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R-CALF's position on "M"ID for.....no against.....

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For those of you who accuse NCBA of flip flopping read this............

First Leo is against "M"ID!
Then Leo is for "M"ID!
Then Leo is for "M"ID!
Then Leo is against "M"ID!

You can't loose with a position like this. Hahaha!


Leo: "When you're looking at some of the things we're seeing, such as individual animal ID — which I'm not a great fan of, but it's coming," - AGAINST

Quote: "McDonnell said, "you can certainly take the national ID and make it an opportunity." - FOR

Quote: "There are some great things that could come out of it," McDonnell said. "Source verification. A lot of export markets require that today. If we had it in place, we'd probably have some of our export markets back." - FOR

Quote: "He said, however, that what he doesn't like about individual animal identification is the way it's being shoved at producers. He said the government claims it's needed in case BSE or foot and mouth disease is found in the U.S." - AGAINST

Quote: "But he pointed out that it will increase the regulatory burden on U.S. producers. He said there is also a cost associated with it, and that the producer will bear much of that cost." - AGAINST

Quote: "He accused the federal government of liberalizing historically conservative import standards that have kept such diseases out of the country." - FOR

Quote: ""We're going to have to get over it," McDonnell said." - FOR

Quote: "He said R-CALF and its affiliate groups need to turn it into an opportunity. McDonnell said U.S. cattle producers need to take control of it. If producers don't take control of it, he said, someone else will who doesn't have the needs of the producer in mind." - FOR

Quote: ""Another thing I don't like about the national ID is that I'm not a great believer of climbing in bed with the regulators," McDonnell said." - AGAINST

Quote: "That's why he thinks producers should make it their program." - FOR

Quote: "Make it flexible enough that it will work with the existing programs we have today," he advised." - FOR

Quote: "He said that over the years, the industry has rapidly cleaned up brucellosis, tuberculosis and other diseases in states with brand laws." - FOR

Quote: "You have quick traceback," McDonnell said. "Keep it flexible." - FOR

I'm dizzy!

Bottom line, "M"ID was prohibited from "M"COOL and Leo McDonnel calls it a "GOOD LAW" as it is written. I'll take that as R-CALF's official position on "M"ID being against it.

Leo makes an untrue statement about "M"COOL.

Quote: He [Leo] said the General Accounting Office, the investigations arm for Congress, put out a report in the fall of 2003 that stated that under the country of origin labeling law, the U.S. Department of Agriculture could follow the model of the national school lunch program. That model required imported product to be identified. The balance, by default, would be domestic product."

Quote: "They've done that for years and years," McDonnell reminded. "It doesn't cost the ranchers any more money. It doesn't cost the importers any more money."

Quote: "McDonnell said that's the way the law is written and the GAO said it would work.


The requirements for origin of Country of Origin Labeling and the School lunch program are not the same.

In the COOL law, to be designated as U.S. origin requires meat products to be from cattle, hogs, and sheep that are born, raised, and slaughtered in the United States. In contrast, USDA's commodity procurement program requires meat products to come from U.S. produced livestock which excludes only imported meat and meat from livestock imported for direct slaughter.

That means that if an animal is born in Canada and fed in the United States, it qualifies for the school lunch program.

If an animal is born in Canada and fed in the United States, it does not qualify for the "born, raised, and slaughtered" designation with "M"COOL.

What Leo stated is not true!

Keeping R-CULT honest!

SH, I started reading your rant, what a spin you put on how Leo feels, never got past the first 1/3 and I was so dizzy I had to stop.
That means that if an animal is born in Canada and fed in the United States, it qualifies for the school lunch program.

If an animal is born in Canada and fed in the United States, it does not qualify for the "born, raised, and slaughtered" designation with "M"COOL.

SH, how can they prove it was born in Canada and fed in USA? How can they prove it was born in USA and fed in Canada? There is no M'ID in USA, no way to prove this .
rancher said:
SH, I started reading your rant, what a spin you put on how Leo feels, never got past the first 1/3 and I was so dizzy I had to stop.

Well you did better than me Rancher I just got about a fourth read,I wonder what that Damn prarie dawg has been drinking ,well I guess I better head upstairs ...............good luck
rancher said:
That means that if an animal is born in Canada and fed in the United States, it qualifies for the school lunch program.

