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SD Stockgrowers host speaker Leo McDonnell at BH Stock Show

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Like I have said many times Conman and it's just as simple as this, when you can contradict anything I have stated with opposing "FACTS" as opposed to "CONSPIRACY THEORIES", then you will be taken more seriously. At this time, you have proven yourself to be a complete phony. Too ignorant to realize it and too arrogant to admit it.

I'm sure glad you play for the blaming team because having you as a member of the truth team would be an embarrassment.

~SH~ said:
Like I have said many times Conman and it's just as simple as this, when you can contradict anything I have stated with opposing "FACTS" as opposed to "CONSPIRACY THEORIES", then you will be taken more seriously. At this time, you have proven yourself to be a complete phony. Too ignorant to realize it and too arrogant to admit it.

I'm sure glad you play for the blaming team because having you as a member of the truth team would be an embarrassment.


In due time, SH.
~SH~ said:

You don't know what truth is.


The truth is you are the only one to label Callicrate a purjoror, not any court.

Do you remember typing this, "Have you ever heard of the phrase "innocent until proven guilty"? I didn't think so."? When was Calicrate proven guilty, SH? Are you a hypocrite or just have double standards?
Sandbag: "When was Calicrate proven guilty, SH?"

When Judge Strom instructed the jurors to disregard Mike's testimony because he found it to be untrue.

Perjury, by definition, is lying under oath. You don't have to be brought up on charges to have lied under oath. That's just your spin oh "MASTER OF ILLUSION".

~SH~ said:
Sandbag: "When was Calicrate proven guilty, SH?"

When Judge Strom instructed the jurors to disregard Mike's testimony because he found it to be untrue.

Perjury, by definition, is lying under oath. You don't have to be brought up on charges to have lied under oath. That's just your spin oh "MASTER OF ILLUSION".


OK, SH, if being "untrue" is the same as lying, who was lying when NCBA said the Japanese closing to us cost us all $175/head and Agman said it was not that much. Both of them can't be right, one of them had to make an untrue statement. Who is lying, SH, who is lying?
Sandhusker and others with a brain: I attended Leo's event this past Monday and when I came back to this board, I feel I have to share a quote Leo learned from his Grandfather. This quote sums up exactly the waste of time it is to 'converse' with SH.

"Never argue with fools, they only lower you to their level and beat you with experience."
Wisdom indeed, Happy!

Better add Jason to that!

Thanks for the compliment. Wisdom is the true and right discernment, and the acting in accord with such.
Happy said:
Sandhusker and others with a brain: I attended Leo's event this past Monday and when I came back to this board, I feel I have to share a quote Leo learned from his Grandfather. This quote sums up exactly the waste of time it is to 'converse' with SH.

"Never argue with fools, they only lower you to their level and beat you with experience."
Happy here is another one of Leo's quotes what do you think of it.
Life is kind of funny. There is always going to be people out there that are going to try stop you from doing something. I don't care if it is in your church, or school or communities. Some are going to try stop you because they don't like change that's part of it. We are in a dynamic global market today and we can't keep doing things the way we have done them for the past 30 years. You have got to change to get up to speed. That is what R-CALF is all about. Other groups and people are going to critize you just because they are what I call non-believers. They don't believe participation can make a difference. That is fine they don't have to be apart of R-CALF. Others though are going to do it and oppose you and put the spin and come at you from every direction they can to belittle you, just because they are afraid they are losing control of their communities. You know the Kings and Queens You Know who I'm talking about. It is no different in an industry.So just keep doing it. Do it respectively, take the high road. Don't stoop to their level for heaven sake, cause you are no better than them when you do that. Keep the ball in your court. Be good people we can win this thing. We have already won a bunch. Thank You.

