jigs said:
althoug he bounces around issues like a 2 year old on a sugar high, Hat had one good point. Canadians can do what they want in Canada, and we should look out for ourselves here in the USA.
too many foriegn countries are pulling strings here, we need an isolationist President.
Drop NAFTA like a bad habit, keep all our foriegn aid money and spend it here at home, and someone PLEASE run over the Lady Senator from N.Y. before she thinks she is MAN enough to run this country
jigs- I agree... Its time we in the US started deciding our policies rather than letting the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians or whoever to make the World Trade decisions- did signing these agreements years ago give away all our powers to decide what to do today... We have found that the UN is a joke (thanks to these same countries) and they have turned the WTO into the same farce...They all want our help when threatened- but slap us in the face when we ask for help or when an issue involving the US's wellbeing comes in front of them... Then when we threaten to pull out our military or investment money or foreign aid they all squeal like weaner pigs....
Isolationist and protectionist used to be dirty words, the same as patriot was in the 70's and redneck was in the 80's-- Now these terms are becoming a much more mainstream way of thinking- I even hear many of the conservative newsmen using the terms isolationism and protectionism with pride--Fox news and O'reilly constantly question why we pander to the Mexicans and Canadians, when behind our backs they condemn us, refuse to support any activity that does not positively affect them, and openly work against the US principles ... I say take care of #1 first because we can't count on our loyal "allies and friends" to back us.....If we had signed on to the World Crimes Court half of our military Generals and Administrative branch of government would be under indictment because our policies of freedom don't fit the socialist thinking of those countries... Its a sad day when a President 10- 20 years ago can sign away our rights and policies forever without the present citizen getting a say in it.........Does this mean that my kids and grandkids have to live forever with an agreement that Clinton signed?