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SAY northern rancherette,you think 16000 was bad

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Feb 13, 2005
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Working for the U.S. Cattle Industry

R-CALF USA, the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America, represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on domestic and international trade and marketing issues. R-CALF USA, a national, non-profit organization, is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA's membership consists primarily of cow-calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and feedlot owners. Its members – over 18,000 strong -- are located in 47 states, and the organization has over 60 local and state association affiliates, from both cattle and farm organizations. Various main street businesses are associate members of R-CALF USA.

Since its inception, R-CALF USA has profoundly impacted the U.S. live cattle industry.

R-CALF USA led the cattle industry to victory by working to pass mandatory country of origin labeling that reserves the USA label for only cattle born, raised, and slaughtered in the U.S.

R-CALF USA is leading the cattle industry's effort to clarify and enforce the Packers & Stockyards Act by banning packer ownership of livestock, requiring all forward contracts to include a firm base price, and by protecting the cash market from further "thinning."

R-CALF USA was instrumental in proving that the economic models used by USDA and the International Trade Commission were outdated and incapable of accurately predicting the effects of market concentration, forward contracts, and marketing agreements on the price of cattle. R-CALF USA is presently working with Congress to have these economic models updated.

R-CALF USA is working hard to achieve meaningful trade safeguards for U.S. cattle producers in the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement to ensure fairness for U.S. cattle producers.

R-CALF USA successfully included live cattle under the definition of a perishable and cyclical agricultural product during Congress's debate of Trade Promotion Authority. This designation affords live cattle additional safeguards should rising imports threaten to collapse domestic prices.


Our Mission
R-CALF USA's mission is to represent the U.S. cattle industry in trade and marketing issues to ensure the continued profitability and viability of independent U.S. cattle producers. :wink: ............good luck
You can quit sending your little P.M's there sunshine-I don't even read them. I'm sure R-Calf will have funding for your grief counselling when the full impact of what you morons caused the cattle business comes out. You keep a civil toungue in your head.
Northern Rancher said:
You can quit sending your little P.M's there sunshine-I don't even read them. I'm sure R-Calf will have funding for your grief counselling when the full impact of what you morons caused the cattle business comes out. You keep a civil toungue in your head.

:D you bitter ole canuckle head,you're letting it get to you,aint you? :D ..............good luck
Northern Rancher said:
You can quit sending your little P.M's there sunshine-I don't even read them. I'm sure R-Calf will have funding for your grief counselling when the full impact of what you morons caused the cattle business comes out. You keep a civil toungue in your head.

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To: Northern Rancher
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:22 pm
Subject: whiner rancerette
say whiner you were whining about 16000,what do you think about 18000? and if you are a betting girl like I believe you are Ill bet you R CALF exceeds 20000 by the end of the year,whats the odds? put up or shut up...............good luck

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Folks - do not care where they come from or who sent them or who received them.

A PM is a PM - therefore should not be published.

Tiny little Manitoba has a local provincial cattle organization called the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association.

The Manitoba Cattle Producers Association represents about 12,000 stock growers engaged primarily in cow-calf operations but also including a number of commercial feedlots.

Now, let's compare.

USA . Population 300 million or so.
Manitoba. Population about a million and a half.

How come Manitoba can come up with 12,000 members for the MCPA, and the entire United States of America can only come up with 16 or 18,000 for R-Calf?

:???: :???: :???:

Good luck. :wink: Have a nice day. :D
Northern Rancher said:
You can quit sending your little P.M's there sunshine-I don't even read them. I'm sure R-Calf will have funding for your grief counselling when the full impact of what you morons caused the cattle business comes out. You keep a civil toungue in your head.

Yall keep preaching this doom and gloom that R CALF has caused,and that is gonna cause etc . etc. and I keep looking at these sale barn checks thinking, Damn I could use a lot of this so called full impact of what you fear mongering chicken little morons are saying R Calf has caused..........good luck PS when can we expect to see all this doom and gloom you are sure is coming?
Kato said:
Tiny little Manitoba has a local provincial cattle organization called the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association.

