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Robbed, Forced To Strip


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Montgomery, Al
Forced to strip naked in the street: Shocking scenes as rioters steal clothes and rifle through bags as people make their way home

This is the shocking moment a young man is apparently forced to hand over all of his clothes after appearing to be stripped naked during lawless riots overnight.

Internet rumours last night claimed that on top of the widespread destruction across London and Birmingham, people were having their clothes removed by looters as police attempted to contain the criminality.

What kind of coward takes their clothes off and hands them to someone else? I'll wear mine thanks. Those englishmen are a little lacking.
redrobin said:
What kind of coward takes their clothes off and hands them to someone else? I'll wear mine thanks. Those englishmen are a little lacking.

I had the same thought.. even with my living over there for a few years, I still can't understand why the brits put up with the crap that goes on in their country..

and putting it into words is even harder... but I'll try..

in the UK,.. if a thug robs you and you fight back,.. you as likely to be charged with assault as the thug.. and then sued..

if a thug breaks into your house, and god forbid gets hurt.. he can sue you.. and shockingly often wins.

the police tread lightly when dealing with thugs.. and are often non confrontational..

so you end up with a lawless underclass and those who abide by the law are unsure of their rights..

punishment for the thugs who do commit crimes is often reduced due to overpopulating the existing jails.. so most thugs even if they get convicted are just released..

so in reality you have a cowering law-abiding class, and an emboldened thug class..

a bit like California will end up like in twenty or so years..

the sad fact is Europe has become to civilized,.. and the nanny state is in disarray..

so when an skinny white guy is confronted by a large thug.. he can either, fight, (and risk jail or worse) run.. or give up... UK society has trained him to give up.. and the thugs know this..

I am not defending him giving up his clothes and dignity.. just trying to explain why the Brits choose to cower instead of fighting back..
Larrry said:
The second would come in handy about now

I agree.. it wasn't until after I lived in Scotland for a few years did I come to really appreciate the 2nd amendment rights..

for the most part in the UK only the criminals have guns..

when a society gets to civilized and complacent it is ripe for picking..

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