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R-CALF Summer Meeting

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June 21, 2005

First Ever Regional Membership Meeting
Slated for July 13 in Reno, Nev.

(Billings, Mont.) – R-CALF USA members will have an opportunity to participate in the organization's first summer regional meeting, slated for July 13 in Reno, Nev., titled "Now, More Than Ever: Challenges and Changes in the U.S. Cattle Industry."

"This will be a great way for members to get updates on R-CALF efforts to address the challenges and opportunities that face the industry today," said R-CALF USA Region IV Director Jon Wooster. "We want producers to understand the importance of becoming involved in R-CALF. We are the only national organization that works to provide fair, competitive markets and continued profitability for U.S. cattle producers, and we also work to maintain the highest standards of beef production for consumers."

The meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. PDT, with registration to begin at 1 p.m. PDT. The event will be held in the Mandalay Ballroom of the Circus Circus Hotel and Resort, 500 N. Sierra St., in Reno, Nev. R-CALF USA has blocked off rooms for a rate of $65. To make reservations at this rate, call 1-866-447-7728, and identify yourself as part of R-CALF USA.

First on the agenda at 3:15 p.m. PDT is Robert Taylor, Ph.D., agricultural economics professor at Auburn State University, Auburn, Ala., specializing in the industrial organization of the U.S. livestock sector. Taylor will give an overview of captive supply impacts presented in the Pickett v. Tyson case. He was an expert witness for the plaintiffs in that litigation.

Scheduled to take the floor at 4 p.m. PDT is R-CALF USA Region VI Director Max Thornsberry, a veterinarian from Richland, Mo., who will discuss the current bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) situation. Thornsberry chairs R-CALF USA's BSE Committee, and is a past president of both the Missouri Stockgrower's Association and the Missouri Cattlemen's Association. He owns TNT Cattle Co., a certified feeder calf preconditioning enterprise; Avanco Feeds, a veterinary and nutrition company that serves beef, dairy, swine and companion animal owners in central Missouri; and Cattle Baron Specialty Meats, a value-added meat-processing facility.

After a short break, R-CALF USA President and Co-Founder Leo McDonnell is on deck at 5:15 p.m. PDT to discuss the organization's goals for the U.S. cattle industry. McDonnell owns Midland Bull Test in Columbus, Mont., the largest seed stock operation in North America.

At 6 p.m. PDT, R-CALF USA International Trade Committee Co-Chair Dennis McDonald will give a report on the organization's fact-finding trip to Central America, a mission to study impacts to the U.S. cattle industry should Congress pass the U.S.-Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR). McDonald also is a current appointee to the U.S. Senate Agricultural Advisory Panel on Trade – WTO, and also serves as the current president of Montana Cattlemen's Association. McDonald operates a cow/calf business and raises registered Quarter Horses near Melville, Mont.

McDonnell will close out the meeting with a few brief comments at 5:45 p.m. PDT.

Sponsors for the regional meeting include: No-Bull Enterprises; MIX30-AgriDyne; Powder River Livestock Handling Equipment; Anipro Xtraformance Feeds; Pfizer Animal Health; and, Ainsworth Feedyards, Ainsworth, Neb.
Oldtimer said:
June 21, 2005

First Ever Regional Membership Meeting
Slated for July 13 in Reno, Nev.

(Billings, Mont.) – R-CALF USA members will have an opportunity to participate in the organization's first summer regional meeting, slated for July 13 in Reno, Nev., titled "Now, More Than Ever: Challenges and Changes in the U.S. Cattle Industry." ]


:eek: :shock:

Sounds like the perfect place to hold a high stakes, all or nothing gambling session. On the table is the future of the cattle industry in Canada and the USA.

Don't worry, be happy.
And on the same day that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is hearing the case against their injunction ..... Interesting timing.

Betcha there will be lots of invitations to the media to attend this meeting. :wink:
who like to play the "big picture" game.

Many Republicans and Democrats alike believe that we will eventually have a recognized "new world order," and many believe that we, in essence, already have it. One of the issues related to this and at the top of the list is global warming (Kyoto protocol).

Bush knows that joining the treaty would do a lot of harm to the U.S. economy (since we produce more greenhouse gases), and he knows that it would be bad for the Republican party if this happened.

