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Rothschild Resigns from the DNC Leadership - Supports McCain

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Oct 6, 2008
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Rothschild Resigns from the DNC leadership - Supports McCain

A lifelong Democrat "Looked at both candidates very carefully, I've thought a lot about this, I've studied both and I sincerely believe John McCain would be a much better President for the country"

See what conclusions are reached when you look, think, and study instead of stand at attention and chant "Change...Change...Change..." You liberals on this board could learn something.
Lady Rothschild is just following in step with her elitist millionaire friends John and Cindy....No surprise to it- wouldn't want to screw up their hobnobbing and champagne drinking together at the Vegas/Monte Carlo Casinos....

"This is an impressive crowd: the Have's and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base."
~ George W. Bush
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. She took a look, thought, and reached the only logical conclusion that she could of.


Lynn Rothschild on Obama's elitism:

While Obama supporters attempt to dismiss the charges about their candidate's perceived hauteur, they confuse privilege and elitism. Elitism is a state of mind, a view of the world that cannot be measured simply by one's net worth, position or number of houses. Throughout American history, there have been extremely wealthy figures who have devoted themselves to genuinely nonelitist principles. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt is probably the best-known example.) At the same time, many from modest backgrounds, like Harry Truman's foil, Thomas Dewey, personified elitism.

I'm a longtime Democrat. I worked for Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and supported Sen. Hillary Clinton in her presidential campaign. But I must face the uncomfortable truth that liberal elitism has been a weakness of the Democratic Party for more than half a century. In 1952 and 1956, for example, Adlai Stevenson emerged as the presidential candidate of the party's "new politics" wing. But while Stevenson's stylish, articulate, high-brow manner thrilled the nation's intellectuals, he could never connect with large numbers of working-class Democrats who found him aloof and aristocratic.

The "new politics" Democrats have found their new, improved Stevenson in Mr. Obama. In spite of his lofty liberal rhetoric, Mr. Obama is not connecting to millions of middle- and working-class voters, as well as women voters of all classes. Not only is his legislative record scant on issues that make a difference in their lives, but his current campaign is based mainly on an assumption of his transcendence.

Despite Mr. Obama's assertions that his campaign is about "you," much of his campaign is, in fact, all about him. In the months since the primaries ended, his creation and display of a mock presidential seal with his name on it, his speech at a mass rally at the Prussian Victory Column in Berlin, and his insistence on delivering his acceptance speech in front of fabricated Greek columns in a stadium holding 80,000 chanting supporters have crossed the thin line that separates galvanizing voters and plain old demagoguery.

Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....
Oldtimer said:
Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....

ALA John Kerrey?
Sandhusker said:
Oldtimer said:
Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....

ALA John Kerrey?

Oldtimer said:
Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....

Obama has never created a job in his life........

Just how many jobs do welfare recipients furnish?????????????????

(besides gubment jobs, of course) :shock:
Mike said:
Oldtimer said:
Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....

Obama has never created a job in his life........

Just how many jobs do welfare recipients furnish?????????????????

(besides gubment jobs, of course) :shock:

He spent a large amount of time helping those that did not pay income taxes to get tax benefits though!
aplusmnt said:
Mike said:
Oldtimer said:
Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....

Obama has never created a job in his life........

Just how many jobs do welfare recipients furnish?????????????????

(besides gubment jobs, of course) :shock:

He spent a large amount of time helping those that did not pay income taxes to get tax benefits though!

That is his base. :D :D :D No wonder he looks smart to OT, he is surrounded by losers.
aplusmnt said:
Mike said:
Oldtimer said:
Lynn Rothschild and John McCain have a lot in common- they both are divorcees that thought life looked better married to a a heir/heiress worth hundreds of MILLIONs $$$$$$$$$........ :wink: :lol:

I guess Obama's small pittance in comparison doesn't get him into the same circles....

Obama has never created a job in his life........

Just how many jobs do welfare recipients furnish?????????????????

(besides gubment jobs, of course) :shock:

He spent a large amount of time helping those that did not pay income taxes to get tax benefits though!

Yup - if you dont pay federal income tax, you are going to get a tax cut. Obama says so!..... this ought to be interesting.
Vision said:
aplusmnt said:
Mike said:
Obama has never created a job in his life........

Just how many jobs do welfare recipients furnish?????????????????

(besides gubment jobs, of course) :shock:

He spent a large amount of time helping those that did not pay income taxes to get tax benefits though!

Yup - if you dont pay federal income tax, you are going to get a tax cut. Obama says so!..... this ought to be interesting.

Now I know why your crusade- your Daddy makes more than a Quarter Million $ a year- so would get taxed more under the Obama plan- and you wouldn't have as much to play with at school-eh :???:
Because only folks making over $250,000 a year will pay more taxes under the Obama plan...
Oldtimer said:
Vision said:
aplusmnt said:
He spent a large amount of time helping those that did not pay income taxes to get tax benefits though!