The Manitoba Cattle Producers Association represents about 12,000 stock growers engaged primarily in cow-calf operations but also including a number of commercial feedlots.

Now, let's compare.

USA . Population 300 million or so.
Manitoba. Population about a million and a half.

How come Manitoba can come up with 12,000 members for the MCPA, and the entire United States of America can only come up with 16 or 18,000 for R-Calf?

:???: :???: :???:

Good luck. :wink: Have a nice day. :D

I dont know Kato,not sure I care.I can tell you with certainty its not 18000 any more just checked and its 18+ R CALF has been slow getting to TEXAS,if they do as good of a job here as they did in Montanna,numbers could easily surpass 30000.............good luck
Manitoba has 10,100 farms and ranches where cattle are raised. The MCPA represents 12,000 producers. This is because there are sometimes more than one cattle owner on one ranch.

When R-Calf represents a little closer to 100% of producers, then we can talk eh? :wink:

Good Luck. And have a nice day. :D
Kato said:
Manitoba has 10,100 farms and ranches where cattle are raised. The MCPA represents 12,000 producers. This is because there are sometimes more than one cattle owner on one ranch.

When R-Calf represents a little closer to 100% of producers, then we can talk eh? :wink:

Good Luck. And have a nice day. :D

Ok,like the monkey said when he stuck his tail in the mowing machine "it wont be long now" eh? I figger as smart as you are Kato you do a lil arithmetic and see me and you be talkin purtty soon,I dont believe R CALF has to organize all the cattle men to further their agenda,do you?.................good luck I hope you understand Kato this fight goes a lot farther than the border.
I know very well that the fight is more than the border. I also know that there are more cattlemen in America than in R-Calf, and they don't all agree with you. Just pointing out that we all agree up here, and we agree that R-Calf is a pain.

An interesting thing happened tonight. Maybe you can answer this for me. Since it's a good idea to keep an eye on what's going on, I clicked on to the R-Calf website to check something out, and my Norton Antivirus program kicked in and started scanning my computer. :???:
Kato said:
I know very well that the fight is more than the border. I also know that there are more cattlemen in America than in R-Calf, and they don't all agree with you. Just pointing out that we all agree up here, and we agree that R-Calf is a pain.

An interesting thing happened tonight. Maybe you can answer this for me. Since it's a good idea to keep an eye on what's going on, I clicked on to the R-Calf website to check something out, and my
Norton Antivirus program kicked in and started scanning my computer. :???:

I have Norton also,and it scans automaticly ,just time for a update I suppose.............good luck PS what were your feeder cattle saleing for this week,I was under the impression your prices was good?
Northern Rancher said:
You can quit sending your little P.M's there sunshine-I don't even read them. I'm sure R-Calf will have funding for your grief counselling when the full impact of what you morons caused the cattle business comes out. You keep a civil toungue in your head.

Yall keep preaching this doom and gloom that R CALF has caused,and that is gonna cause etc . etc. and I keep looking at these sale barn checks thinking, Damn I could use a lot of this so called full impact of what you fear mongering chicken little morons are saying R Calf has caused..........good luck PS when can we expect to see all this doom and gloom you are sure is coming?

Haymaker I thought you would have learn by now not to gloat. You gloated for two years about Canada having BSE and the US not we told you you had it and it was only a matter of time. You called us every rude name you could think of and guess what Haymaker. BSE was found even closer to you than you could imagine, In your very own beloved TEXAS. So are you willing to bet on the Canadians being wrong this time once the trial in Billings starts and all the messy details that R-CALF will have to drag back up about the Canadian beef industry to prove what they have been saying hits the Media. BUT now all those messy details also relate to US BEEF BORN AND BRED IN TEXAS. :roll:
Tam said:
Northern Rancher said:
You can quit sending your little P.M's there sunshine-I don't even read them. I'm sure R-Calf will have funding for your grief counselling when the full impact of what you morons caused the cattle business comes out. You keep a civil toungue in your head.

Yall keep preaching this doom and gloom that R CALF has caused,and that is gonna cause etc . etc. and I keep looking at these sale barn checks thinking, Damn I could use a lot of this so called full impact of what you fear mongering chicken little morons are saying R Calf has caused..........good luck PS when can we expect to see all this doom and gloom you are sure is coming?

