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RIP Big 12 Conference

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Nov 12, 2008
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Ankeny, IA
Beebe is just about as inept and clueless as Obama is.


OK, it appears the Big 12 could be breaking up before our eyes.

It's a feeling I get down here in Kansas City. But really, it's becoming more than a gut feeling ...

Colorado athletic director Mike Bohn told The Boulder (Colo.) Daily Camera on Thursday he and other school officials have been led to believe the Pac-10 Conference is on the verge of issuing invitations to six members of the Big 12 to join its ranks.

Bohn told the Camera that CU has not had any contact with the Pac-10 or its representatives and he was not clear on how he came to believe invitations could be forthcoming. But he said Colorado, Texas, Texas A&M, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Texas Tech could receive invitations possibly as soon as this weekend when Pac-10 officials meet in San Francisco, the newspaper reporter.

"The longer that we were together in Kansas City it appeared that that rumor or speculation did have some validity to it," Bohn said in an interview with the Camera as he left the Big 12 spring meetings.

So, it appears the Orangebloods.com report has legs.
The Big 12 has gone from being on life support to being in Hospice (before I get blasted for my choice of words, I lost a loved one in Hospice a month ago today). This is coming from a Chancellor!!

The date of this article is May 31 and it's free from Rivals:


On Monday, in Wellesley, Mass., UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau participated in a Q&A with the Cal Alumni Club of New England, and sources say that during that meeting, Cal's top official revealed several tantalizing tidbits in regards to the possible expansion of the Pac-10 Conference.

Birgeneau confirmed that the chancellors and presidents of the Pac-10 member schools will be holding a conference meeting on June 6 in San Francisco, and said that he would be "surprised if something did not happen that revolutionized college athletics."

Birgeneau said that expansion is a real possibility in the near future, and that the Pac-10 is seriously considering "a couple of schools, at least one of which meets the academic standards of the rest of the Pac-10."

The Chancellor cited the fact that Illinois makes $13 million per year alone from its participation in the Big Ten Network, a "model we're really looking to, going forward."

This is particularly notable because of the fact that, in 2011, the relocation of Cal football to AT&T Park in San Francisco could cost the University upwards of $5 million (according to Birgeneau) in lost ticket revenue due to the diminished capacity of the baseball-only venue.

BearTerritory's sources also said that it would not come as a surprise if the formation of a Pac-10 Network were announced as early as this weekend.
with the rumors of NU and Mizzou going to the Big 10, and the flirting of OU to the SEC, I think Texas, being the bitches they are, made up this idea of the 6 teams leaving for the Pac 10 just as an attention grabber and to use as leverage to keep the Big 12 intact.

UT is a power hungry group of a-holes. I would like to see the conference NOT run everything in Texas. it is an unfair advantage. jerry jones can shove his new stadium...lets rotate the CCG around. money is going to ruin college sports as we know it!
jigs said:
with the rumors of NU and Mizzou going to the Big 10, and the flirting of OU to the SEC, I think Texas, being the bitches they are, made up this idea of the 6 teams leaving for the Pac 10 just as an attention grabber and to use as leverage to keep the Big 12 intact.

UT is a power hungry group of a-holes. I would like to see the conference NOT run everything in Texas. it is an unfair advantage. jerry jones can shove his new stadium...lets rotate the CCG around. money is going to ruin college sports as we know it!

It already has! It's called the BCS and it is nothing more than discrimination against ANY SCHOOL NOT IN THE 6 EVIL CONFERNCES! I hope the Big 12 and the Pac 10 implode. :mad: Go UofU, BYU and Boise! :D
I will agree Boisie and TCU have gotten hosed recently, just cause they are not in the right conference.... it is all B.S.
jigs said:
with the rumors of NU and Mizzou going to the Big 10, and the flirting of OU to the SEC, I think Texas, being the bitches they are, made up this idea of the 6 teams leaving for the Pac 10 just as an attention grabber and to use as leverage to keep the Big 12 intact.

UT is a power hungry group of a-holes. I would like to see the conference NOT run everything in Texas. it is an unfair advantage. jerry jones can shove his new stadium...lets rotate the CCG around. money is going to ruin college sports as we know it!