Yup - if you dont pay federal income tax, you are going to get a tax cut. Obama says so!..... this ought to be interesting.

Now I know why your crusade- your Daddy makes more than a Quarter Million $ a year- so would get taxed more under the Obama plan- and you wouldn't have as much to play with at school-eh :???:
Because only folks making over $250,000 a year will pay more taxes under the Obama plan...

So will sub chapter S corporations like many small pizzaria's and such and other small businesses. While on paper they make mote than 250K much of that goes back into the business.

You see Democrats love to tax the producers, small businesses and high wage earners, but the never move to tax the wealthy, who make their money off "non-earned income"

In 2003 the Kerry's made $5,072,000. According to their own tax return they had an effective total income tax rate of 12.34%. Where as multi-millionaire John (two Americas) Edwards set up a corporation on paper to operate at a loss to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in social security and medicare taxes.

The Steve Forbes Flat Tax Plan that Kerry and the Democrats said was a tax giveaway to the "rich" was a 17.5% flat tax. Kerry and others like them would pay MORE taxes under such a plan abd the lower classes would pay less. How is that for "progressive"?

You ever wonder why the huge corporations make people like Obama their number one contributor? because they get all sorts of goodies put in the tax code for them like Nancy Pelosi did with the tuna company in her district that was tagged onto the bailout bill. Big buisiness loves the Democrats because they tax and regulate the small to medium sized business out of serious competition with the big boys.

Big business loves big government for that reason and people who get caught up in the clas warfare nonsense like you have OT, are the biggest tools for the worst abusers of the system.

Welcome to reality.
I'm voting for me this year- not your daddies pizzeria- and I don't make $250,000 a year so I come out ahead...I don't know of anyone in our whole county that makes $250,000 a year...We don't live like you folks back east do-- our median household income for the county is around $37,000- with some of the neighboring counties being less than that- in the $25K ranges....
Oldtimer said:
I'm voting for me this year- not your daddies pizzeria- and I don't make $250,000 a year so I come out ahead...I don't know of anyone in our whole county that makes $250,000 a year...We don't live like you folks back east do-- our median household income for the county is around $37,000- with some of the neighboring counties being less than that- in the $25K ranges....

I am not wealthy, I used to be in good middle class shape till I lost my career because of bad government policy. Now I go to school, write my book, and live off savings till I graduate. I drive a 10 year old car.

I WILL be wealthy though :) God Willing. I have some pet charities I would like to help out.
Vision said:
Oldtimer said:
I'm voting for me this year- not your daddies pizzeria- and I don't make $250,000 a year so I come out ahead...I don't know of anyone in our whole county that makes $250,000 a year...We don't live like you folks back east do-- our median household income for the county is around $37,000- with some of the neighboring counties being less than that- in the $25K ranges....

I am not wealthy, I used to be in good middle class shape till I lost my career because of bad government policy. Now I go to school, write my book, and live off savings till I graduate. I drive a 10 year old car.

I WILL be wealthy though :) God Willing. I have some pet charities I would like to help out.

I am wealthy beyond belief- a beautiful loving wife, 4 great kids and so far 4 great grandkids...And its mainly because of those kids and grandkids that I can't follow GW Bush's tax and borrow- charge it to future generations policies that McCain has rubber stamped...
I'd rather pay as I go- and let the Fatcats I'm now supporting and helping to make their multi million dollar salaries and golden parachutes pay more too.....
how odd OT, I have 4 kids too, and it is because of them the I can not vote for Obama, because I want them to live in the greatest nation ever concieved..... Obama will gut this country like you have never seen, he will begin the class war that will create a social upheaval and the country will slide into a horrid racial divide.

Obama like to preach to the "have nots", promising to divide up the goods of the "haves", but yet he himself will not give to the cause. hippocrite.

the guy is not worthy of the office he seeks. why won't he show his birth certificate??
Oldtimer said:
Vision said:
Oldtimer said:
I'm voting for me this year- not your daddies pizzeria- and I don't make $250,000 a year so I come out ahead...I don't know of anyone in our whole county that makes $250,000 a year...We don't live like you folks back east do-- our median household income for the county is around $37,000- with some of the neighboring counties being less than that- in the $25K ranges....

I am not wealthy, I used to be in good middle class shape till I lost my career because of bad government policy. Now I go to school, write my book, and live off savings till I graduate. I drive a 10 year old car.

I WILL be wealthy though :) God Willing. I have some pet charities I would like to help out.

I am wealthy beyond belief- a beautiful loving wife, 4 great kids and so far 4 great grandkids...And its mainly because of those kids and grandkids that I can't follow GW Bush's tax and borrow- charge it to future generations policies that McCain has rubber stamped...
I'd rather pay as I go- and let the Fatcats I'm now supporting and helping to make their multi million dollar salaries and golden parachutes pay more too.....

OT - Revenue went up big time under Bush - your problem is a corrupt Congress.

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