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Signs of Spring in West Dakota

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Frank in West Dakota

Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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Currant Blossoms, lots of currant blossoms

Lots of Juneberries as well, hope we don't get any late frosts

This guy came from under our deck, right past the dog

Been watching these guys since they hatched more than a month ago
We have an eagle nesting and hope to be able to photograph if any hatch.
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Thanks for sharing, Frank. Great pics and I can just smell those blossoms! Those owls are the cutest! :D :D Our plum trees are full of blossoms and smell sooooo gooood! :!: Our currants are just starting to bloom. I just hope we don't get a frost.
That looks like a good sized bull snake, bet he caused a moment or two of excitement. We have had a yearling and a cow both get bit by rattle snakes, looks like it is going to be a good year for the snakes.

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