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Regier Saddles

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Former North West SD
Has anyone ever owned or ridden a Regier saddle? The are made in Gordon, NE. I just bought one and I am fishing for opinions.
You are supposed to check it out BEFORE you buy something koj. :wink:

I bet your day up here the other day was a hard one on you koj. Lets hope that doesn't happen again soon.
Oh, I did my research. But, I wanted some valued opinions from the ranchers.net crowd.

Yeah, it was a damn tough day. Next time I go home it had better be for something fun, like your branding. I havn't been there in years!
You have a standing invite to stop in anytime koj, and especially for branding. :!:

Sorry I got this off topic for you.

There, that is the end of that, and we are back on the saddle topic. :wink:
Bill Steinmeyer had a Regier saddle. He sure liked it as I recall, and the saddle looked impressive to me. It displayed fine workmanship, and was a tough all-purpose good-looking rig. I would have been proud to have owned it.
A good Indian cowboy that I've rode with up by Manderson by the name of Glen Gibbons rides a Reiger and It not only looks good and rides good, it can sure take the Yerks. Built on an association tree and Glen really likes it. Hope you get along with yours as well.

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