If this conference hadn't been taken over by Texas, Nebraska would have no reason to consider any other offers. Now, they need us and they don't like having little 'ol Nebraska in charge of their destiny.
why can't the old big 8 teams unify and blow those pricks from UT out of the water?? we have an 8-4 vote if they would get thier heads out of thier asses!!! at least a 7-5 vote, cause you know CU is gonna vote with the asses from UT.

in all seriousness,Sandy, what do you want NU to do?? goto the big 10? or stay loyal?
the arrogance coming from Texas is sickening (no offense to those Texans who aren't CFB fans).

I'm still waiting on a deadline from Big 12 commish to the Texas on schools on wether they are with the Big 12 or are serious about going off to the Pac 10 (like that will happen) :shock:


Big 12 commissioner Dan Beebe finds himself on The Jim Delany Express, Destination Horror.

And he has nobody to blame but himself.

Beebe helped create this latest ugly scene where he has to beg Nebraska to choose The Big XII, or else watch as his conference dies a quick and painful death.

And mark my words, the Big XII does not reach July 1 if Nebraska keeps flirting with the Big Ten into this weekend.

Yes, the Cornhusker Nation and its approximately 14 TV sets will determine if the Big XII survives. Everybody has been apprised of their Friday deadline to renew their vows. And everybody understands if they do not, The Biggest of The Big 12 -- your Texas Longhorns -- is going to flee to a surprisingly aggressive Pac-10 ready to provide a safe harbor for them and all of their South friends, with the likely exception of Baylor. The Cornhusker trickle-down goes as far as Idaho, where The Mountain West delayed inviting Boise State until it sees how everything else shakes out.

All of said details were being debated on SportsCenter and blogs all day Monday. What I do not understand is:

How is a school based in Lincoln, Neb., allowed to become a linchpin for anything? And how did the Big Ten usurp all the power?

The answers: Beebe is a joke. And Big Ten commish Jim Delany is an evil genius. Delany rigged the game to benefit his conference, and Beebe jumped right into bed with him.

When Beebe joined the Big Ten and the Pac-10 in opposing a playoff in college football a couple of years ago, he killed any chance of the Big 12 catching them revenue-wise, thus creating the financial warfare that has led to wandering eyes. I guarantee any and all Big 12 "personality conflicts" could be smoothed out if everybody was swimming in a bigger pile of money.

Funny how that works.

Because make no mistake, Pac16apalooza is about money and TV and football and money. It always is.

Somehow the Big 12, one of the best and most competitive conferences in the country, is not making nearly as much money as the Big Ten. My friend, Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports, did a good job of laying out how a playoff format would have turned Big 12 schools into haves and Big Ten into have-nots. I'm not going to rehash, but instead trust his math. So it is understandable why Delany was opposed. What is confusing is why Beebe is putting up with this.

And why is Texas putting up with him?

Do not think DeLoss Dodds could not get Beebe fired. DeLoss needs to do what Beebe has lacked the nerve to do. Tell Nebraska goodbye and good riddance, have TCU or Arkansas or Illinois ready to step in and bump Oklahoma up north. Can you imagine that championship game at JerryWorld -- an almost yearly rematch of The Red River Rivalry?

Full disclosure: I am a die-hard Mizzou grad.

I am not exempting it from being Nebraska-ed, just fully aware that, if Mizzou leaves, the Big 12 survives. And Mizzou and Nebraska had better hope they actually have deals with the Big Ten because lots of enemies have been made and distrust sown. And I'd suggest having better than a handshake deal with Delany because this guy, well, has a truthiness problem.
jigs said:
why can't the old big 8 teams unify and blow those pricks from UT out of the water?? we have an 8-4 vote if they would get thier heads out of thier asses!!! at least a 7-5 vote, cause you know CU is gonna vote with the asses from UT.

in all seriousness,Sandy, what do you want NU to do?? goto the big 10? or stay loyal?

