of what Senator Roberts claimed he said. Administrator Butler said that existing law – the 90-year-old Packers and Stockyards Act – contained vague terms that were, therefore, "a lawyer's dream." And, Administrator Butler clearly stated that his goal for the proposed GIPSA rule was to define and set perimeters for those vague terms so everyone in the marketplace knows the rules. America has been disgraced by Senator Roberts.
2009 Speech of GIPSA Administrator J. Dudley Butler:
"I truly believe that if you are going to regulate, authority has to be tempered with common sense.
You cannot try to over-regulate – you cannot try to under-regulate.
I am a big believer in balance and consistency.
If we want the industry to survive over the long haul, it has to be balanced.
We are developing rules that deal with problems in the marketplace across the board.
It's just like a piece of legislation, you can't write a perfect piece of legislation.
We need your comments so we can put out the best finished product possible.
Looking at it from the standpoint of sections 202 A and B, when you have terms like unfair, unreasonable, or undue prejudice, that's a lawyer's dream, a plaintiff lawyer's dream. We can get in front of a jury on that without getting thrown out on what we call summary judgment, because that's a jury question.
But the real thing now in trying to solve the problem quickly is not only to address the market issues, but to define some of these terms, to put parameters around them. What you can do, what the company can't do, what has got to happen in the marketplace."
June 30, 2011 — 6:18 am
Valley View Farms
Senator Roberts comments about the new GIPSA rules are way off base. Poultry growers need these rules to stay in business as we are making less money each year. Growers invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to upgrade their poultry operations because the integrators require it to have a contract with them. Our contracts are not giving us a return on this investment. We are struggling to make mortage payments, pay LP gas & electric bills. Add to that insurance & taxes. Growers must take off farm jobs just to keep from losing the family farm. Until agriculture starts to become more profitable for the farmer to stay in business, the economy is not going to grow.
June 30, 2011 — 7:14 am
RIchard Carlson
Sen. Roberts' comments about the administrator (and the proposed GIPSA rules) were out of line. The good Senator's motives deserve questioning rather than the administrator's. How much does Roberts charge the meatpackers to put on the type of show he did?
June 30, 2011 — 7:35 am
Cindy Goeller
I appreciate Sen. Roberts right to oppose the GIPSA rule, but I am apalled at his lying about what Administrator Butler said about the "lawyers dream". If you read his transcript, Butler was obviously referring to the vague terms in the 90 yr old Packers and Stockyards Act. Let's keep this discussion truthful!
June 30, 2011 — 8:20 am
Harlan Hentges
Senator Roberts has turned on his constitutents — ranchers and consumers. He is protecting illegal business practices that crippled the economy of rural Kansas. The things he says are incorrect — obviously contrary to the facts. More than 85% of US beef is controlled by three multinationals, the largest of which is Brazilian. Neither the rancher nor the consumer benefits from a foreign corporate monopoly on beef. His position is not conservative or Republican… it is unAmercian. Roberts is selling out his people in exhange for money and power.
June 30, 2011 — 8:29 am
Dale Taggart
It is AMAZING what big money can do to people, and even more to WEAK U.S. Senators. Mr. Roberts is from one of the largest fed cattle states in the union, and will NOT support the cattle producers, but sure will support the meat packers! Guess that money talks and WEAK people bend! We need the GIPSA law finalized. We need to have someone STRONG like Administrator J. Dudley Butler. Stand tall Mr. Butler, you must be really on the RIGHT path with the flak being hurled at you by the BENT Mr. Roberts. We producers need a FAIR chance in marketing our beef. We can grow the best and safest beef on the planet, and we work hard for a little. A bunch of us have quit, because we could not survive with the UNFAIR trade allowed in the past years. IF YOU PUT THE PRODUCERS OUT OF BUSINESS, WHAT WILL YOU EAT?
June 30, 2011 — 8:42 am
Roberts isn't defending livestock producers, he is defending meat packers and their subjugation of producers. If only he had done his research into the complaints that were the origins of the GIPSA regulations instead of meat packer talking points, he would know this. We have an incompetent or corrupt government that is sold to the highest bidder and it is ruining the livelihoods of the middle class. Roberts is part of that process. He is either too old to know what is going on or he is corrupted by those in the meat packing industry who disregard the laws already on the books that are supposed to protect the producers from market abuse. It is time to go home, Senator Roberts, and possibly to jail for selling out our legal system to the highest bidder and concentrating the wealth of the nation in the hands of your buddies.
June 30, 2011 — 9:37 am
Support Independent Livestock Production!
The GIPSA rule is a step in the right direction but needs to be even stronger. For years, farmers, their communities and rural economies have been severely depressed by multi-national, corporate control of livestock markets. As an example, here in Missouri, there were 23,000 hog farmers in 1985 and now we have 3,000 hog farmers (a 90% decline). This is not only 20,000 less hog farmers, but thousands of small businesses in rural towns that use to support independent hog (livestock) production.
This has not happened by accident. And it is NOT because farmers do not want to raise hogs, and it is NOT because independent hog production is less efficient, it IS because corporate agri-business has taken control of the marketplace, AND they have done it with the help of our taxpayer and USDA conservation dollars (i.e. EQIP) at the expense of farm families, the rural economy and the US economy in general.
For the sake of our great country and the US economy, we need open, transparent and competitive markets, and the GIPSA rule is the first step.
Tim Gibbons
Missouri Rural Crisis Center
June 30, 2011 — 9:39 am
Georgia Cowhand
I'm against the GIPSA rule! I'm just a small player in Georgia but one of the guys I sell calves to at a premium tells me he will pay a flat, commodity price if this GIPSA proposal passes. If you watched the hearing the USDA Economist Dr. Joe Glauber (sp?) didn't sound like he was too thrilled with the proposal. This rule sounds like it's trying to turn us into a Socialist group all being treated "fair" instead of competing to grow the finest beef for the best price. Why won't USDA publish the Economic Study of the rule and then let us all see it and comment BEFORE they publish the rule? That sounds unAmerican to me.
June 30, 2011 — 9:47 am
Henry Bowmn
Mr. Roberts is the epitome of what is wrong with America today, especially in Washington DC and most other venues of politics. It is time for he and his ilk to go. They are a major part of the problem, not the solution. Molon labe.
June 30, 2011 — 10:16 am
Bob Davis
I am a conservative Republican cattle producer in Washington State, generally opposed to government regulations that threaten our freedoms.
In this case however, it is legislation like GIPSA that is needed to protect a free cash market that is the basis for all cattle sales, from the manipulation of monopolistic large packers and Ag Corporations.
Apparently Senator Roberts and many other politicians have succumbed to their lobbies and financial support over the will of the people and the good of the industry.
Perhaps it is time for 2-term limits — one in office and one in jail!