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R-CALF USA Injunction Hearing Set for March 2

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Feb 13, 2005
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R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America

For Immediate Release Contact: Shae Dodson, Communications Coordinator
February 23, 2005 Phone: 406-672-8969; e-mail: [email protected]

R-CALF USA Injunction Hearing Set for March 2

(Billings, Mont.) – The court hearing to determine the fate of the R-CALF USA injunction against USDA's final rule to open the US – Canadian border to live cattle under 30 months of age and additional beef products will be heard in the Federal District Court in Billings, Montana on Wednesday, March 2, 2005. The hearing is open to the public and is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to noon.

R-CALF USA is seeking an injunction, which will postpone USDA's March 7, 2005 implementation date of its final rule. The injunction is designed to prevent the additional imports while the formal lawsuit is heard by the court.

To say that the outcome of this hearing and the subsequent lawsuit will be of paramount importance to the livestock industries in both the US and Canada would be an understatement.

The March 2 hearing is the second injunction to be sought by R-CALF USA in the Federal District Court, with the first injunction being granted in the spring of 2004. In that case, R-CALF USA asked the court to prevent USDA from allowing additional unauthorized beef imports into the US.

R-CALF USA's formal lawsuit against USDA's final rule contains volumes of scientific data, which suggests that Canada's risk status should not be considered "minimal." R-CALF USA contends that USDA's only risk assessment of the US' possibility of importing BSE or having BSE spread because of trade with Canada is "low." USDA did not offer what their definition of low is.

Furthermore, USDA's final rule contains several substantial changes from the preliminary rule and these changes have never been subject to public or industry comment. The final rule only is subject to congressional review, meaning that only Congress and ultimately the President of the US have the authority to revoke the rule. There are several members of the Senate that have invoked this privilege and have filed a Joint Resolution of Disapproval. In order for the resolution to remove the rule will require both the Senate and the House agreeing and then the President must sign the resolution as well.

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R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on domestic and international trade and marketing issues. R-CALF USA, a national, non-profit organization, is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA's membership consists primarily of cow-calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and feedlot owners. Its members – over 12,000 strong – are located in 44 states, and the organization has over 55 local and state association affiliates, from both cattle and farm organizations. Various main street businesses are associate members of R-CALF USA. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.
(Billings, Mont.) – The court hearing to determine the fate of the R-CALF USA injunction against USDA's final rule to open the US – Canadian border to live cattle under 30 months of age and additional beef products will be heard in the Federal District Court in Billings, Montana on Wednesday, March 2, 2005. The hearing is open to the public and is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to noon.

8:00 AM to noon. That is 4 hours. R-calf claims to have raised $1.48 million to pay for 4 hours work by their crack legal squad. Pretty decent hourly rate, I'd say!!! :wink:
I can't help but notice that most of R-calf's recent press releases seem to place more focus on their own fundraising accomplishments than they do on any other type of accomplishments,such as increasing beef demand,which would be of direct benefit to grassroots cattlemen.
Exactly what has R-calf actually accomplished since it was formed??? hint-(membership#'s and $$$$ raised don't count)
[ I can't help but notice that most of R-calf's recent press releases seem to place more focus on their own fundraising accomplishments than they do on any other type of accomplishments,such as increasing beef demand,which would be of direct benefit to grassroots cattlemen.
Exactly what has R-calf actually accomplished since it was formed??? hint-(membership#'s and $$$$ raised don't count)[/quote]

R-CALF is involved only in trade issues. They haven't taken a stand on the checkoff, don't endorse political candidates, etc.... I suggest you get on their site, R-CALFUSA.com and browse thru their news releases. You'll see what they are about and what they have done there.
I am not a member, but wasn't the charter purpose to fund cattlemen's legal expenses when the cattlemen not could afford to do so themselves?

There have been many, many chicken farmers around here who would have sued the processors had they the money to do so. I would imagine going to court against the the "Big Boys" could be expensive for a lone farmer.
In reference to your 2.06 post
And will his nose be brown fron kissing his ncba handlers @.. , or is he just the sh?
Too bad there wouldnt been a group formed to get rid of Nebrusker! Nebrusker have you ever worn antlers at deer hunting season? IF you havent you should start! As for R-calf What happens if you loose the case and the border opens?
Sandhusker: "I wonder if SH is going to show up to expose R-CALF's "lies"?"

And ruin the fun for all the R-CALF "head nodders" who are actually naive enough to think Canadian beef is contaminated and are too ignorant to realize that we might have to live by the same BSE presidence someday?

Cheerleader: "And will his nose be brown fron kissing his ncba handlers @.. , or is he just the sh?"


Another alias R-CULT clone pukes on the computer screen.

As always, those who can't debate make their meaningless little statements while hiding behind aliases.

Rcalf says "Exactly what has R-calf actually accomplished since it was formed??? hint-(membership#'s and $$$$ raised don't count)[/quote]

Is the border opened???????????????????????"

I've posted this question before but got no reaction. If Rcalf claims that prices rose for all classes of cattle whe the border was closed, and now claim that prices will drop when the border opens on all classes of cattle; what have they accomplished? Paying BullShit Bullard a big wage along with his Lawyer buddies? Sure have accomplished a lot of unecessary fighting between American and Canadian producers with similar goals, and a need for respect among them.

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