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Reacting Like Members of the Animal Kingdom

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2007
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I remember the old TV show Mutual Of Omaha's "Wild Kingdom". This event could have made a fine episode. :shock:
Yeah, if they pull that crap they really should be part of the food chain.
Are those virgins willing, or is the proper term "rape", rather than "having sex with...."?????

Aren't the forms or variations of abuse and the outrageous excuses getting tiresome?

When are decent people going to get serious about standing against abuses, let alone putting and to them?

Actually hearing a presentation featuring the Elizabeth Smart abduction and detailing just some of the enslavement of people, even in South Dakota today, for labor in various low paying jobs as well as the sex trade makes one fearful for young children, and older ones who don't understand what they are getting in to. Then, there was the woman found murdered along I-90 not long ago, less than 15 miles from my house! She appeared to have been a prostitute working truck stops, and last seen alive at Murdo, about 30 miles from my house...........and I live in a very rural part of SD!!!!
As a former long haul driver, I can assure you that Alice's Restaurant isn't the only place you can get anything you want. Any truck stop will be offering all the goods and services that your little heart desires, especially if your desires are more of the illegal/immoral kind. :wink:
Or it's an excuse to look down on women. He doesn't know why women are in these circumstances but ot can sure look down upon them
Mrj, I saw a schlumberger core sample rig south of faith. Wish I knew what they found, but I've heard Bakken / three forks may go south as far as northern ne.
I think it was in RCJournal that I read it may get into northern SD, but no further. A year or so ago, they were drilling samples in the Wasta, SD area, but have heard of no results from it. In this area, a great 'find' would be good gravel.....forget the oil! We won't have much for roads to drive on unless we find more gravel.

I realize there is a 'seamy side' to life, but maybe if we didn't just laugh about it, but take it more seriously and prosecute moreof the perpetrators, there wouldn't be so many hurt by it.


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