R-CALF Benefit Sale in Valentine, NE Generates $27,000
Billings, MT ~ "R-CALF USA is the only national organization standing up for independent cattle producers. It's time for us to support them with our time and our money," said Christian Harvey, a Valentine, NE area rancher, on February 17 when an R-CALF USA benefit sale got underway at Valentine Livestock Auction. That's exactly what happened when seventy-two donors stepped forward to support R-CALF by raising $27,000 in a matter of minutes.
"The only thing standing between us and the reopening of the Canadian border is R-CALF," noted Harvey. "We all need to stand behind R-CALF and everything it does for cattle producers across the country. The Canadian border opening is an issue that cattlemen and consumers obviously feel very strongly about as evidenced by their donations of over $27,000."
R-CALF USA filed a lawsuit on January 10, 2005 against USDA that asks the U.S. District Court in Billings, MT to overturn the agency's final rule on reopening the Canadian border to live cattle younger than 30 months of age and expanded beef imports.
Harvey and his wife, Kris, donated a 920 pound black baldy steer calf for the rollover auction. Final bidder on the calf was Rolling Stone Feedlot at $1500. Also sold during the auction were framed prints of photos taken by Mark Adamson and framed by Dave Price.
Greg Arendt, managed of Valentine Livestock Auction said, "There are ranchers and other folks out there who want to communicate to the public that R-CALF's agenda is right on target, and that's what we hope to help R-CALF accomplish."
Donors at the sale included: Christian and Kris Harvey; Joseph Angus Ranch (Roger and Shelly Joseph); Mathis Equipment (Todd Mathis); Assman Implement (Joe Assman); Ray Blackford; Devin Frank; AgWest Feed (Vince Hulinsky); Sedlacek Ranch; Rick and Gerry Vanderway; Louie Day; Broken Box Ranch (Rex Adamson); Rocking J Ranch (Jerry Adamson); Mike Arnold; Tom and Jerry Higgins; Randy and Margi Sokol; Mark Johnson; Pass Ranch (Jim Hanna); Mike and Rachael Dent; Pearson Land & Cattle (Wayne Belville); Jerry Schwahn; Gordon and Gary McCleod; Open Box Ranch (Jim Hanna); Joe Mundorf; 66 Ranch (Jeff Hanna); Matt Lowery; Merle Rust; Lazy Trails Ranch (John Wheeler); Isom Agency; Gary and Katie Stortenbecker; Randy Peterson, Curt and Helen Cleek; Double E Cattle (Tim Evans); Duane Tate; Dave Rodgers; Chuck and Marni Anders; Dailey Angus Ranch (Lemoyne and Rhonda); Bill Ganzer; Mervin Reegle; Peppermill Restaurant; Gary Funk Order Buying; Jim Heath Trucking; Tim Hippen; Bar S Ranch (JD Ross); Mike Peterson; Arabia Ranch; Witte Ranch; Ann Harvey; Jack Raymond; Blaine Cuny Trucking; King Ranch & Trucking; Merle and Scott Shelbourn; Leo Linaberry; Eric Connot; Randy Huddle; Vinton Feed (Dean Philips); Jim Strong; Pride Grain; Dave Price; Shane Ross; Kenneth Kime; Ethel Miner; MSP, Inc. (Merle Pease); Joe Buechler; Bryan and Kari Rahn; Diamond T Cattle Co.; Neil Connot; Farm Credit Services; Karl Busch; Valentine Livestock Auction; and Kenny Fox.
R-CALF USA members and volunteers helping coordinate the sale were Christian and Kris Harvey; Rick Vanderway; Chris Abbott, Mark Johnson; Kenny Fox and Louis Day.
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R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on domestic and international trade and marketing issues. R-CALF USA, a national, non-profit organization, is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA's membership consists primarily of cow-calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and feedlot owners. Its members – over 12,000 strong – are located in 44 states, and the organization has over 55 local and state association affiliates, from both cattle and farm organizations. Various main street businesses are associate members of R-CALF USA. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.
