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Read this if you want to be really depressed

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Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

THere in lies the problem oldtimer YOU DID not think!!!!!In youe quest to destroy AMERICA, you should at least open those eyes you just had operated on!!!!! :mad:
Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

What's your point OT (like you ever really have one other than to troll)? Should American citizens listen to what citizens of other countries say about who we should chose as our president?

It's a stupid and meaningless poll. Chavez, Putin, and Ahmenahamsammich of Iran all favored Obama as well. Did that lift your skirt?
Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

If I've heard one, I've heard a thousand say the U.S. sometimes is a pompous azz.
Mike said:
Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

If I've heard one, I've heard a thousand say the U.S. sometimes is a pompous azz.

Well with the comments on this thread of how much better we are then all those other folks-- its not surprising they think of us that way...

Maybe these folks being polled finally think we have a President that doesn't portray that- and they don't think of as being a Pompous azz... :???:

I know many of the Candadians and the few Auzzies I know/deal/talk with can't figure out why the radical right nut cases hated Obama so bad...And when I finally got on my e-mail/FB/other sites were cheering the Obama win...
Oldtimer said:
Mike said:
Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

If I've heard one, I've heard a thousand say the U.S. sometimes is a pompous azz.

Well with the comments on this thread of how much better we are then all those other folks-- its not surprising they think of us that way...

Maybe these folks being polled finally think we have a President that doesn't portray that- and they don't think of as being a Pompous azz... :???:

I know many of the Candadians and the few Auzzies I know/deal/talk with can't figure out why the radical right nut cases hated Obama so bad...And when I finally got on my e-mail/FB/other sites were cheering the Obama win...

I call BS on that claim.
Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

No, it just shows the ignorance of the majority in our country, has spread throughout the world.
Oldtimer said:
Mike said:
Oldtimer said:
HMMM- I never thought of Canada and Australia as being that third world or has been's, or so sociallist/communist that they hated us that much :???:

If I've heard one, I've heard a thousand say the U.S. sometimes is a pompous azz.

Well with the comments on this thread of how much better we are then all those other folks-- its not surprising they think of us that way...

Maybe these folks being polled finally think we have a President that doesn't portray that- and they don't think of as being a Pompous azz... :???:

I know many of the Candadians and the few Auzzies I know/deal/talk with can't figure out why the radical right nut cases hated Obama so bad...And when I finally got on my e-mail/FB/other sites were cheering the Obama win...

If they don't think Oblamea isn't a pompous ASS then they REALLY haven't been paying attention. HE'S without a doubt THE BIGGEST MOST POMPOUS ASS IN recent history as president.
Whitewing said:
I don't believe the country's headed for communism, nor do I see Obama declaring marshal law or suspending elections, etc. He won't have to do so. He and his ilk will have the votes they need from here on out.

The country, America, is now headed down the same path as Western Europe. A path that leads to an ever-declining standard of living, a path that leads to non-producers biologically outproducing the producers.

The economy will bounce around for a while but the trend will be unstoppable as it shrinks, infrastructure will continue to decay, the middle class will slowly be squeezed to death, government will grow, welfare and other entitlements will grow, and election after election will produce the same dreadful results. Class warfare as preached by Obama and his ilk will become the mantra.

Sorry Steve, all the talk of pubs having to do this or that, tough medicine, etc, IMHO is too little, too late.

Your kids, your grandkids, and their kids will never again see and live in the same America we all grew up in. Sorry to break this news to you folks, but it's over.

I am so very afraid that you are correct. We've seen what has been happening in Spain and Greece. We saw how the elections went for you in Venezuala. I agree that we are not headed for Communism, but I fear it to be more like socialism.

Of all the "historical" events that I have witnessed in my lifetime, man going to the moon etc I never, ever, ever thought I would be witness to this awful future entry in the history books.

As I once said to my BIL the day he found out that he and his wife were going to have their first child---"Life as you know it has just ceased to exist". But that was a happy occasion. I never thought I'd be saying it to myself with such negative implications.

I have had a few folks tell me that I'm over-reacting, thinking in extremes. I think not. I would like to believe that they are right and I am wrong.

Ihate it whitewing but you are right.Some people will pick up thier money and run to Canada or somewhere.Some peple will roll over and give up and go with the flow.It stinks like communism to me.Are we such yellowbelly cowards we can fight for democracy all over the world but we cant even save our own republic.Old timer I've given you the benifit off the dought but you dis honor Gary Johnson with your vote.Ley me take this oportunity to say **** You and all the democrats on this bourd.Let me say again so you dont misunderstand my position.I will fight to the death to defend the constitution and the bill of rights.
smalltime said:
Ihate it whitewing but you are right.Some people will pick up thier money and run to Canada or somewhere.Some peple will roll over and give up and go with the flow.It stinks like communism to me.Are we such yellowbelly cowards we can fight for democracy all over the world but we cant even save our own republic.Old timer I've given you the benifit off the dought but you dis honor Gary Johnson with your vote.Ley me take this oportunity to say bad word You and all the democrats on this bourd.Let me say again so you dont misunderstand my position.I will fight to the death to defend the constitution and the bill of rights.