I'm glad that we're gone. Big 10 pays better and there is no reason to stay in the Texas 12. It could of been a great conference if they hadn't let Texas run the show.
so, for years NU runs the Big 8, sits on tiop like king..now that Texas is running things, Dr. Tom decides to pull stakes and hit the road. good riddence Husker pricks, hope you love being pushed around by OSU, Mich. and Penn State...no way in hell are they gonna let you guys come in and be equal...NO WAY. I hope NU gets treated worse than ever on every away game this year, you guys are pond scum . sure the a-holes from Texas caused the rip, but you cry babies nailed the coffin shut. I have no use for NU, and eagerly await the trip to Manhattan, I never thought my hatred of NU could get so big.
Texas is everything that's wrong with college athletics, but the Big8 let them do this crap. UT wants conf security with independant revenue sourcing. When the SWC imploded, the B8 should have got things straight or stayed away from UT. I surmise the Pac 10 knows this lesson and UT is rowing some tough waters.

NU made a deal with the devil and joined the rustbelt conf; a dubious decision indeed (easily sold to their not particularly clever fanbase as anti Texas). With the receedingpopulation base, the rustbelt is desperate to expand, but they wanted to bust the B12 and pickup UT. NU seems as "used to be great" as the B10 so the fit is there. THe great NU didn't need to react out of desperation, but the current NU did exactly that.

THe NU sports radio clowns have convinced themselves NU will still recruit Texas, this is going to be a tough jerk on a formerly proud school. Texas recruits will feel little more compulsion to play at Nebraska than the rest of the rustbelt, but delusional sports jocks say NU has the right contacts.

As I've long been an objective admirer of NU football, this recent conference whoring really disappoints me. A month ago NU was considering the money, because UT is bad. Now the story is MU started it. Annd the Nebraska Chancellor further embarrasses the state lawyering the rightful exit penalties. I may be gaining some insight on Ben Nelson's popularity in Nebraska.
The Big 12 survival by only loosing CU. and NEB.

Pac-10 commissioner Larry Scott's background comes from running the Women's Tennis Association, not working as a college administrator. College athletics is generally run by lifers, folks who came up through the system and learned the same way to think and manage the same way.

For decades the Pac-10 had been the nation's most staid conference, so slow to adapt it even doubted the viability of ESPN into the 2000s. It hired Scott and his outsider mentality last year to change that. Over a breathless, ambitious couple-of-month run, he nearly did.

The remaining north schools along with Baylor just became Texas' butt slave. Iowa St fans are basking in the money they soon will be making, but what little leverage they had before all of this went down just became ZERO LEVERAGE. I'm so glad Nebraska got out when they did.

Introducing the new Big 12-2 logo:

Don't follow the Big 12 too close, and I don't have a dog in this fight, but I thought some of you might enjoy this.

Meet the Texas Longhorns: The Biggest Coward Program in College Football

Clay Travis
Senior NCAA Writer

Conference realignment died because the Texas football program is made up of cowards who are aware that the Longhorns program can't compete at the top levels of the SEC or the Pac-10. That's what your takeaway from the past two weeks of conference realignment really needs to be. Yep, the state that values masculine swagger more than any other in the nation features a top football program that is yella.

All hat, no cattle.

The Longhorns had offers to move on to compete with top echelon talent in the SEC and the Pac-10. Instead, like recalcitrant female cattle, they balked, choosing to remain in a weakened Big 12 that is minus two of the traditional powers in the league.

How bad is Texas' schedule now even with a round-robin nine-game slate to come in 2012? It's likely the Longhorns will have one top 25 conference game a season, the annual Texas-Oklahoma tussle in October. Meaning Texas will try and back door its way into the BCS title game each season by avoiding challenges rather than competing with the best in college football.

If Sam Houston had known the cowardice of the Longhorns in 2010, he would have forgotten the Alamo.

What's more, while Texas is a coward in the larger universe of college football, the Longhorns are a bully in their own conference, the equivalent of a mob boss extracting loyalty payments from the five weakest members. Why did Texas (along with Oklahoma and Texas A&M) take a larger share of contractual payouts owed by Colorado and Nebraska for leaving the conference?

Because it could.

But that's how bullies always behave, right?

They beat up on the weak and then get their asses kicked or turn tail when someone steps to them. Ask Colt McCoy and Texas about that. The Longhorns quarterback threw for 4 billion yards in his career against the sisters of the poor defenses in the Big 12. He lasted for less than a full quarter against an SEC defense. Yep, the SEC and the Pac-10 would have been the barbed wire to Texas' BCS title dreams.

