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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2008
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I enjoyed A+'s poll thread so much, I thought I'd dig up Obama's current poll #s.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama's doing as president, according to a CNN Poll of Polls compiled and released Friday, with 36 percent disapproving.

The below link compares that rating to past presidents'. They all found it was harder to actually get something done than talk about it. But when you figure Obama won less than 53% of the vote and now he's at 57%, he can't be too worried. :)

Sandhusker said:
You just stay in your alternate reality where you're happy, fff.

I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!
fff said:
Sandhusker said:
You just stay in your alternate reality where you're happy, fff.

I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!

I never voted for Bush, so I'd hesitate to call him my hero. What was Obama's approval ratings on inauguration day compared to today? If that likely trend continues, what will it be a year from today?
fff said:
Sandhusker said:
You just stay in your alternate reality where you're happy, fff.

I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!

AMEN--fff and this site has the biggest loony fringe bunch of any of the interactive sites I've found...
Which kind of bothers me to think that lurkers and casual readers will actually begin to think the rancher/farmer/cattleman world is made up of "crazies" and "loony's"- racists and homophobes- conspiracists and anarchists----- when I know that is not true in the majority of my world anyway....
No wonder the greenies, HSUS, PETA's and all the left anti farm/ranch organizations are gaining so much ground with the middle of the road folks when they can show that all the ranch, cattle people are rightwingernut "loons".....
Sandhusker said:
fff said:
Sandhusker said:
You just stay in your alternate reality where you're happy, fff.

I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!

I never voted for Bush, so I'd hesitate to call him my hero. What was Obama's approval ratings on inauguration day compared to today? If that likely trend continues, what will it be a year from today?

:roll: :roll: :roll:
fff said:
Sandhusker said:
fff said:
I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!

I never voted for Bush, so I'd hesitate to call him my hero. What was Obama's approval ratings on inauguration day compared to today? If that likely trend continues, what will it be a year from today?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Was the question too tough for you - or was it the answer too tough on you.
Oldtimer said:
fff said:
Sandhusker said:
You just stay in your alternate reality where you're happy, fff.

I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!

AMEN--fff and this site has the biggest loony fringe bunch of any of the interactive sites I've found...
Which kind of bothers me to think that lurkers and casual readers will actually begin to think the rancher/farmer/cattleman world is made up of "crazies" and "loony's"- racists and homophobes- conspiracists and anarchists----- when I know that is not true in the majority of my world anyway....
No wonder the greenies, HSUS, PETA's and all the left anti farm/ranch organizations are gaining so much ground with the middle of the road folks when they can show that all the ranch, cattle people are rightwingernut "loons".....

Obama gives two different hospitals as the place of his birth and we're the cracy ones? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

His press secretary is lying for him about the existence of his birth cert being on the web and we're the conspiracists? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oldtimer said:
fff said:
Sandhusker said:
You just stay in your alternate reality where you're happy, fff.

I'm with 57% of this country. That's reality. Not this "we're going to take back our country" crap. It's the loony fringe that somehow thinks that the majority of Americans agree with them, even though they voted for Obama and now every poll shows his approval ratings well above your hero George W. Bush's last few years!

AMEN--fff and this site has the biggest loony fringe bunch of any of the interactive sites I've found...
Which kind of bothers me to think that lurkers and casual readers will actually begin to think the rancher/farmer/cattleman world is made up of "crazies" and "loony's"- racists and homophobes- conspiracists and anarchists----- when I know tha

t is not true in the majority of my world anyway....
No wonder the greenies, HSUS, PETA's and all the left anti farm/ranch organizations are gaining so much ground with the middle of the road folks when they can show that all the ranch, cattle people are rightwingernut "loons".....

Perhaps you should leave then,
That would rid the forum of ONE loonie :D :D :D :D
fff said:
I enjoyed A+'s poll thread so much, I thought I'd dig up Obama's current poll #s.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama's doing as president, according to a CNN Poll of Polls compiled and released Friday, with 36 percent disapproving.

The below link compares that rating to past presidents'. They all found it was harder to actually get something done than talk about it. But when you figure Obama won less than 53% of the vote and now he's at 57%, he can't be too worried. :)


Gee fff where is the rest of the story? If memory serves me right his approval rate 72% in Feb. So that is a 15% fall in 6 months Now that is a trend/change you can believe in :wink:

Shouldn't you be saying "I'm still one of the blind 57% that hasn't seen the writing on the wall yet"? :wink:

73% oppose any "second stimulus" plan
65% oppose Obama's proposed "health care reform"

What about these two percentages in the CNN polls or maybe this one?