Yep smalltime-- the last of these foreigners I want to meet are the runaway US "Patriots" that put personal economics above political/personal principles to jump ship to go to these socialist/communist countries (and then try to tell us how to be "good Americans" :roll: :shock: :p :lol: :lol: ).... But its still not hard to avoid them and run into the real folks with history and long time ties to these countries that think much more clearly.... :wink: :p :lol: I communicate with many daily....
Kind of like the millionaire on C-Span that represented 200 or so millionaires as I recall, that wanted their taxes raised for the benefit of the country? He also basically said those that have Swiss bank accounts or accounts in the Cayman islands--thats where they need to go and live.
I would say this is where you don't get it. The problem will have to be attacked on both fronts.
My analogy-- I have a friend (not a close friend) that just recently got on full disability. His first question to the gov't reps, Can I still get on a dozer and do some cleanup on my property???? See, I think, if he can operate a bulldozer, I don't think he should be eligible for disability. And taking one guy off disability isn't going to solve the entitlement problem. But its the right thing to do.

The same is true for the rich. Their incomes have risen dramatically while the middle class' wages have remained stagnant for decades. Its been reported that the top 400 richest families in America now own over half the wealth,at least in part due to tax breaks. Should we tax them a little more?? Sure its the right thing to do. Will it take care of the deficit??? No, Its just the right thing to do, along with specific cuts.
They also said today that Russia and China are happy Obama is back in.... geez that makes me feel fuzzy all over...... sheesh...

Okay, I did a search for this article in the original post and I found someone else commenting on it .... from what I gather this Stanberry is saying these are gonna be some of the best years coming up..... because of the oil...

Here's the article I found:


I will say that Grant Jeffrey back in Feb. 2012 at the International Prophecy Conference stated that there is enough oil in the United States to supply it for the next 3 centuries.... yes, centuries. and supposedly we're exporting all of our oil .... isn't that sweet?? While we pay $3 to $4 gallon here in the US?
MoGal said:
They also said today that Russia and China are happy Obama is back in.... geez that makes me feel fuzzy all over...... sheesh...

Okay, I did a search for this article in the original post and I found someone else commenting on it .... from what I gather this Stanberry is saying these are gonna be some of the best years coming up..... because of the oil...

Here's the article I found:


I will say that Grant Jeffrey back in Feb. 2012 at the International Prophecy Conference stated that there is enough oil in the United States to supply it for the next 3 centuries.... yes, centuries. and supposedly we're exporting all of our oil .... isn't that sweet?? While we pay $3 to $4 gallon here in the US?

What??? We're exporting oil??? Drill. Drill, Drill for the benefit of whom?? :wink:
TSR said:
I would say this is where you don't get it. The problem will have to be attacked on both fronts.

My analogy-- I have a friend (not a close friend) that just recently got on full disability. His first question to the gov't reps, Can I still get on a dozer and do some cleanup on my property???? See, I think, if he can operate a bulldozer, I don't think he should be eligible for disability. And taking one guy off disability isn't going to solve the entitlement problem. But its the right thing to do.

The same is true for the rich. Their incomes have risen dramatically while the middle class' wages have remained stagnant for decades. Its been reported that the top 400 richest families in America now own over half the wealth,at least in part due to tax breaks. Should we tax them a little more?? Sure its the right thing to do. Will it take care of the deficit??? No, Its just the right thing to do, along with specific cuts.

AMEN- and thats what I see the mandate of this election to be..... Cut spending while raising taxes on the rich........ Even GW's own Treasury Secretary---- besides most economist told him you can't fight 2 wars and still cut taxes... And its one of the big issues that brought on the BUSH BUST....

We need both major spending cuts on wasteful projects and a raise on all taxpayers above $250-300,000-- with even more of a tax raise on all Millionaire+ earners...
Unlike a lot of Repubs- I believe in paying off our/my debts.......
It may be the right thing to do in a communist country BUT ITS NOT RIGHT HERE.If you want to be a f------ communist there are plenty of countries you can immagrate to.Why are you hell bent on destoying this country.I'm sure we can find money to pay for your ticket.
Oldtimer said:
We need both major spending cuts on wasteful projects and a raise on all taxpayers above $250-300,000-- with even more of a tax raise on all Millionaire+ earners...
Unlike a lot of Repubs- I believe in paying off our/my debts.......

What a load of crap. You say you want to pay your own bills and then in the same statement you say you want the rich to pay your bills.
OT - not being a smart ass, just trying to figure out your way of thinking. Why in the world should the people who earned their money and make a good living have to pay more than they already are? Why not make the 48% of people who don't pay income taxes actually pay their way? That seems more like a fair share to me. The theory of making the rich pay more only encourages them to not wok as hard. I have a friend who worked for Med Center 1. He got a wage and a commission. Now Sanford took it over and he lost his commission but has a wage. He told me he has no reason to work as hard as he did before, so he isn't, pretty logical to me. It works the same way with taxes.

I think everyone should have to pay the taxes, the same percent. That would truely be a fair tax.
BRG said:
OT - not being a smart ass, just trying to figure out your way of thinking. Why in the world should the people who earned their money and make a good living have to pay more than they already are? Why not make the 48% of people who don't pay income taxes actually pay their way? That seems more like a fair share to me. The theory of making the rich pay more only encourages them to not wok as hard. I have a friend who worked for Med Center 1. He got a wage and a commission. Now Sanford took it over and he lost his commission but has a wage. He told me he has no reason to work as hard as he did before, so he isn't, pretty logical to me. It works the same way with taxes.

I think everyone should have to pay the taxes, the same percent. That would truely be a fair tax.

A major portion of our deficit and a major cause of the Bush Bust was an ill advised war in Iraq which was just stuck on the credit card- while we cut income (taxes)...

Ben Stein went on the O'Reilly Show (even before the Bush Bust economic meltdown) and said this wouldn't work-- and since those that had the most economic value to be protected by the US military being the policemen of the world was the millionaires-- that he believed a surtax should be added to all millionaires taxes to pay the costs of the war and give the soldiers better benefits...

"I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism."
― Major General Smedley D. Butler

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