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R-CALF "encouraged" by Animal ID draft

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Feb 10, 2005
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Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America, said that it was encouraged by the flexibility of the National Animal Identification System proposal that the U.S. Department of Agriculture published in the Federal Register last week. In particular, the rancher's group cited provisions that would prevent data from the program to fall into the hands of any private firm, and another provision that would make the program technology-neutral. That would mean that ranchers would be allowed to use traditional branding on their cattle, avoiding the high costs and potential pitfalls of more costly, higher-tech solutions such as radio frequency identification (RFID).

Bill Bullard, chief executive, said that the group was worried that costs would unduly burden small ranchers. "This is a national system and its costs cannot become a burden to farm and ranch families," he said.

The NAIS project is in public-comment phase through June 6, and critics are certain to focus on the cost of the system. USDA has set aside about $85 million for start-up costs, but after that, producers, processors and retailers will have to assume most of the costs.
"In particular, the rancher's group cited provisions that would prevent data from the program to fall into the hands of any private firm, and another provision that would make the program technology-neutral. That would mean that ranchers would be allowed to use traditional branding on their cattle, avoiding the high costs and potential pitfalls of more costly, higher-tech solutions such as radio frequency identification (RFID). "

Bill BUllard,
You are in Disneyland......if you think brands will be accepted! IT IS GOING TO BE A FORM OF RFID!!!!!!!!!!!! READ READ STAGE 3 of the DRAFT!!! MANDATORY ANIMAL ID IN THE BOVINE WORLD IN Jan 2009 WILL BE RFID>>>>>LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
I personally think USDA did a good job in the draft and it is a workable solution and plan. It does not take a lot of brain power to figure out how this deal is going to function. As for RFID tags................I look for a price war and nobody is going to make any real money on RFID tags.
Hi, Perhaps the radio tags will come first, we have them here now. Some producers are already complaining about how many their cattle are losing.They are pulled out in hay feeders, in brush and almost anywhere else a bovine finds to scratch it's head. I wonder if micro chipping will be the way of the future? At least these are under the skin, and shouldn't get pulled out. I wonder what the cost would be for that...
Some producers are already complaining about how many their cattle are losing.They are pulled out in hay feeders, in brush and almost anywhere else a bovine finds to scratch it's head.Border Rancher************USE Boluses
I didn't come across to well,so here is a link for the way Boluses are used in the AU. http://www.mla.com.au/uploads/templates/otherpdf/Brochure_-_Cattle_Tagging_20041206.pdf nice details.
Would a web site that deals with QUESTIONS posted above be of good use from the livestock industry ,as some of the information is posted from many countrys that have done RFID systems and are not easily found here in North America ?Staff

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