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Heel Fly

Well-known member
Apr 29, 2006
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Eastern MT
Well i've done it. I finally quit smoking. Why is this so hard to do?? I have had to pray like I've never prayed before, and today I am exiling myself away from all animals and humans. I don't like the way I feel when I smoke, it stinks, it will kill you the list goes on and on. I actually decieded to quit because I felt that it was holding me back from a better relationship with God. So here I sit trying not to let self pity anywhere near me, and giving myself a constant pep talk. " You Can Do It".. Anyone else out there that kicked a big habit this winter??? How are you doing with it??
Hey you can do it, just aint fun for a while. I quit Copenhagen about ten years ago, after about 20 years of chewing. Didn't say anything, just did it. Nobody noticed for a few days, but then it was real obvious. Jolley ranchers and doublemint gum went up into record sales that year. I had candy stashed in every tractor, truck, shop, you name it. I can still smell fresh chew from half a mile and about once a year I break down and have a dip. Lasts about 5 minutes and I have a sore lip and spit it out and wonder, "How could I do this all day long?". Nicotine is a bad habit to break, but I know you can do it, I did. You will be glad that you did once you get over the hump. :wink:
No, I haven't. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and offer a few prayers for you. It takes a big man to be able to admit that he needs a little help once in a while.........especially a cowboy. They seem to think they're invincible (at least the ones I've known :roll: ).

Hang in there, and don't let it get the best of ya! :cboy:
It takes a mighty big person to admit and quit a habit like you are doing Heel Fly. I wish you success in your efforts. I will be thinking about you in your battle in the days to come.

And I am sure the Lord God is close to you regardless. I am amazed at how much He wants to be close to us. Although at times I think there are things that He would like us to let go of so He can take us further with HIm. When He does, He also supplies what we need to get'r'done!
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! I know a ton of people here will be cheering for ya :)
Heel Fly---- :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Are you getting any support....you know....nicorette gum, the patch, Zyban....anything??? There is also another medication that my boss is on to try and get her to quit.....sorry, cannot remember the name..will ask when I get back to work tomorrow!! As hard as quitting is, you only have to remember WHY you are quitting!!! YOUR FUTURE!! Your lungs and your loved ones will thank you for your sacrifice!!! Best wishes to you!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D
I quit a 29 year snoose habit on Christmas day. A can and a half, sometimes 2 cans a day. It's not easy, but I keep telling myself it's worth it. My problem was I really liked the stuff. I chewed a little of the nicotine gum to get over the worst of it, but it's getting easier now. I tried to quit once before because other people wanted me to and I went back to it. This time I wanted to quit, so it hasn't been quite as hard to give up.
One good thing I've noticed is I don't have to worry and fret any more about making sure I have enough chew to last until the next time I get by the station to pick up more. :lol: And having a few extra dollars to spend on the family isn't a bad thing either.
I hope everybody quits smoking as it will leave more cigarettes for me!!!!

Any candy-ass can quit smoking. It takes a real man to face cancer.

:D :D :D :D :wink:
That is a habbit I am so glad I never picked up... Know lots of people who can't seem to quit and than there are people like my Dad and one of my wife's friends who just decided to quit one day and never turned back..
Heel Fly it's only a few days until your system clears of nicotine, and after that it's a mind game. If you don't mind, it won't matter. Focus on other things, and each day you're that much closer to freedom. Keep busy, but stay away from the activities where you smoked most. Watching someone die of emphysema is a certain incentive to quit, but most people don't go in for that. I had to watch Dad die slowly, and believe me, I have no desire to go that way or to ever smoke again.
Good luck and hang in there. It's worth it!
Good for you Heelfly...I'm behind you 100%. YOU CAN DO IT.

My parents both smoked. My dad quit cold turkey but
cigarettes killed my mother. She died at 59 years old.
Not emphasema, but kidney and bladder cancer. They said
at Mayo Clinic it was from being a heavy smoker all her life.

Now I have neve smoked in my whole life (and I'm old)
but I do have a little lung condition that may have been
caused by second hand smoke.

Need any more reasons to quit?
Saw something on the news
'bout a certan part of the brain that is responsable for the smoking habit. Seems if a stroke hits you exatly there,the desire is GONE.. " They" don't know how to direct a stroke,yet....See all the ads now.."Directed strokes knock out smokeing forever!"
DJL said:
Heel Fly it's only a few days until your system clears of nicotine, and after that it's a mind game. If you don't mind, it won't matter. Focus on other things, and each day you're that much closer to freedom. Keep busy, but stay away from the activities where you smoked most. Watching someone die of emphysema is a certain incentive to quit, but most people don't go in for that. I had to watch Dad die slowly, and believe me, I have no desire to go that way or to ever smoke again.
Good luck and hang in there. It's worth it!

We were just on vacation and some friends joined us, the man had planned his smoking cessation to coincide around Christmas with a flight across country (when he couldn't smoke) combined with a complete change of usual activities including the visit with us. He has found that breaking away from the usual patterns is the key- for example he'd always take his coffee outside in the morning and then smoke. Just changing the room he had his coffee in helped! He'd agree totally with DJL's ideas. Also, he promised his wife he'd quit and said he'd never break his promise to her. Best wishes to you Heel Fly. And enjoy all the money you save in medical bills in the future- should pay for some dandy vacations!

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