Haymaker I thought you would have learn by now not to gloat. You gloated for two years about Canada having BSE and the US not we told you you had it and it was only a matter of time. You called us every rude name you could think of and guess what Haymaker. BSE was found even closer to you than you could imagine, In your very own beloved TEXAS. So are you willing to bet on the Canadians being wrong this time once the trial in Billings starts and all the messy details that R-CALF will have to drag back up about the Canadian beef industry to prove what they have been saying hits the Media. BUT now all those messy details also relate to US BEEF BORN AND BRED IN TEXAS. :roll:

You know Miss Tam, this BSE ,has more angles than a tri square,who knows how it will all end. So I just use plain ole common sense ,and I still say where is the damage R CALF has caused? I can tell you with certainity its gonna take more than a few rumors to make these Texans quit eating beef,Im gonna have to see all this doom and gloom before ILL believe any of it :wink: ...............good luck PS you seem sure about the trial createing a down ward trend in the market place,I say the impact will be minimal,whats the bet I win you post your picture,you win ILL admitt you were right and ?????
Kato said:
Tiny little Manitoba has a local provincial cattle organization called the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association.

The Manitoba Cattle Producers Association represents about 12,000 stock growers engaged primarily in cow-calf operations but also including a number of commercial feedlots.

Now, let's compare.

USA . Population 300 million or so.
Manitoba. Population about a million and a half.

How come Manitoba can come up with 12,000 members for the MCPA, and the entire United States of America can only come up with 16 or 18,000 for R-Calf?

:???: :???: :???:

Good luck. :wink: Have a nice day. :D

I dont know Kato,not sure I care.I can tell you with certainty its not 18000 any more just checked and its 18+ R CALF has been slow getting to TEXAS,if they do as good of a job here as they did in Montanna,numbers could easily surpass 30000.............good luck
How many members do you think they will have in Texas if they decide that Texas beef is tainted and a genuine risk of death to the rest of the US. :wink:
Tam said:
Kato said:
Tiny little Manitoba has a local provincial cattle organization called the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association.

The Manitoba Cattle Producers Association represents about 12,000 stock growers engaged primarily in cow-calf operations but also including a number of commercial feedlots.

Now, let's compare.

USA . Population 300 million or so.
Manitoba. Population about a million and a half.

How come Manitoba can come up with 12,000 members for the MCPA, and the entire United States of America can only come up with 16 or 18,000 for R-Calf?

:???: :???: :???:

Good luck. :wink: Have a nice day. :D

I dont know Kato,not sure I care.I can tell you with certainty its not 18000 any more just checked and its 18+ R CALF has been slow getting to TEXAS,if they do as good of a job here as they did in Montanna,numbers could easily surpass 30000.............good luck
How many members do you think they will have in Texas if they decide that Texas beef is tainted and a genuine risk of death to the rest of the US. :wink:

same story Miss Tam wwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyy to many "IF'S".........good luck ps would you call this fear mongering?
Hay Maker said:
I dont know Kato,not sure I care.I can tell you with certainty its not 18000 any more just checked and its 18+ R CALF has been slow getting to TEXAS,if they do as good of a job here as they did in Montanna,numbers could easily surpass 30000.............good luck

:lol: Are those the free ones R-Calf,s been mailing out. 18, 000 members compared to 800,000 cattle men in the U.S . Wow :lol: :lol:
Kato said:
Tiny little Manitoba has a local provincial cattle organization called the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association.

The Manitoba Cattle Producers Association represents about 12,000 stock growers engaged primarily in cow-calf operations but also including a number of commercial feedlots.

Now, let's compare.

USA . Population 300 million or so.
Manitoba. Population about a million and a half.

How come Manitoba can come up with 12,000 members for the MCPA, and the entire United States of America can only come up with 16 or 18,000 for R-Calf?

:???: :???: :???:

Good luck. :wink: Have a nice day. :D

Because the rest of us have seen what bullshit r-calf shovels........

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