I was watching the Schiefelbien sale on dvr today and really like there cattle, has anyone bought anything from them, and what do you guys think of there cattle.
I was there last weekend. A friend has bought bulls he's sold on their buyback program which I don't think makes that much differance in this market.
The cattle were in very good condition. They know what they are doing when it comes to feeding cattle. The area they live in is good farmland hence their feedstocks are of top quality. I was also there in January and you can learn alot in a short time there.
If you want honest people they won't get any better.
The vast majority of their bulls are AI sired if I were them I'd put more faith in the home raised bulls and use them harder.
Some people say they are arrogant but thats not true Confident would be the word they should use.
I know quite a few people that are using them. They have had good enough results but what keeps them going back is their buy back program. Most guys go and buy one bull a year so they will bid on their calves. I heard from some of them this year that it is getting to expensive to buy their bulls. They are talking of quitting the program because for what they were spending on the bulls in Minnesota they could buy better bulls locally for the same money. Even with high cattle prices it is hard to compete with corn farmers from Minnesota who don't need to buy a large number of bulls every year.
They also said that the bulls are getting too fat and are not holding their condition like they used to. I think the Schiefelbein's are good people and are very confindent in what they are doing. You have to admire a family that can keep that many working together and doing it in harmony.