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Ranch supper

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leanin' H

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Western Utah Desert
I beat my family home tonight since Angie is waiting for wrestling practice to get over so she can drive the boys in our valley home. Dalton has his license but Utah makes them wait six months after they get it, to be legal to have passengers. So I'm fixing supper. Deer steaks seasoned and dipped in flour in a cast iron pan. Hard to beat!!!! (Please note that I am cooking on a gas range!!!! Which according to the dumbocrats, will kill me for sure. Oh the humanity!!!)
After gas stoves are banned, what's next?
Releasing natural gas will be a crime, so best we all remember to ease it out as we did during our dating years. I must stop with my favorite self-incriminating phrase, "Better to get it out than keep it in I say." :ROFLMAO:
Today was sale day. On wednesday and Thursday I go to the sale. A big double cheese burger for lunch. The cook figures that is enough food for me for the day. So I get short changed for supper.
You had better learn to tell the cook that the sale ran late so you ate at the local steak house……
Hailey provided the fare. Her buck from last fall. Fat as a seal and tender as all get out. Even being a six year old good four point. I'm attempting to change my ways and haven't hit a deer in a long while in my truck. Knock on wood.

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