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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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South East Kansas
If removing SRM's makes beef safe, why do they not allow downer cattle to be slaughtered?

Is it just a perception of safety?

Does the best science available show that downer cattle is not safe when SRM's are removed?
From what I understand, the US came up with this idea. The US only tests at the slaughter plants and because they are trying to not find BSE and downer cows are more likely to have BSE, they don't want those cows being slaughtered. Seems simple to me.
We don't know enough about BSE to say for sure that prions are not just found in SRM's. This is just an extra precaution. Canucks disagree, but I don't really give a damn what they think, this is my country, they can do want they want in their own.


Don't you ever get tired of being R-CALF's little hand puppet. Maybe you should actually try and educate yourself on a few of these issues before you go shooting your mouth off. It might help you appear to be less stupid.
We don't know enough about BSE to say for sure that prions are not just found in SRM's. This is just an extra precaution. Canucks disagree, but I don't really give a damn what they think, this is my country, they can do want they want in their own.

Maybe you should actually try and educate yourself on a few of these issues before you go shooting your mouth off. It might help you appear to be less stupid.

I agree with you Sash maybe it is time Hat does some reading other that the crap R-CALF puts out.

Canada ban downers before the US did and we remove SRM's from the animals we do slaughter as that is the rules the OIE recommended. We are ahead on most of the safeguards that the OIE recommends. Hat, you should give a damn as it maybe our following the rules and records of compliance that will sway export markets away from your non compliant system with a watered down version on BSE testing to trade with Canada a country with higher standards.
Hat said:
I didn't state anything that was false.

What part of Canucks disagree was true we agreed to banning them before the US did it.

Kato I agree with you and it is on the book in Canada that it is against the law to haul these animals so just how would we get them to a slaughter plant?

Can you tell us Hat is it legal to haul downer in the U.S.?
If it goes down during trucking, it is euthanized and a claim is put in for insurance if it went down due to injury.

If it went down due to sickness, somebody's gonna get into trouble for allowing it on the truck in the first place. Truckers have become pretty particular about that, and you don't see sick cattle being transported any more, except to the vet's. It's not worth the hassle.

Leo McDonnell recently stated that downer cows are being slaughtered in Canada.

That is just one more of a long list of R-CALF lies.

Doesn't it bother you when people lie?

Does the end (keeping the Canadian border closed to live cattle) really justify the means (lying about the safety of Canadian cattle and Canadian beef) for you?

It's crap like that which has created my zero tolerance for R-CULT and their head nodding clones.

Truth matters to me and there is no truth with R-CULT.

Got a Leo bred colt to register I think Lying Little Leo sounds about right-he's kind of walleyed and not very honest just like his namesake.
althoug he bounces around issues like a 2 year old on a sugar high, Hat had one good point. Canadians can do what they want in Canada, and we should look out for ourselves here in the USA.

too many foriegn countries are pulling strings here, we need an isolationist President.

Drop NAFTA like a bad habit, keep all our foriegn aid money and spend it here at home, and someone PLEASE run over the Lady Senator from N.Y. before she thinks she is MAN enough to run this country
jigs said:
althoug he bounces around issues like a 2 year old on a sugar high, Hat had one good point. Canadians can do what they want in Canada, and we should look out for ourselves here in the USA.

too many foriegn countries are pulling strings here, we need an isolationist President.

Drop NAFTA like a bad habit, keep all our foriegn aid money and spend it here at home, and someone PLEASE run over the Lady Senator from N.Y. before she thinks she is MAN enough to run this country

jigs- I agree... Its time we in the US started deciding our policies rather than letting the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians or whoever to make the World Trade decisions- did signing these agreements years ago give away all our powers to decide what to do today... We have found that the UN is a joke (thanks to these same countries) and they have turned the WTO into the same farce...They all want our help when threatened- but slap us in the face when we ask for help or when an issue involving the US's wellbeing comes in front of them... Then when we threaten to pull out our military or investment money or foreign aid they all squeal like weaner pigs....