Now tell us Happy who proudly brags they stopped M"ID"? ,
who was and is fighting changes to import/export rules?
And yes we are in a Dynamic Global Market but who is spouting the US beef industry doesn't need an export market to survive?
Who is telling the Congress to label all imported Beef and the rest will be US beef by default?
who is not willing to ID their cattle because it may cost to much but insists that all other world beef exporting countries mark theirs and PROVE WHERE THEY COME FROM?
Who is trying to stop a producers right to market his cattle the way he sees fit or a packer to buy as he sees fit?
Who has thrown more spins on the BSE issue than R-CALF to keep the border closed to Canadian beef?
Just who took the USDA to court because they want to control the beef industry as in who the packers can access slaughter cattle from?
what about this little quote from your hero Leo the LYING.
"we know if we are going to keep consumer confidence we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country. And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. So if for some reason we did find a case we can stand and look our consumers right in the eye and say, don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue.
First of all you can't maintain something you don't have and according to R-CALF your standards aren't as HIGH AS CANADA'S.
And are these the same firewalls that now won't protect the US consumers from imported cattle?
Why was BSE an issue after one case in Canada but under weaker firewalls it is not an issue in the US?
Sandusker didn't seem to beable to answer these so maybe you can.
"Never argue with fools, they only lower you to their level and beat you with experience.
As for this little zinger nobody is lower than R-CALF and their leadership. To be at the level of everyone else they would have to crawl out of the hole that their stupid actions and statements have put them in. Statements like All Beef coming from a country affected by BSE is tainted and not fit for human consumption, but if it is ever found in the US we have these firewalls in place to protect you, but they won't protect you in the case of imported cattle. and Actions like Buying an Washington Post Ad and claiming to have the safest Beef in the world and the highest standards then coming out with "but before we import cattle from Canada we deserve to have the same safeguards that Canada has in place." which proved our standards must be high if you want to upgrade to mimic ours as why would you mimic something that was a lower standard. And I ask you is your Beef the Safest Beef in the World when other countries have NOT HAD some of the industry problems you seem to be having like SRM removal problems, BSE surveillance testing problems, feed mill compliance problems, faulty firewall problems, food inspection problems, and LOOPHOLES to name a few?

If you are looking up to Leo I feel sorry for you as that can only mean he is standing on your head trying to get out of that hole he put you in.
Come on, SH, I can't wait for you to tell us who is lying. I'm feeling under the weather today and could use the charge of comedy your posts are generally full of.
Happy: "Sandhusker and others with a brain: I attended Leo's event this past Monday and when I came back to this board, I feel I have to share a quote Leo learned from his Grandfather. This quote sums up exactly the waste of time it is to 'converse' with SH."

"Never argue with fools, they only lower you to their level and beat you with experience.""

Happy, here's another quote for you:



"When you can't back your position, you can always make a statement that creates the image that you can"

Yes, "talk is cheap" and certainly no cheaper than it is from R-CALF or their followers.

Happy, do you think it's just a coincidence that R-CALF never wins a case or supports a winning case?

Dumping case against Canada - LOST

Pickett vs. IBP - LOST

Pickett vs. IBP appealed to the 11th circuit - LOST

Injunction against USDA to stop Canadian live cattle imports - LOST

Injunction against USDA to stop Canadian live cattle imports appealed to the 9th circuit - LOST

"Heeeeeere's Johnny's" case against the checkoff - LOST

Do you think all those court cases were tainted or could you be playing for a losing team?

Yes Happy, talk is cheap. You R-CALF followers can keep following your packer and import blaming heros that tell you what you want to hear
but when the facts are on the table, R-CALF loses in court every time. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Perhaps you would like to debate these issues for the facts that support them and back your position? Do you think you'll have any better luck than the many other packer and import blamers that have came and left this site? It's obviously quite frustrating to be asked a hard question that you can't answer.

Hey what about R-CALF's prediction that cattle prices would tank when the Canadian border opened to live cattle?????

Have any explanations for why cattle prices continued to rise after the Canadian border was opened to live cattle????

I didn't think so. Most R-CALFers don't!

How smart do you think it was for R-CALF to use BSE as a convenient excuse to stop Canadian imports and risk the integrity of 80% of our U.S. beef consumption (domestic production) to stop a measely 4% - 5% of our U.S. beef consumption (Canadian live cattle imports)????

I have never seen a more stupid political move in my entire life.

