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Roles & Responsibilities Policy Changes Adopted by CBB T


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Feb 11, 2005
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South East Kansas
Roles & Responsibilities Policy Changes Adopted by CBB This Week
beefcheckoff | August 4, 2011 at 10:46 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1BxtA-36

CBB members approved the Roles & Responsibilities document this week during the CBB update session in Florida. The five changes approved are a far cry from those brought forth originally by the Roles & Responsibilities Committee in 2010.

Area: Develop and implement plans, projects, and budgets.

Current Procedure: The Cattlemen's Beef Board works jointly with NCBA to develop plans, projects and budgets.

The Change: The Cattlemen’s Beef Board and the Federation of State Beef Councils will jointly develop annual plans and priorities, in accordance with checkoff-appropriate strategies within the Industry Long Range Plan. QSBCs and contractors will have input on the checkoff’s plans and priorities. The Budget Committee will consist of Cattlemen’s Beef Board and Federation of State Beef Councils members for the purpose of review and approval of all national checkoff budgets.

Area:. Design committee structure.

Current Procedure: Since 1996, the Cattlemen's Beef Board has participated in a joint committee structure for planning, budgeting, programs and evaluation. The design of the committee structure and appointment of members has also been a joint process with the the Cattlemen's Beef Board and NCBA officers jointly making the decisions on committee leadership.

The Change: Joint checkoff committees will have Federation of State Beef Councils and Cattlemen's Beef Board representation. Qualified State Beef Councils should be encouraged to submit, to the Federation of State Beef Councils, additional candidates who are not on the Federation of State Beef Councils board, to obtain a seat on the committees. Cattlemen's Beef Board officers will choose Cattlemen's Beef Board committee members. The Operating Committee chair and vice chair will choose the chair and vice chair of each committee, which may be from either the Federation of State Beef Councils or the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. Committees are open meetings, and all industry participants are encouraged to attend and participate. Only committee members may vote.

Area: Recommend approval of plans, projects,and budgets to the Secretary of Agriculture.

Current Procedure: The Cattlemen's Beef Board Executive Committee recommends the Board's plans, projects and budgets to the Secretary for approval.

Approved Change: The Cattlemen's Beef Board will review all program plans and budgets funded by the Operating Committee.

Area: Align programs and funding in accordance with the Board’s strategic plan.

Current Procedure: The Cattlemen's Beef Board currently participates in the industry long-range plan, as well as a joint committee process, to develop annual plans/priorities and align programs and funding with those plans.

Approved Change: The Cattlemen's Beef Board and Federation of State Beef Councils should adhere to the Beef Industry Long Range Plan to develop priorities for checkoff program work annually. The annual planning process should include all checkoff contractors. Industry Long Range Planning Committees should always include all segments and major viewpoints of the industry. The Cattlemen's Beef Board and the Federation of State Beef Councils shall work together, and in alignment with the Industry Long Range Plan, to develop annual checkoff priorities. Input should be solicited from all Qualified State Beef Councils and all checkoff contractors during the planning process.

Area: Evaluate the effectiveness of checkoff programs.

Current Procedure: The Operating Committee is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the Board’s programs and has delegated that responsibility to the Joint Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee does not evaluate the effectiveness of Federation-only or qualified state beef council programs.

Approved Change: The Evaluation Committee shall be a joint Cattlemen's Beef Board and Federation of State Beef Councils committee and should evaluate all national checkoff programs. The Evaluation Committee should also offer evaluation services to qualified state beef councils (QSBC) at the QSBC invitation. These meetings are open to the industry and all are welcome to attend and participate.

This is a joke, the new committees will still be mostly if not all NCBA people. What changes will be made? None!!! ~x(
Tommy, you are so cynical. You seem to have no respect for all the hard work these people put in having to travel all the way to Florida in the middle of bikini season.
Texan said:
Tommy, you are so cynical. You seem to have no respect for all the hard work these people put in having to travel all the way to Florida in the middle of bikini season.

:lol: :lol: :lol: You forgot the dangers of the sun during tanning time :wink: :P

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