Isolationist and protectionist used to be dirty words, the same as patriot was in the 70's and redneck was in the 80's-- Now these terms are becoming a much more mainstream way of thinking- I even hear many of the conservative newsmen using the terms isolationism and protectionism with pride--Fox news and O'reilly constantly question why we pander to the Mexicans and Canadians, when behind our backs they condemn us, refuse to support any activity that does not positively affect them, and openly work against the US principles ... I say take care of #1 first because we can't count on our loyal "allies and friends" to back us.....If we had signed on to the World Crimes Court half of our military Generals and Administrative branch of government would be under indictment because our policies of freedom don't fit the socialist thinking of those countries... Its a sad day when a President 10- 20 years ago can sign away our rights and policies forever without the present citizen getting a say in it.........Does this mean that my kids and grandkids have to live forever with an agreement that Clinton signed?
How long ago was the Declaration of Independance signed Oldtimer-so what ypur saying in essance is anything you've signed isn't worth the paper it's written on-I can see why the R-Calf idealogy is so appealing to you. The U.S.is a trading nation and if you withdraw from that all you'll do is implode-I hope there are some Americans left who can see furthur than the gates of the PAYS yards in Billings. It takes a special kind of ignorance to be willing to throw our two countries long and MUTUALLY beneficial relationship just to supposedly prop the price up on a few old cows in Montana.
Hat said:
Northern Rancher said:
Got a Leo bred colt to register I think Lying Little Leo sounds about right-he's kind of walleyed and not very honest just like his namesake.

I know it's your guys right to bitch but this crap day after day is getting a little old.

The R-CALF lies about Canadian beef is getting old too but they don't seem to stop telling them do they HAT. and you don't seem to stop defending them do you HAT. You don't seem to care if you leaders tell the truth or not as long as the borders stays closed to Canadian live cattle. I had to laugh when the guy from ICON spoke the other day about a North American industry and if the slaughter plants move to Canada they will just ship their beef here. Why should we take it you are a minimal risk country and you aren't willing to trade with other minimal risk countries so why should we? Besides we will be to buzy processing our own to take yours. You will just have to deal with the packers that have less competition in the US if you want to sell your cattle.
Northern Rancher said:
How long ago was the Declaration of Independance signed Oldtimer-so what ypur saying in essance is anything you've signed isn't worth the paper it's written on-I can see why the R-Calf idealogy is so appealing to you. The U.S.is a trading nation and if you withdraw from that all you'll do is implode-I hope there are some Americans left who can see furthur than the gates of the PAYS yards in Billings. It takes a special kind of ignorance to be willing to throw our two countries long and MUTUALLY beneficial relationship just to supposedly prop the price up on a few old cows in Montana.

Our Declaration of Independence says we are a soveriegn nation- not a United Territory of North America....And it came about because the foreign countries and corporations were trying to control our trade and tax our imports and exports.......
Oldtimer said:
jigs said:
althoug he bounces around issues like a 2 year old on a sugar high, Hat had one good point. Canadians can do what they want in Canada, and we should look out for ourselves here in the USA.

too many foriegn countries are pulling strings here, we need an isolationist President.

Drop NAFTA like a bad habit, keep all our foriegn aid money and spend it here at home, and someone PLEASE run over the Lady Senator from N.Y. before she thinks she is MAN enough to run this country

jigs- I agree... Its time we in the US started deciding our policies rather than letting the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians or whoever to make the World Trade decisions- did signing these agreements years ago give away all our powers to decide what to do today... We have found that the UN is a joke (thanks to these same countries) and they have turned the WTO into the same farce...They all want our help when threatened- but slap us in the face when we ask for help or when an issue involving the US's wellbeing comes in front of them... Then when we threaten to pull out our military or investment money or foreign aid they all squeal like weaner pigs....