Luckily for the lying R-CALF, NCBA and USDA were there to tell consumers the truth about BSE.

When Canada has BSE in their native herd R-CALF says, "Canadian beef is contaminated and unsafe" and "USDA has not gone far enough to assure the safety of our beef".

When the US has BSE in their native herd R-CALF says, "We have the safest beef in the world due to the firewalls we have in place".

I'd love for you, Leo or any of the other R-CALF followers to tell me the difference between the BSE precautionary measures taken in Canada and the BSE precautionary measures taken in the U.S. to justify your conflicting positions.

One day "USDA has not gone far enough to assure the safety of our beef" and the next day "We have the safest beef in the world". It can't be easy keeping your stories straight. The success of R-CALF depends on nobody reminding them of what they said yesterday. Bill Clinton and John Kerry had nothing on R-CALF for political double talk.

What if CNN would have went to R-CALF and said, "According to these court documents, you (R-CALF) have stated that Canada having BSE in their native herd meant their beef was contaminated. Now that we have BSE in our native herd, one can only conclude that our beef must be contaminated also".

What would R-CALF's response have been????

Well, ahhh....but....ah....well....ah......!

What a sad state of affairs it would have been had R-CALF been viewed as a credible source of information by the media regarding BSE instead of the "isolationist" organization that they are who used BSE as a convenient excuse to stop Canadian live cattle imports THAT WERE STILL COMING DOWN IN BOXES.


Did you think stabbing the same Canadian producers in the back that have bought bulls from Leo's Midland Bull Test would remove Canadian Beef from the world market???? Canada would have eventually absorbed that same portion of our export market. SOME VICTORY!!!!

No Happy, you keep nodding your head as Leo tells you packer and import blamers what you want to hear but there is good reason why you never win a court case.

Oh, and let's not forget about the infamous "M"COOL "SYMBOLISM OVER SUBSTANCE LAW". Segregate 5% of our U.S. beef consumption as imported beef so that consumers can consider it a novelty item.

One day R-CALF says, "don't consumers have a right to know where their beef comes from" and the next day they are saying "don't burden me with traceback".

So what do we have for a labeling law? A law that exempts 75% of the imported beef and prohibits the means to enforce it (Traceback) because those who insisted on consumers knowing where their beef came from only meant which COUNTRY it came from, not which State, County, or ranch.

Yup, some victory!

Now R-CALF is going to save the feeding industry from their own pricing mechanisms based on market manipulation conspiracy theories that they couldn't prove in court. Obviously the feeders do not know enough about how to market their cattle so the LMA led R-CALF is going to legislate how they can market their cattle and who can and who cannot own cattle.

"PLEASE GOVERNMENT, SAVE US FROM OURSELVES" with "M"PRICE REPORTING, "M"COOL, CAPTIVE SUPPLY REFORM ACT and the list of short sighted solutions to "PERCEIVED" problems goes on an on.

Keep following R-CALF Happy! I'd rather have the truth on my side than be accepted by the packer and import blaming fraternity.

Talk is cheap!

Oh, BTW, I loved RF's latest comment in the Stockgrowers magazine (paraphrasing): "Imports are a far greater threat to this industry than competing meats".

I couldn't believe I had actually read that.

Let me give you some cold hard facts regarding trade. In the 7 years prior to BSE being discovered in the U.S. and Canada, the U.S. was in a $1.3 "BILLION" dollar trade SURPLUS in the COMBINED trade of live cattle, beef, beef variety meats, and hides".

That amounts to about $28 more per head for producers. A large part of that dollar amount was our trade with Japan, Mexico, and South Korea prior to BSE.

R-CALF doesn't tell you that with their phony "gloom and doom" trade graph that doesn't show you what hides and beef variety meats traded at. Nah, they'd rather you believed we were in a trade deficit prior to BSE by isolating the live cattle and beef categories from the entire trade picture. If you don't think you get any value out of your hides, tongues, livers, and ofal, I'd suggest you ask for these items back the next time you sell cattle.

Now, if you take Canadian imports out of the equation, you can take that same amount out of our exports and your leader is telling you that imports have a bigger affect on our cattle prices than competing meats??????

