We were pretty happy in general Nicky, looks like prices are back to late '90s prices lol.
The heavier steers fetched $924 per head, lighter (592 lbs) brought $848, some late light calves (485 lbs) managed $756. Even peddled a little June calf (310 lbs) for $2.08 per lb for $644 lol.
Pen of open yearlings at 938 lbs managed $1.185 for $1,111, a couple of heiferettes got $75 per cwt. All in all it made us feel a little better about the business in general. It was nice to go to a sale and have active bidding and to see smiling buyers AND sellers. For being as far north as we are we think these were pretty fair prices, as of course the buyers are taking these cattle a long way south. Looks like simmie is the flavour of the year this year as they were selling at a premium over everything, with angus just a bit behind. Saw several simmies fetch nearly $1,100 per steer calf. Of course they were big, and born early. Good for those folks that are willing to go through that, I don't miss calving in Jan / Feb a bit, but respect those that do it.