And that's what the Longhorns feared more than anything. Once it joined the SEC or the Pac-10, Texas is just another program, packing a six-shooter with no bullets. Waving that gun around in the air and yelling ain't scaring away Marcell Dareus on the blitz. He's calling your bluff and slapping you with your own empty gun. People might start to realize that for all the swagger, the Longhorns have just one national title in the past 39 years, nearly two generations of failing to capture the ultimate prize. They might also realize that most years, Texas can't even get past Oklahoma, the overrated team you've last seen being stomped by whatever opponent the Sooners draw in the BCS games, title or otherwise.

That's because when it comes to Texas football, the perception of success is much greater than the reality of success. Hell, give Texas credit though, at least it's the best of a bad lot. What can you say for Oklahoma or Texas A&M? Two ostensible rival schools that had the opportunity to prove they could stand on their own in the new world order of college athletics and instead hid behind Texas' skirt. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote during his famous balcony scene, "It is the East and Juliet is the sun!" If the bard dove into the mess that is the Big 12, he could adopt the same phraseology, "It is the Big 12 and Texas is the sun!"

Because never in the history of college athletics has one program so dominated the puny conference sisters it surrounds itself with. Texas is not just the sun, but the moon and the stars, while the rest of the teams in the conference are its piddling orbiting satellites. It's only a matter of time, one would think, before the Longhorns demand the gate for games they play on the other school's campus.

That's what mob bosses do, they take and take and take until someone kills them.

You think anyone in the Big 12 has the stones to step to Texas?

Hell no.

And if you've cast your conference lot with a program that doubles as the sun, moon and stars, it might be worth asking how you ever compete with that school. Do you think Texas is ever losing a recruit to a program that voluntarily turned over its millions so you could continue to be extorted in the future? Does the mob boss have a smaller house than the poor schmuck he takes down for more money? Those are rhetorical questions. And there's your answer right there, every other school in the conference has no desire to be number one. They're just comfortable basking in the penumbra of Texas' exaggerated greatness.

Of course, the ultimate irony of this entire mess is that the joke is on all college football fans. All of us, the poor sots who tramp to our respective campuses each week in an effort to determine the best team in the nation. Because we've actually created a BCS system that encourages bullying cowardice like Texas'. Instead of forcing the best to compete and crowning a champion on the field by rewarding the two best teams, we've created a system where avoiding challenges and beating up on weaker programs gives you an automatic invite to the BCS title game.

How else to explain Texas and Oklahoma appearing in six BCS title games between them and racking up a bully-like 2-4 record with an average margin of defeat of more than 18 points in those games? Texas isn't just a coward, it is gaming the system, rigging the results to allow it a position it can't earn on the field.

In the end we're left with only one conclusion: Deep in the heart of Texas lives a football program of cowards.

Time for a new burnt orange slogan:

Hook 'em ... unless you can run and hide from 'em.
how is the Pac 10 a power conference? I think it is less than the Big 12.

and calling Colorado a perenial power??? puhleese, even NU is not the same power house they used to be...

Texas has a team in the Big 12 that they can not beat. it is the Wildcats from Kansas State...
jigs said:
so, for years NU runs the Big 8, sits on tiop like king..now that Texas is running things, Dr. Tom decides to pull stakes and hit the road. good riddence Husker pricks, hope you love being pushed around by OSU, Mich. and Penn State...no way in hell are they gonna let you guys come in and be equal...NO WAY. I hope NU gets treated worse than ever on every away game this year, you guys are pond scum . sure the a-holes from Texas caused the rip, but you cry babies nailed the coffin shut. I have no use for NU, and eagerly await the trip to Manhattan, I never thought my hatred of NU could get so big.

You can put a lot of the blame on our weak sisters (KU, KSU, ISU, MU, etc...) for not siding with NU all these years and letting Texas have everything they wanted. We got tired of getting screwed over, got a better deal, and saw no reason to stay. BTW, our record against Big 10 teams the last 30 years is something like 28-4. We've owned them just about as much as as we've owned the mildcats.

Why the hell should we stay, Jigs? Missouri hasn't hid the fact that they've wanted to be in the Big 10 for years. Colorado the same with the Pac 10. Texas was putting out feelers. Osborn gave Texas a chance by asking them if they would share revenue with their network that they're starting - they said "No". Why stay and make Texas richer while they treat everybody else like their property? You're jealous that we were picked and you have to stay as a vassal to Texas.

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