Keep nodding your head but if you actually believe that, you'll believe anything.

Know what the Tyson/ibp's PER HEAD profits were during the Pickett era of "supposed" market manipulation were?

Per subpenoed financial records, $26 per head for the largest most efficient packer IN THEIR BEST YEARS. WHOOOPDI DO!

That's a far cry from the $400 per head that Mike Callicrate was telling you about but then, he admitted, in R-CALF's own publication, that his "BORN, RAISED, AND PROCESSED IN THE U.S." branded beef program had yet to realize a profit despite only paying a $50 per head top premium to producers and charging consumers 10% to 20% more for his beef.

Can we expect him to be the guest speaker at next year's stockgrowers convention again?

Yup, keep nodding your head as they tell you what you want to hear. FACTS AND TRUTH BE DAMNED!

If you feel real lucky you can step up to the plate and try to contradict anything I have stated here with opposing facts or you could do the typical R-CALF thing and make another discrediting statement due to your inability to back your position. So which will it be?

~SH~ said:
Happy: "Sandhusker and others with a brain: I attended Leo's event this past Monday and when I came back to this board, I feel I have to share a quote Leo learned from his Grandfather. This quote sums up exactly the waste of time it is to 'converse' with SH."

"Never argue with fools, they only lower you to their level and beat you with experience.""

Happy, here's another quote for you:



"When you can't back your position, you can always make a statement that creates the image that you can"

Yes, "talk is cheap" and certainly no cheaper than it is from R-CALF or their followers.

Happy, do you think it's just a coincidence that R-CALF never wins a case or supports a winning case?

Dumping case against Canada - LOST

Pickett vs. IBP - LOST

Pickett vs. IBP appealed to the 11th circuit - LOST

Injunction against USDA to stop Canadian live cattle imports - LOST

Injunction against USDA to stop Canadian live cattle imports appealed to the 9th circuit - LOST

"Heeeeeere's Johnny's" case against the checkoff - LOST

Do you think all those court cases were tainted or could you be playing for a losing team?

Yes Happy, talk is cheap. You R-CALF followers can keep following your packer and import blaming heros that tell you what you want to hear
but when the facts are on the table, R-CALF loses in court every time. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Perhaps you would like to debate these issues for the facts that support them and back your position? Do you think you'll have any better luck than the many other packer and import blamers that have came and left this site? It's obviously quite frustrating to be asked a hard question that you can't answer.

Hey what about R-CALF's prediction that cattle prices would tank when the Canadian border opened to live cattle?????

Have any explanations for why cattle prices continued to rise after the Canadian border was opened to live cattle????

I didn't think so. Most R-CALFers don't!

How smart do you think it was for R-CALF to use BSE as a convenient excuse to stop Canadian imports and risk the integrity of 80% of our U.S. beef consumption (domestic production) to stop a measely 4% - 5% of our U.S. beef consumption (Canadian live cattle imports)????

I have never seen a more stupid political move in my entire life.

Luckily for the lying R-CALF, NCBA and USDA were there to tell consumers the truth about BSE.

When Canada has BSE in their native herd R-CALF says, "Canadian beef is contaminated and unsafe" and "USDA has not gone far enough to assure the safety of our beef".

When the US has BSE in their native herd R-CALF says, "We have the safest beef in the world due to the firewalls we have in place".

I'd love for you, Leo or any of the other R-CALF followers to tell me the difference between the BSE precautionary measures taken in Canada and the BSE precautionary measures taken in the U.S. to justify your conflicting positions.

One day "USDA has not gone far enough to assure the safety of our beef" and the next day "We have the safest beef in the world". It can't be easy keeping your stories straight. The success of R-CALF depends on nobody reminding them of what they said yesterday. Bill Clinton and John Kerry had nothing on R-CALF for political double talk.

What if CNN would have went to R-CALF and said, "According to these court documents, you (R-CALF) have stated that Canada having BSE in their native herd meant their beef was contaminated. Now that we have BSE in our native herd, one can only conclude that our beef must be contaminated also".

What would R-CALF's response have been????

