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Romney-Paul-Huntsman top NH

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With about 90% of the vote counted it looks like Romney and Paul are the big winners in NH..
Perry needs to take a lesson from Bachmann- didn't even get 1% of the votes..

M. Romney 38.8%
R. Paul 23.0%
J. Huntsman 17.0%
N. Gingrich 9.6%
R. Santorum 9.5%
R. Perry 0.7%
B. Roemer 0.4%
M. Bachmann 0.1%
G. Johnson 0.1%
H. Cain 0.1%
hypocritexposer said:
So, what does this mean to the American people?

That they (or at least those in NH ) haven't lost all common sense...To me they picked the 3 best candidates running...Anyway 2 are the most electable in a general election with the best chance of beating Obama- Romney and Huntsman...And 2 are probably the most fiscally conservative- while being more libertarian on the social issues- Paul and Huntsman..

M. Romney 38.8%
R. Paul 23.0%
J. Huntsman 17.0%

Apparently they easily saw threw the facade of the Hypocrits running

N. Gingrich 9.6%
R. Santorum 9.5%
R. Perry 0.7%
Newt Gingrich leads in N.C. with 25% to Santorum’s 24%, Romney’s 22%, and everyone else in single digits: Ron Paul at 9%, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman at 4%, and Buddy Roemer at 1%, with 11% undecided.

But if Santorum got to face Romney one-on-one right now in this state, he would trounce him, 51-33. Gingrich would also just edge out Romney, 43-42, while Romney would easily dispatch Perry (52-35) and Paul (67-21).

It is not a closed primary, in which votes can be cast in a party primary only by people registered with that party. Undeclared voters — those not registered with any party — can vote in either party primary.

Undeclared Voters

In New Hampshire, the preponderance of undeclared or independent voters offers another reason for candidates to play down their party affiliation, Hodes said. Undeclared voters number 388,220, compared with 267,725 Democrats and 266,077 Republicans,

in a state considered solidly democrat... I would not expect a conservative to have an overwhelming vote..

so far two states have spoken... two.. there is no reason to drop out now..

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