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R-CALF, the democratic party of the cattle/beef industry.

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R-CALF tries to claim that they are not tied to any political party but that dog won't hunt. They are in the democrat's camp bigger than heck.

Dennis McDonald, president of the Montana Cattlemen's Association and chairman of the state Democratic Party, said timing of the enforcement there and at other plants was "disturbing."

Dennis McDonald is also R-CULT's trade rep.

I heard that Leo McDonnell is considering running for House or Senate on the Democratic ticket.

R-CALF's most ardent LMA supporters in SD outwardly endorse Democrats.

R-CALF's most outspoken members are Democrats.

Mike Callicrate switched to the Democratic party.

This tiger can't change it's stripes. R-CALF is the equivalent of the Democratic party of the cattle/beef industry.

More government regulation.
Positions based on theory and not fact.
Anti Corportate
Socialized marketing agenda


Punish Achievement, regulate prosperity, how dare you be successful if I'm not.

How right you are.
Everyone knows it's much better to be a member of the Bush Administration. When someone disagrees with them, they simply destroy their lives like Karl Rove did.
Or maybe those who voted against CAFTA from the Rep. party get withheld from the $286 billion road projects and pork barrel goodies.

Both parties have major faults. To single out one as LESS corrupt than another is not feasible. I simply pointed out a few from the R side since SH did so well pointing out his dislike for the D side. :!:
Forgot to mention that R-CULT director Kathleen Kelly is a flaming liberal too.


sniffle, sniffle!

Gentlemen.....wash your mouth out!! We have ONE poitical party in this country.......THE ME PARTY! All these folks we send to Washington are looking
out for #1!
Truman and Eisenhower and my favorite Nixon would turn over in their graves to see what clowns we have in DC! :roll:
Keep voting for these liberal do-gooders and you will see your personal wealth go South in a helluva hurry!
I and many others didn't think that Dennis would get the top Demo job- he made the mistake of being honest and following his beliefs- admitted to the fact that he had donated to and supported Republican candidates in the past--voted for who he thought was the best candidate and not the party---HEAVEN FORBID- AN UNCLEANSABLE SIN IN THE EYES OF THESE ONE PARTY PEOPLE :wink: :lol:

A few years back a good acquaintance of mine was talking with me about running for attorney general of Montana-- while talking he mentioned he wasn't sure which party he was going to run under-- had never belonged to any party- was from the Democrat capital of the world, Butte America- but admitted that he had always supported and voted for the man and not the party- said that he thought that because of his strong law and order beliefs he was leaning toward running as a Republican...
Long story short- ran as Republican-became attorney general- than governor- than lo and behold the head of the National Republican Party and top man behind Bush's election--Marc Racicot.......

I feel sorry for the person that goes in and marks his X just because of an R or a D beside the name........Those are the true cultists.....
I feel sorry for the person that goes in and marks his X just because of an R or a D beside the name........Those are the true cultists.....

I feel sorry for those who will sell their conservative soul to the lies and deception of the "PLEASE GOVERNMENT, SAVE US FROM OURSELVES" Democratic party of the beef industry, R-CALF!

Try as you will to spin it OT, it all comes down to one choice. More government intervention or less government intervention.

Conservative truth or liberal blame.

You apparently want more government intervention and most true Republicans want less.

You are right OT, there is some R's that I would not vote for over a D but most R's want less government and most D's want more. It's never been any different.

Nobody can support R-CULT and call themselve a conservative republican with their government mandate loving solutions to "PERCEIVED" problems.

~SH~ said:
I feel sorry for those who will sell their conservative soul to the lies and deception of the "PLEASE GOVERNMENT, SAVE US FROM OURSELVES" Democratic party of the beef industry, R-CALF!

Try as you will to spin it OT, it all comes down to one choice. More government intervention or less government intervention.

Conservative truth or liberal blame.

You apparently want more government intervention and most true Republicans want less.

You are right OT, there is some R's that I would not vote for over a D but most R's want less government and most D's want more. It's never been any different.

Nobody can support R-CULT and call themselve a conservative republican with their government mandate loving solutions to "PERCEIVED" problems.


Thank you so very much for your enlightening bit of opinion. Your ideas are always so refreshing and uplifting to us all. If you have any more observations, please don't hesitate to share them as we all treasure your input so much. :lol: :lol: :lol:
SH: You apparently want more government intervention and most true Republicans want less.

Have you seen the federal crop program lately? There is MORE government intervention in this farm policy written by Pat Roberts than there EVER was before. And grain farmers are ONLY surviving because of government intervention. Everyone talks free trade, but grain farmers have NO free trade. We take what the "big guys" give us knowing the govt. will get us back to break even prices.
Boy I am sure glad The Bushwacker got re-elected no we have nafta and cafta. :mad: :mad: :mad:
What about the government's intervention in marketing by denying private companies the right to supply BSE tested product to their customers? That was done under a Republican administration (and supported by Mr. "Government save us fom ourselves" SH)
Denny and Cattle Co.,

Since we had a $1.3 "BILLION" dollar seven year average net trade surplus in the cattle/beef industry, prior to the border closing, where does your concerns with NAFTA and CAFTA lie?

Prior to BSE in Canada and the U.S., NAFTA gave us an additional $28 per head for our cattle.

Just because everybody likes to listen to the import blamers and cuss NAFTA and CAFTA I would assume that someone out there can present a tangible argument against either trade agreement.


Quit listening to R-CALF "fear mongerors" and research the issues from a factual basis for once.

SH, "Just because everybody likes to listen to the import blamers and cuss NAFTA and CAFTA I would assume that someone out there can present a tangible argument against either trade agreement. "

I guess the fact that we cede sovereignity to foreign powers via these agreements is not a tangible arguement?

What about the looming agricultural trade DEFICIT?
Sandhusker said:
What about the government's intervention in marketing by denying private companies the right to supply BSE tested product to their customers? That was done under a Republican administration (and supported by Mr. "Government save us fom ourselves" SH)

Correct Sandhusker! This is another instance of the U.S. Guvment going in the "Bully Mode". By Gawd they'll take our beef or else!
And to pull out a 1913 law that applies to "Livestock Serums" to do it with was icing on the cake.

Funny thing is the USDA shot themselves in the foot by doing it.
You know, Mike, them denying is questionable in the first place, but when they have to resort to BSing to justify their actions - that is down right alarming and demands examination.
Hey I have read you coments about R calf and the NCBA did you see the salary budget for NCBA this year WoaH! .
I can,t really take a side R-calf people have there openion and NCBA is worring about there Jobs.I set on cattlemens board and Farm Bureau Board.Both said they wanted boarder open.Talked to ranchers in 7 states couldn,t find any one that wanted boarder open?
We as farmers Ranchers just need to price our product like every other company in the USA and never sell below cost of production.
That would make our life alot easier. With all the weather and other conditions we need to proffit every year.Thanks
Sandman: "I guess the fact that we cede sovereignity to foreign powers via these agreements is not a tangible arguement?"

Yet another of your many uprovable allegations.

What about our looming ag deficit? I'm more concerned about our beef trade position.

Go ahead, be your typical spinmaster and spin that into being "unconcerned" about all ag trade. I know you like a wart on my hand.

SH, "Yet another of your many uprovable allegations."

Unprovable? Example after example has been provided you, including a direct quote from Newt Gingrich stating it plain and simple. If you choose to put your head in the sand, so be it. Knowledge is power, and your refusal to face the facts only weakens you. Your choice and no skin off of mine.

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