Well, ahhh....but....ah....well....ah......!

What a sad state of affairs it would have been had R-CALF been viewed as a credible source of information by the media regarding BSE instead of the "isolationist" organization that they are who used BSE as a convenient excuse to stop Canadian live cattle imports THAT WERE STILL COMING DOWN IN BOXES.


Did you think stabbing the same Canadian producers in the back that have bought bulls from Leo's Midland Bull Test would remove Canadian Beef from the world market???? Canada would have eventually absorbed that same portion of our export market. SOME VICTORY!!!!

No Happy, you keep nodding your head as Leo tells you packer and import blamers what you want to hear but there is good reason why you never win a court case.

Oh, and let's not forget about the infamous "M"COOL "SYMBOLISM OVER SUBSTANCE LAW". Segregate 5% of our U.S. beef consumption as imported beef so that consumers can consider it a novelty item.

One day R-CALF says, "don't consumers have a right to know where their beef comes from" and the next day they are saying "don't burden me with traceback".

So what do we have for a labeling law? A law that exempts 75% of the imported beef and prohibits the means to enforce it (Traceback) because those who insisted on consumers knowing where their beef came from only meant which COUNTRY it came from, not which State, County, or ranch.

Yup, some victory!

Now R-CALF is going to save the feeding industry from their own pricing mechanisms based on market manipulation conspiracy theories that they couldn't prove in court. Obviously the feeders do not know enough about how to market their cattle so the LMA led R-CALF is going to legislate how they can market their cattle and who can and who cannot own cattle.

"PLEASE GOVERNMENT, SAVE US FROM OURSELVES" with "M"PRICE REPORTING, "M"COOL, CAPTIVE SUPPLY REFORM ACT and the list of short sighted solutions to "PERCEIVED" problems goes on an on.

Keep following R-CALF Happy! I'd rather have the truth on my side than be accepted by the packer and import blaming fraternity.

Talk is cheap!

Oh, BTW, I loved RF's latest comment in the Stockgrowers magazine (paraphrasing): "Imports are a far greater threat to this industry than competing meats".

I couldn't believe I had actually read that.

Let me give you some cold hard facts regarding trade. In the 7 years prior to BSE being discovered in the U.S. and Canada, the U.S. was in a $1.3 "BILLION" dollar trade SURPLUS in the COMBINED trade of live cattle, beef, beef variety meats, and hides".

That amounts to about $28 more per head for producers. A large part of that dollar amount was our trade with Japan, Mexico, and South Korea prior to BSE.

R-CALF doesn't tell you that with their phony "gloom and doom" trade graph that doesn't show you what hides and beef variety meats traded at. Nah, they'd rather you believed we were in a trade deficit prior to BSE by isolating the live cattle and beef categories from the entire trade picture. If you don't think you get any value out of your hides, tongues, livers, and ofal, I'd suggest you ask for these items back the next time you sell cattle.

Now, if you take Canadian imports out of the equation, you can take that same amount out of our exports and your leader is telling you that imports have a bigger affect on our cattle prices than competing meats??????

Keep nodding your head but if you actually believe that, you'll believe anything.

Know what the Tyson/ibp's PER HEAD profits were during the Pickett era of "supposed" market manipulation were?

Per subpenoed financial records, $26 per head for the largest most efficient packer IN THEIR BEST YEARS. WHOOOPDI DO!

That's a far cry from the $400 per head that Mike Callicrate was telling you about but then, he admitted, in R-CALF's own publication, that his "BORN, RAISED, AND PROCESSED IN THE U.S." branded beef program had yet to realize a profit despite only paying a $50 per head top premium to producers and charging consumers 10% to 20% more for his beef.

Can we expect him to be the guest speaker at next year's stockgrowers convention again?

Yup, keep nodding your head as they tell you what you want to hear. FACTS AND TRUTH BE DAMNED!

If you feel real lucky you can step up to the plate and try to contradict anything I have stated here with opposing facts or you could do the typical R-CALF thing and make another discrediting statement due to your inability to back your position. So which will it be?