Since globalization is in full swing anyway, perhaps Bush is thinking, "Let's just encourage more globalization. That way, the plants will be built in other countries, and we won't add to our gas output. Of course, if we do this, then we have to allow the illegal immigration to continue so our guys will have lower labor cost to compete with the new, more efficient plants in all those countries with cheap labor. And we need to encourage all of this to happen faster. Our national debt is skyrocketing, and our balance of trade is dismal. My fellow ranchers aren't helping me on the foreign trade front, and I've got to do something there because we need all the exports we can muster."

Bush continues, "If we don't open the border with Canada, then it will be harder for us to get back into Japan and the other markets we used to have. It's too bad that the guys in Montana don't realize that if we export more, then the supply will be even tighter and we could have even higher beef prices for a while here at home. Also, we have just got to get these guys back into the globalization big picture. This isolationism is suicide, long-term, and it doesn't fit the plan. I mean, we are going to be having free trade with more and more countries, and we need that beef going to all those countries where the new plants are being built. After all, most of those companies are American companies, and those guys who used to live here in the good ole USA are missing that good U.S. beef. I mean, I know, sooner or later these guys are going to understand what is going on and get on board, but, man, they are making it tough on me, a fellow rancher. Yep, we've got to do something."
FTF, "If we don't open the border with Canada, then it will be harder for us to get back into Japan and the other markets we used to have."

Japan has said what we do with Canada has nothing to do with what they do with us.

We could of been selling them beef over a year ago if the USDA had not been doing the work of the AMI.
" --- Japan has said what we do with Canada -----------"

I can just hear Bush thinking, "Ya see! That's the problem! They just don't realize that it DOES matter what we do with Canada. Yea, Japan is trying to make people think otherwise, but they are just playing their hand at the table until we all get down to the serious negotiating and compromising. If we have the Canada problem out of the way, then we have a stronger hand at the table. We can say, 'We are for true, open trade with minimal regulations.' "

"I just don't understand why a lot of folks out there don't understand the situation. Heck, this globalization thing is serious business. I don't know if my dad and Uncle Dickie and I are going to end up in the world ruler's palace at the head of the table, but we are darn sure going to do what we have to do to make sure that we are in the 'rat pack' and close to the guy who ends up there, even if it's Bill Clinton."

"Now I hear that Oldtimer and his cronnies up in Montana are at it again. They just don't get it. We are not going to let this isolationism thing take root. It's suicide in the new world order. Now they are sending Dennis McDonald from the MCA, another R-Calf supporter, and three others down to Central America to do 'research' on CAFTA-DR. Are they crazy?! I mean, heck, after CAFTA will come SAFTA and many more which is, of course, the way it should be."

"We can't let these renegades up there keep messin' with us. I wonder what's wrong with Tom S, Jinglebob, SH, Soapweed, GLA, Porker, Denny, Mike and Sandhusker. I can't believe these guys are willing to let these guys from Montana try to set the policies for the entire beef industry. I guess they just don't care. Well, I care, and I can't let this go on much longer. Yeah, everybody knows that foreign trade has always been a part of the big picture for all cultures and societies throughout history, but everybody also knows that there have always been organizations and individuals who try to bend the rules for their own benefit. I guess if Soapweed and Mike are not going to do anything, then we will just have to do what we have to do without them. Maybe they will change their minds. We'll see. Meanwhile, back at the ranch ------------."
For the few- I don't know what you are smoking but.................................

"Mike!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ole buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you wouldn't let me down. What are we going to do about this R-CALF 'research trip' to Central America? I mean, if they think they are going to close my Texas border, too, then they are smokin' more than I am."
for the few said:
"Mike!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ole buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you wouldn't let me down. What are we going to do about this R-CALF 'research trip' to Central America? I mean, if they think they are going to close my Texas border, too, then they are smokin' more than I am."

I guess we let 'em go, look around and hope they don't get stopped and searched at the border.
Mike said:
for the few said:
"Mike!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ole buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you wouldn't let me down. What are we going to do about this R-CALF 'research trip' to Central America? I mean, if they think they are going to close my Texas border, too, then they are smokin' more than I am."

