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Ranchwife~NEW hamburger recipe

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
Was at a birthday party last night and we were talking about Zuccini and how we fixed it. An elderly lady told us about this. I fixed it for lunch and it was so tasty; so thought I'd pass it along.

Brown hamburger and onion.
Garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
1 tsp. sugar
Little water.
Chopped up zuccini.
Cover and let steam until the zuccini is done.
Top with chopped up tomatoes, put lid on again
until the tomatoes are cooked as much as you like.
Lay cheese slices on top and melt.
Scoop mixture in pita bread and eat.

Maybe we could call this Zuccini Sloppy Joes?

Anyway, I fixed it and I can recommend it to anyone who like zuccini.
all my favorite ingredients in on perfect package....gonna have to try this one tomorrow night!!! would have tried tonight, but had a wicked storm roll through here with winds, rain and LIGHTNING that his a pole and knocked out power int he valley for about 5 hours!!! :shock:

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