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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Southeastern Colorado
Just sat through two days of the Superior Video aution at Steamboat Springs.

There were a few lots with RFID tags. I wasn't able to tell that anyone cared that these lots were RFID. They didn't bring anymore money.

Although there were fewer implanted calves than in the past, it didn't appear that buyers were overly concerned. Our implanted calves brought more that comparable calves with no implants.

Superior also is promoting VASE - written verification of age. Weren't many lots that way. Superior claims it helped sell a couple of lots.

What buyers really cared about is weight, uniformity and geography -how far they have to be trucked.

One lot of pretty fine angus steers weighing 575# brought $152.50 or $877 a head.

Cowpuncher said:
Just sat through two days of the Superior Video aution at Steamboat Springs.

There were a few lots with RFID tags. I wasn't able to tell that anyone cared that these lots were RFID. They didn't bring anymore money.

Although there were fewer implanted calves than in the past, it didn't appear that buyers were overly concerned. Our implanted calves brought more that comparable calves with no implants.

Superior also is promoting VASE - written verification of age. Weren't many lots that way. Superior claims it helped sell a couple of lots.

What buyers really cared about is weight, uniformity and geography -how far they have to be trucked.

One lot of pretty fine angus steers weighing 575# brought $152.50 or $877 a head.


That's pretty much what we been seeing around here cow puncher,we can hear a lot of rumors propaganda etc.but it looks like little has changed.and if it has, I did'nt see it..................good luck PS kinda like this doom and gloom chicken little sez R CALF has caused, where is it???

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