I guess we let 'em go, look around and hope they don't get stopped and searched at the border.

If you ever knew the amount of money that goes south to Mexico, Central America, and eventually points south for what he's been smoking and snorting, our trade deficit would look like Grand Canyon...And now they want to pass CAFTA and FTOA to make it easier to bring in along with all the illegals that are hauling it...... :? :???:
Well, I guess I probably should mention that I am one of a very small group of people known as "presidential psychics." It's amazing. I get these messages sometimes even before Bush thinks it. And sometimes I get messages that Bush doesn't even know he's thinkin'. It's mostly a curse, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it, and I'm told that my shorts will catch on fire if I don't share my "visions." So, I guess I'll have to keep doin' it for a while until I get a different message. Wups, here it comes again. Yep, it's "W" all right, and he is some upset. Those dems still don't want to vote on Bolton, and he knows that he needs a guy like that in the U.N. to help him straighten out the mess there and put us back in the lead in the "trade race."

It looks like he will wait until August to put Bolton in the slot if he doesn't get a vote before then. That way, he says, he will be able to say, "I could have done it July 4th, but I didn't. I gave y'all another chance, and you blew it. So, that's it! In he goes! Never mind he'll have just over a year there. We're planning on movin' so fast that it's plenty of time. I mean, heck, we've got to move! Have you seen what those Chinese are doin' in Africa? And the EU has given us another window to get ahead of them even more because they couldn't get together. My buddy, Tony, came through again! Yep, it's 'head em up and move em out' now! Trade, trade, trade!"

Wait! There's one more coming through. "Mike!!!!!!!!! Don't let me down now, buddy!!!!!!!!!!! You see! Here he comes again with that talkin' down our 'social trade!' But he did give me an idea. Maybe they should be stopped and searched at the border --- on the other side of the border! They really know what to do with people who oppose the 'social agenda.' By the way, I saw a bumper sticker the other day. You know that 'Got Milk' campaign we had for a while? Well, this bumper sticker said, 'Got Humboldt?' You know where I can get one of those? I'd like to put it on the limo."

Sorry folks. I just tell it like I see it.
for the few-- That is good S*** you got there....I've been drinking Canadian Rye for years and just can't get GW to talk to me--Years ago I drank some Champagne at a wedding and that night dreamt Hillary had crawled in bed with me----woke up in a cold sweat and thankfully found that it was just gas from the effects of the liberal booze....

Makes me wonder what ~SH~ and Agman been using :lol: :lol:
woke up in a cold sweat and thankfully found that it was just gas from the effects of the liberal booze....

Has it been that long for you OT, the two don't feel anything like the same.

I heard the guys in San Fran feel gas afterwards, we're you sleeping in San Fran.
for the few said:
Wait! There's one more coming through. "Mike!!!!!!!!! Don't let me down now, buddy!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry folks. I just tell it like I see it.

One of my favorite movies was Hallueah Trail with Brian Keith--- and Oracle proved to me that their are visions in each one of those bottles :)
Hey Oldtimer, doesn't the morning line say Hillary's gonna be your next pres. Or that grumpy one with a gap in her teeth that the Crawford guy likes so much. Geeze what a choice.
We had one once. Lasted about six weeks. Then we sent her down to Los Angeles where she got rid hard and put away hot by a bunch of movie actors.
You might want to consider yer options. Still a few sections of homestead land left up in the Peace River bloc. Bring the chainsaw.
Neil Waugh said:
You might want to consider yer options. Still a few sections of homestead land left up in the Peace River bloc. Bring the chainsaw.

Sounds like a hell of a good offer if Hillary gets in :cry: If I was 20 years younger I might already be there....
Sounds like a hell of a good offer if Hillary gets in If I was 20 years younger I might already be there

But you're not, so don't think of coming. You'd be stopped at the border anyway.
Yup, if yer comin's best stop off at the Wally-Mart first for a fresh sack of tighty whities. Be downright embarrassing to get strip searched at the line with a big racer stripe up the back of your undies.
Like Haymaker, OT wears those Bullard panties. Lace and frilly, bought at Victoria's. Does Victoria's have a duty free shop at the border? :D

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