Isolationist and protectionist used to be dirty words, the same as patriot was in the 70's and redneck was in the 80's-- Now these terms are becoming a much more mainstream way of thinking- I even hear many of the conservative newsmen using the terms isolationism and protectionism with pride--Fox news and O'reilly constantly question why we pander to the Mexicans and Canadians, when behind our backs they condemn us, refuse to support any activity that does not positively affect them, and openly work against the US principles ... I say take care of #1 first because we can't count on our loyal "allies and friends" to back us.....If we had signed on to the World Crimes Court half of our military Generals and Administrative branch of government would be under indictment because our policies of freedom don't fit the socialist thinking of those countries... Its a sad day when a President 10- 20 years ago can sign away our rights and policies forever without the present citizen getting a say in it.........Does this mean that my kids and grandkids have to live forever with an agreement that Clinton signed?

OMG, OT, you sound like a spoiled child. It's really too bad some of you americans have that attitude, I hope you're still in the minority in your country.
You know, I think every one of my neighbours used to be an american. In fact, most of them come from the Misouri River area in Montana. The nicest people I ever met. And every time attitudes from people like you come up they get embarrased about their roots.
Your country is a great country because it has great allies, trading partners, and neighbours. Don't ever think you got where you did despite us.
Just remember that whenever your feeling like your toes are being stepped on by us, we have every reason to feel the same way in return.
So kiss my @ss about this bad neighbour b.s. We are there with you in Afgahnistan with as much as we are able (albeit that is embarrassingly little, but that is another problem we need to rectify here), and we would be anywhere else to help you that was needed if it were justified. Our countries have done just a h3ll of a lot for each other over time, and continue to do so today.

Oh, and by the way, your kids and grandkids have to live with what Hancock and Jefferson signed too. Ironic isn't it?
Silver said:
Oh, and by the way, your kids and grandkids have to live with what Hancock and Jefferson signed too. Ironic isn't it?

What Jefferson signed is at constant attack from every angle. Wether it's the liberals trying to install their socialism and class slavery or multi national companies more concerned about immediate profits at the expense of the liberty of our citizens. Trade is good, there is not much dought, but the founding fathers, most of them, would be rolling over in their graves with some of the trade treaties being signed waving the sovern rights of our country for a quick buck. Thank God the group that won the huge debates back then were the ones for citizen rights. These rights are being constantly eroded, again from every angle, but the one angle that gets me are foreign interests. How much longer our kids and grandkids will be able to live with what Hancock and Jefferson signed is questionable.
Tom S.,

Why do you keep complaining about a $1.3 billion dollar trade surplus, previous to BSE, in the beef industry??? Every time someone bitches about our trade agreements they are bitching about a $1.3 BILLION dollar trade surplus. WHAT'S WRONG WITH A TRADE SURPLUS????

STICK WITH THE FACTS AND QUIT LISTENING TO THOSE NAFTA THUMBSUCKERS. Trade has been good for the beef industry until R-CULT started injecting their isolationism bullsh*t.


OT's going through the guilt phase of stabbing Canadian producers in the back so he's trying every means he can think of to cleanse his conscience. One minute he's repeating the McDonnell rhetoric of "this isn't about Canada, it's about USDA policy" and the next minute he's "looking out for number one".

R-CULTers like OT and Sandblaster are a pathetic bunch because they don't have the courage to accept the consequences of their narrow minded actions.

Here's something to think about.

According to our weekly farm paper, Agriculture Minister Andy Mitchell told the Commons ag committee last week that the government's determination to boost beef exports could lead it to allow packers to conduct BSE tests.

It hasn't been approved YET, but if willingness to test has been stated at this high of a level in the government, it sure could. And soon.

He told reporters that approval of BSE tests would have to be for strictly commercial reasons. "We would stress it is not a science-based decision but a marketing one," he said.

Now the willingness to test has reached the top. Finally.

Think about that. :idea:

Think about the ramifications of us adopting testing for export. Think about the international markets (aka Japan) ever taking untested beef.

Think about how the Canadian government found itself in the position that such a change was necessary.

Thank you R-Calf. You're short term views will give us a much brighter future. Too bad you can't see the long term results of them for your neighbours and friends in your own country. :roll:

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