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Faster horses said:
Can you post Wily Gustafson "Black boots and Blue Jeans"? I can't get my computer to play videos at this time and when
I try to bring one over here, it's just a black box. Not sure what is wrong, but it will go back to the computer doctor.
I say 'back' because it was just returned from there. Aggravating.

BTW, I'm really enjoying this thread. Thanks for starting it.





Faster horses said:
Wow! Even more than I bargained for! Thank you!

I can't listen because the video won't play on this computer. :cry2: So I'll take it back in.
Hope you all enjoy Wiley... :D
Always glad to help if I can. Hope you get your flashplayer, or whatever else, fixed.
It is fixed now. They had to un-install Internet Explorer and install it again. Videos now play!
They tried to tell me it was a problem with Internet Explorer but I told them my desktop computer is set up the same
as my laptop and it works fine. So they dug deeper. Good thing I had another computer. They wanted me to use
Mozilla firefox. I've not had a lot of problems with IE, do any of you have experiences with either IE or MF? I'd like
to know because if MF is better, I can switch.
I have MF, IE, and Google Chrome installed on mine. I find some sites just work better on one than the others.
Faster horses said:
Not sure how that works. How do you change it? And when your 'browser crashes' (I just read that at the top of the page) is that when you get a little window that says "internet explorer stopped working', etc? Cuz I get that a lot.

Just open up another browser by clicking on the browser icon like any other program. I usually have at least two browsers open at all times. I like to use MF to play scrabble on with some family members, it seems to run more reliably on MF. I use Google Chrome for this site. When I do my banking my bank website seems to run better on IE.
Faster horses said:
I don't have a browser icon for MF or Google Chrome. Well, maybe google chrome. I'll have to go see.

Browsers are free downloads, MF is a really good one. It can be downloaded from here: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Brand-CA-EN-GGL-Exact&utm_term=download%20mozilla%20firefox&utm_content=A144_A203_A006067&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyvXPBRD-ARIsAIeQeoE14-x93A-AHP4DZfdfe-k1p5EIroKKJucgJ9NSXtzCbihP5TtPjI0aAvZzEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Faster horses said:
Ok I will download it. And I keep IE, right? And then when I want to use MF, I click on that icon before I got to say, facebook? IE does not work well on facebook. Thanks!

You are correct! Good luck!
Faster horses said:
The best concert I have ever attended was Dan Seals in the cowtown of Broadus Mt. We had to take our own chairs. What a show he put on!!Thanks for posting this, Traveler. Brings back some good memories.

Glad you liked it!

I also didn't realize that Wylie Gustafson, from Montana, recorded that "Yahooooo" for the search engine comany Yahoo. Very talented.
Yeah he did, a few moons back. He can really yodel. We have friends who have attended his concerts and they love him; he puts on a good show, or so they say. Our church is bringing him in (the pastor is new and he is friends with Wylie) for a Cowboy Christmas Ball on November 25th. That should be a good time!! We have never seen him in person, but have been fans for a long while.

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