If an animal is born in Canada and fed in the United States, it does not qualify for the "born, raised, and slaughtered" designation with "M"COOL.

SH, how can they prove it was born in Canada and fed in USA? How can they prove it was born in USA and fed in Canada? There is no M'ID in USA, no way to prove this .

rancher you finally got it..How can they have MCOOL without MID. That's what SH has been harping on for 2 years.WOO HOO rancher did a light click on. :clap: :cowboy:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope you had fun with that, SH. Allow me to provide a like analogy. The topic will be the color "green" The deductions made from the statements mirror your style.

"She has beautiful blue eyes" AGAINST

"That grass sure looks good" FOR

"I think I'll have the white wine tonight" AGAINST

"Happy St. Patrick's day!" FOR

"She was green with envy" AGAINST

"I'll have some peas tonight" FOR

"I was so sick I was green" AGAINST

"I was so sick I was green, then I puiked and felt better" FOR

"I'm a big Green Bay Packers fan" FOR

"Go Bears!" AGAINST

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ya Big Muddy, seems like you can have it if you want and if you don't want you need M'ID
rancher said:
Ya Big Muddy, seems like you can have it if you want and if you don't want you need M'ID

Sorry rancher i guess i only thought you got it. Just because it is killed in the US it is eligble for School lunch progam, but it needs to be Born, Raised, killed in the US to meet Mcool so with out MID that can't be proven. Should I type slower. :idea: :cowboy:
Big Muddy rancher said:
rancher said:
Ya Big Muddy, seems like you can have it if you want and if you don't want you need M'ID

Sorry rancher i guess i only thought you got it. Just because it is killed in the US it is eligble for School lunch progam, but it needs to be Born, Raised, killed in the US to meet Mcool so with out MID that can't be proven. Should I type slower. :idea: :cowboy:

Anything born in Canada and brought into the US will have a CAN hot brand on it- anything from Mexico is branded with an MX-- If its born in US, goes to Canada to feed and comes back it packs the CAN brand--everything else is product of US....And it is not a violation of any world trade rules as long as its required on all beef and no country is discriminated against....
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
rancher said:
Ya Big Muddy, seems like you can have it if you want and if you don't want you need M'ID

Sorry rancher i guess i only thought you got it. Just because it is killed in the US it is eligble for School lunch progam, but it needs to be Born, Raised, killed in the US to meet Mcool so with out MID that can't be proven. Should I type slower. :idea: :cowboy:

Anything born in Canada and brought into the US will have a CAN hot brand on it- anything from Mexico is branded with an MX-- If its born in US, goes to Canada to feed and comes back it packs the CAN brand--everything else is product of US....And it is not a violation of any world trade rules as long as its required on all beef and no country is discriminated against....
So Oldtimer when does this take effect? :cowboy: Are they branding Canadian Fats the are in sealed trucks for imediate slaughter.
Big Muddy rancher said:
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Sorry rancher i guess i only thought you got it. Just because it is killed in the US it is eligble for School lunch progam, but it needs to be Born, Raised, killed in the US to meet Mcool so with out MID that can't be proven. Should I type slower. :idea: :cowboy:

Anything born in Canada and brought into the US will have a CAN hot brand on it- anything from Mexico is branded with an MX-- If its born in US, goes to Canada to feed and comes back it packs the CAN brand--everything else is product of US....And it is not a violation of any world trade rules as long as its required on all beef and no country is discriminated against....
So Oldtimer when does this take effect? :cowboy: Are they branding Canadian Fats the are in sealed trucks for imediate slaughter.

Nope but the proposed rules say they all have to be segregated and kept seperate right up thru slaughter....Now its in case one tests positive for BSE, the US doesn't get stuck completely for it- we can show its Canadian origin... If the border reopens the current proposed USDA rules would handle the requirements for COOL....

I talked with a feeder a couple days ago that said he had gotten the paperwork to register his feedlot for feeding Canadian feeders- said it was as thick as a phone book- he felt that and all the required govt. inspections was not worth the bother to bring them in.....
Anything born in Canada and brought into the US will have a CAN hot brand on it- anything from Mexico is branded with an MX-- If its born in US, goes to Canada to feed and comes back it packs the CAN brand--everything else is product of US....And it is not a violation of any world trade rules as long as its required on all beef and no country is discriminated against....