On the matter of Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the US Supreme Court, 72% of American's according to a Yahoo/CNN poll believe that her confirmation to the highest court in the land would be detrimental to the Court and the Country.

Could Obama's judgement on his appointees and policies and people finally waking up to what he is up to, be the reason for the 15% drop in approval? Don't worry fff you will wake up from your dream, I just pray it is not to a nightmare :wink:
fff said:
I enjoyed A+'s poll thread so much, I thought I'd dig up Obama's current poll #s.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama's doing as president, according to a CNN Poll of Polls compiled and released Friday, with 36 percent disapproving.

The below link compares that rating to past presidents'. They all found it was harder to actually get something done than talk about it. But when you figure Obama won less than 53% of the vote and now he's at 57%, he can't be too worried. :)


:lol: :lol: Did you not read the article....maybe you need to look at the head line ..

Polls: Obama approval rating falls below 60 percent

An average of five national polls conducted in July indicates that President Obama's approval rating has slipped to under 60 percent.

New polls show President Obama's popularity slipping a bit.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama's doing as president, according to a CNN Poll of Polls compiled and released Friday, with 36 percent disapproving.

In early June, Obama's average approval rating was 62 percent. It dropped a point to 61 percent in mid-June and stayed at that level through the rest of the month.

"Recent polls indicate that Obama's lowest ratings -- and biggest losses -- come on the public's perception of how he is handling the economy," said Keating Holland, CNN polling director.

Holland adds: "And the latest CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll shows a double-digit drop in the number of Americans who think that the president has a clear plan for solving the country's problems. The public may not be as willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt after six months on the job as they did when he first took office."
fff said:
I enjoyed A+'s poll thread so much, I thought I'd dig up Obama's current poll #s.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama's doing as president, according to a CNN Poll of Polls compiled and released Friday, with 36 percent disapproving.

The below link compares that rating to past presidents'. They all found it was harder to actually get something done than talk about it. But when you figure Obama won less than 53% of the vote and now he's at 57%, he can't be too worried. :)


What poll thread of mine? :?
aplusmnt said:
fff said:
I enjoyed A+'s poll thread so much, I thought I'd dig up Obama's current poll #s.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama's doing as president, according to a CNN Poll of Polls compiled and released Friday, with 36 percent disapproving.

The below link compares that rating to past presidents'. They all found it was harder to actually get something done than talk about it. But when you figure Obama won less than 53% of the vote and now he's at 57%, he can't be too worried. :)


What poll thread of mine? :?

Don't worry Aplusmnt if she doesn't answer as she is off licking her wounds and drinking koolaid after being hit in the face with the truth about her little poll story. :wink:
Obama's approval ratings plunged among independents in the past month, according to a recent Rasmussen poll. Even more alarming (to him) is his drop with Democrats. In the past month alone, Obama dropped eight points with independents, down to 50 percent, and Democrats' approval of him dropped 10 points.
I read this just to see how some people think or if they think at all. My grandparents hunted skunks, possum, anything that would maybe bring a dime form somewhere, bought a dodge automobile and paid for it 3 bucks a week or so, went to bed after supper of something they caught or grew, kept food in a water cooled cistern, went to bed with so many blankets on the bed they could not turn over, buried 2 kids because of illness that might have been prevented, survived the depression because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and pulled the U.S. out of the financial mess that the new deal Just made worse. There were people who called it FDR's war --we had NO business in Europe's fight- Did they look to DC for the handout, for any thing at all- NO -they dug down and lived & died and wanted their kids and grand kids to get an education and have it better than they did.
use your time to figure out how to fix this crap and get America to working again or use all the time you spend here reading and educate yourself as to the whether we as a nation are going down the right road and as grandma used to say " If you aint going to fix it let some one who will at least try and get the sam hill out of his way"
good post Cowman.

Unfortunately those that voted for "change", do not realize that what they are trying to change is exactly what made the US great, and provided them the freedoms and prosperity that they enjoy today.
Tam said:
aplusmnt said:
fff said:
I enjoyed A+'s poll thread so much, I thought I'd dig up Obama's current poll #s.

The below link compares that rating to past presidents'. They all found it was harder to actually get something done than talk about it. But when you figure Obama won less than 53% of the vote and now he's at 57%, he can't be too worried. :)


What poll thread of mine? :?

Don't worry Aplusmnt if she doesn't answer as she is off licking her wounds and drinking koolaid after being hit in the face with the truth about her little poll story. :wink:

She can always count on a racist and gay rock solid 35% Obama approval rating even if he he goes off the deep end. Add she can add her kool aid sipping onto that 35%.
If this was over at Cattle Today she would have already locked the thread because someone DARED to disagree with her! :roll: :roll: :roll:

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