Billings, MT ~ "R-CALF USA is the only national organization standing up for independent cattle producers. It's time for us to support them with our time and our money," said Christian Harvey, a Valentine, NE area rancher, on February 17 when an R-CALF USA benefit sale got underway at Valentine Livestock Auction. That's exactly what happened when seventy-two donors stepped forward to support R-CALF by raising $27,000 in a matter of minutes.
"The only thing standing between us and the reopening of the Canadian border is R-CALF," noted Harvey. "We all need to stand behind R-CALF and everything it does for cattle producers across the country. The Canadian border opening is an issue that cattlemen and consumers obviously feel very strongly about as evidenced by their donations of over $27,000."
R-CALF USA filed a lawsuit on January 10, 2005 against USDA that asks the U.S. District Court in Billings, MT to overturn the agency's final rule on reopening the Canadian border to live cattle younger than 30 months of age and expanded beef imports.
Harvey and his wife, Kris, donated a 920 pound black baldy steer calf for the rollover auction. Final bidder on the calf was Rolling Stone Feedlot at $1500. Also sold during the auction were framed prints of photos taken by Mark Adamson and framed by Dave Price.
Greg Arendt, managed of Valentine Livestock Auction said, "There are ranchers and other folks out there who want to communicate to the public that R-CALF's agenda is right on target, and that's what we hope to help R-CALF accomplish."
Donors at the sale included: Christian and Kris Harvey; Joseph Angus Ranch (Roger and Shelly Joseph); Mathis Equipment (Todd Mathis); Assman Implement (Joe Assman); Ray Blackford; Devin Frank; AgWest Feed (Vince Hulinsky); Sedlacek Ranch; Rick and Gerry Vanderway; Louie Day; Broken Box Ranch (Rex Adamson); Rocking J Ranch (Jerry Adamson); Mike Arnold; Tom and Jerry Higgins; Randy and Margi Sokol; Mark Johnson; Pass Ranch (Jim Hanna); Mike and Rachael Dent; Pearson Land & Cattle (Wayne Belville); Jerry Schwahn; Gordon and Gary McCleod; Open Box Ranch (Jim Hanna); Joe Mundorf; 66 Ranch (Jeff Hanna); Matt Lowery; Merle Rust; Lazy Trails Ranch (John Wheeler); Isom Agency; Gary and Katie Stortenbecker; Randy Peterson, Curt and Helen Cleek; Double E Cattle (Tim Evans); Duane Tate; Dave Rodgers; Chuck and Marni Anders; Dailey Angus Ranch (Lemoyne and Rhonda); Bill Ganzer; Mervin Reegle; Peppermill Restaurant; Gary Funk Order Buying; Jim Heath Trucking; Tim Hippen; Bar S Ranch (JD Ross); Mike Peterson; Arabia Ranch; Witte Ranch; Ann Harvey; Jack Raymond; Blaine Cuny Trucking; King Ranch & Trucking; Merle and Scott Shelbourn; Leo Linaberry; Eric Connot; Randy Huddle; Vinton Feed (Dean Philips); Jim Strong; Pride Grain; Dave Price; Shane Ross; Kenneth Kime; Ethel Miner; MSP, Inc. (Merle Pease); Joe Buechler; Bryan and Kari Rahn; Diamond T Cattle Co.; Neil Connot; Farm Credit Services; Karl Busch; Valentine Livestock Auction; and Kenny Fox.
R-CALF USA members and volunteers helping coordinate the sale were Christian and Kris Harvey; Rick Vanderway; Chris Abbott, Mark Johnson; Kenny Fox and Louis Day.
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R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on domestic and international trade and marketing issues. R-CALF USA, a national, non-profit organization, is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA's membership consists primarily of cow-calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and feedlot owners. Its members – over 12,000 strong – are located in 44 states, and the organization has over 55 local and state association affiliates, from both cattle and farm organizations. Various main street businesses are associate members of R-CALF USA. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.