Oldtimer you wrote everything else is product of US..
does that include all the Canadian cattle that were imported into the US before the May 2003 ban was put on. Those animals don't have a CAN brand and I doubt they will be back across the border to get one either.
"steak is good" = FOR
"I really shouldn't eat 10# of steak per day"" = Against

If you agree with the previous statements, either you are a "flipflopper" or you have proof SH is an unimaginative internet troll.

PS "I can only respect someone that can only see 1 side if an issue" Homer Simpson
keep up with the posts, I am so tired of this BS coming from Leo, Pat Goggins and the Reverend Bullard, it is hard for me to read the bull sessions, have already dropped the Goggins papers and the Lee Pitts papers. Hey, do you have a couple of barrels of ink and some paper? Maybe we could get our own followers and get rich off of the North Ameican Beef Industry. Just a thought.
rancher said:
SH, I started reading your rant, what a spin you put on how Leo feels, never got past the first 1/3 and I was so dizzy I had to stop.

Haymaker said:
Well you did better than me Rancher I just got about a fourth read,I wonder what that Damn prarie dawg has been drinking ,well I guess I better head upstairs ...............good luck

Sandhusker said:
I hope you had fun with that, SH.

Oldtimer said:
Anything born in Canada and brought into the US will have a CAN hot brand on it- anything from Mexico is branded with an MX-- If its born in US, goes to Canada to feed and comes back it packs the CAN brand--everything else is product of US....And it is not a violation of any world trade rules as long as its required on all beef and no country is discriminated against....

Brad S said:
"steak is good" = FOR
"I really shouldn't eat 10# of steak per day"" = Against

If you agree with the previous statements, either you are a "flipflopper" or you have proof SH is an unimaginative internet troll.

PS "I can only respect someone that can only see 1 side if an issue" Homer Simpson


You have to type way slower for these people to follow the point you're trying to make. Your point being how King LEO of R-CALF bounces around on M'ID. None of the five posters above refuted your quotes! But only rancher and Haymaker actually admitted they couldn't finish reading LEO's dizzying comments. Sandhusker diverts again. Oldtimer (dreaming he's in Chihuahua, Mexico) rants on about branding irons and Brad S spills a full beer on his keyboard in a maddened attempt at responding. Go figure.

Tam said:
Anything born in Canada and brought into the US will have a CAN hot brand on it- anything from Mexico is branded with an MX-- If its born in US, goes to Canada to feed and comes back it packs the CAN brand--everything else is product of US....And it is not a violation of any world trade rules as long as its required on all beef and no country is discriminated against....

Oldtimer you wrote everything else is product of US..
does that include all the Canadian cattle that were imported into the US before the May 2003 ban was put on. Those animals don't have a CAN brand and I doubt they will be back across the border to get one either.

Tam , since the USDA refuses to track down those prior to the ban cattle, the lawmakers had proposed grandfathering them- meaning they would for the purposes of COOL be considered a US cow .... Some articles I have read figure that since the majority of these cattle were either dairy cattle that are milked out in a few years or bulls, that that number is steadily declining and many have already gone to slaughter....I would prefer they tracked as many down as possible and tested them first..........
FLIP: "USDA should track down those Canadian cattle that were imported prior to the ban."

FLOP: "M"ID Prohibited from "M"COOL!

It never ends!

Big Muddy,

Sure glad you can comprehend the written word and identify those who keep parroting the same contradictions over and over.

Nobody can defend against the truth on the "school lunch program" falacy. All they can do is recite what they "WANT" "M"COOL to be or what they "THINK" "M"COOL should be. NOT WHAT IT IS!

The law that Leo calls a good law contradicts itself by stating (paraphrasing) that "anyone who supplies a covered commodity to a retailer must provide origination information of said commodity" in contrast "M"COOL Prohibits "M"ID.

If I was USDA, I would have R-CALF implement and enforce their flawed law instead of listening to them act like they know what they are talking about. Then invite the press to give us play by coverage so the whole world can see these phonies for what they are.

"Hey boys, we got another one coming in with smudged out hot iron brands. I think one of them is an "M". How should that one be labeled Leo???"

I could only wish that R-CALF had to face the consequences for their stupidity instead of sitting in the critical throne of judgement.


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