Here is one for you, SH:

E-Mail This StoryPrintable Version

High Court Sides With Meatpackers

WASHINGTON, Nov. 8, 2005

Fast Fact

The time spent putting on protective gear was not the focus of the ruling, because the Supreme Court said in a ruling nearly 50 years ago that plant workers must be compensated for time spent putting on special clothes.

(AP) The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday that companies must pay plant workers for the time it takes to change into protective clothing and safety gear and walk to their work stations.

The case involved a plant now owned by Springdale, Ark.-based Tyson Foods Inc.

The issue was one of two that justices settled in a pair of unanimous decisions, the first rulings under the leadership of Chief Justice John Roberts in the new fall term. Roberts did not write either one.

In a defeat for business, the court said that employers must pay wages for the donning of "integral" gear and the time it takes workers to then walk to the production area.

The court, in a ruling by Justice John Paul Stevens, upheld a decision of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of workers at a meat processing plant in Pasco, Wash. Those workers typically put on sanitary outer garments, boots, hardhats, goggles and gloves.

In a second ruling, the justices said the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals should reconsider whether federal officials can be sued for negligence over an accident in an Arizona copper mine.

Justice Stephen Breyer, writing that opinion, said the appeals court ruled too broadly in allowing the lawsuit by two men who were seriously injured in 2000 when a nine-ton rock slab fell from the ceiling of the Mission Underground Mine.

The worker pay case was the first appeal argued this term, on Oct. 3, and the first in which Roberts was presiding on the court.

The time spent putting on protective gear was not the focus of the ruling, because the Supreme Court said in a ruling nearly 50 years ago that plant workers must be compensated for time spent putting on special clothes.

Instead, the dispute focused on the time employees spend walking from place to place. Justices had been told that workers sometimes have long waits after putting on their gear.

It was not a total defeat for business. Stevens wrote that workers could not demand payment for time spent waiting in line for equipment and safety gear, when they first arrive for work.

The decision involves a Washington state plant then owned by IBP Inc., which was acquired by Tyson, and a separate Barber Foods plant in Portland, Maine.

The cases are IBP Inc. v. Alvarez, 03-1238; Tum v. Barber Foods Inc., 04-66; and U.S. v. Olson, 04-759.
Happy said:
Sandhusker and others with a brain: I attended Leo's event this past Monday and when I came back to this board, I feel I have to share a quote Leo learned from his Grandfather. This quote sums up exactly the waste of time it is to 'converse' with SH.

"Never argue with fools, they only lower you to their level and beat you with experience."
You attended Leo's event?

That pretty much somes it up doesn't it.

What's your point (as if you actually had one)?

Did R-CULT sue Tyson for not paying workers for the time it took them to put on protective clothing and win?

So what?

Tyson pays their workers more money and pays producers less for their cattle to compensate for the additional costs. That or they simpy adjust their pay scales accordingly.

You consider that a victory for producers or laborers?

Simple question; who lied, SH? What's the problem? Having a hard time applying your standards to your friends? Caught in an idiot trap?
Sandbag: "OK, SH, if being "untrue" is the same as lying, who was lying when NCBA said the Japanese closing to us cost us all $175/head and Agman said it was not that much. Both of them can't be right, one of them had to make an untrue statement. Who is lying, SH, who is lying?"

Bring me the exact NCBA quote of $175 WITHIN CONTEXT.

Let's start there.

Do you honestly think this dog is gonna hunt any better than the rest of the shelter muts you have turned out??? LOL!

You're such an annoying little circle fly!

~SH~ said:

What's your point (as if you actually had one)?

Did R-CULT sue Tyson for not paying workers for the time it took them to put on protective clothing and win?

So what?

Tyson pays their workers more money and pays producers less for their cattle to compensate for the additional costs. That or they simpy adjust their pay scales accordingly.

You consider that a victory for producers or laborers?


So now you are going to say that cattle markets follow labor costs and not boxed beef? When are you going to make me stop laughing?

Cattle prices are a function of supply and demand. Nothing else. Packers have a lot of tools (some illegal) to push the equilibrium. Pickett showed they did it.

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