R-CALF and the United States Department of Agriculture have both opposed the request by the Canadian Cattlemen's Association and Alberta Beef Producers for intervener status in the R-CALF vs. USDA law suit seeking a permanent injunction against the USDA rule to re-open the border to live cattle. These oppositions were not unexpected. The request for intervener status argues that the Canadian cattle producers have substantial interests in the outcome of this case, and no other party to the proceeding can adequately represent those interests. Judge Cebull of the U.S. District Court for Montana, Billings Division, will decide sometime after April 11 whether or not to grant CCA and ABP intervener status. The case is scheduled to be heard July 27.
This update has been brought to you by the Canadian Cattlemen's Association and BMO Bank of Montreal.
This update has been brought to you by the Canadian Cattlemen's Association and BMO Bank of Montreal.