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Ranch Picture 3-12-2013

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
You just need a couple thousand more of them!! I've tried sending them north a couple times.
LazyWP said:
You just need a couple thousand more of them!! I've tried sending them north a couple times.

Well try harder getting them to head north!! Even though it has been a fairly mild winter,i'm tired of it and all the snow!!
3words said:
LazyWP said:
You just need a couple thousand more of them!! I've tried sending them north a couple times.

Well try harder getting them to head north!! Even though it has been a fairly mild winter,i'm tired of it and all the snow!!

Everyone complains about the Eagles causing harm to new born calves, and granted they will kill a few, but I would venture to guess that geese probably have helped kill more then Eagles ever have.
As a kid, we never had scours, until the neighbors were fighting them, and I am sure the geese carried it into ours. Then they get into the feed... :evil: :evil: I hate Geese almost as much as I hate turkey and deer. I just wish I could legally kill more of all 3.
LazyWP said:
3words said:
LazyWP said:
You just need a couple thousand more of them!! I've tried sending them north a couple times.

Well try harder getting them to head north!! Even though it has been a fairly mild winter,i'm tired of it and all the snow!!

Everyone complains about the Eagles causing harm to new born calves, and granted they will kill a few, but I would venture to guess that geese probably have helped kill more then Eagles ever have.
As a kid, we never had scours, until the neighbors were fighting them, and I am sure the geese carried it into ours. Then they get into the feed... :evil: :evil: I hate Geese almost as much as I hate turkey and deer. I just wish I could legally kill more of all 3.

Ok,now that you have explained why you hate geese i understand.And no reason to explain deer because i hate them to,but what did they turkeys do?
The only time we have ever had scours problems was with weaned calves in fall and too many turkeys in feed bunks and on feedground in a pasture situation. Doctored the calvestand quit feeding the grain, the turkeys left, calves healed and don't remember if we fed anymore, sold them (as we usually did if the winter got bad, otherwise held them over to go on grass for the summer), or what. Have a few turkeys now, but also clean bunks and turkeys don't seem to bother it. Must not like the liquid feed we are using!!!

It sort of shocked us, as calving in pastures, we haven't had a scours problem before that one and it was several years ago.

I have seen well over 500 turkeys in our yard. Granted its a big yard, but the noise and poo they leave. My biggest complaint is that I am finishing some critters, and using a 100 bushel self feeder. If I don't keep the dumb birds scared off, they will eat me out of house and home, plus poo on the feed.
Any of you guys want to come kill em, just let me know!!
Been thousands of geese going over for the last few days-- but today the skies are full of Sandhill Cranes.... So squawky you can't hear yourself think.. :wink:
Spring must be ready to sprung- BUT before that happens they are predicting another snowstorm here...Temp in 60's yesterday- 50's today- BUT tonight its supposed to turn to freezing rain- and then snow-- and over the weekend they are saying some areas of NE MT could get 6 inches of new snow..
Calves are just starting to come- with 4 on ground- and about 20 mommas looking like the will go tonight about when the freezing rain hits... :roll:

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